How to Be Romantic

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
4 WAYS to Be MORE ROMANTIC ... RIGHT NOW! | How to Make A Girl Like You
Video: 4 WAYS to Be MORE ROMANTIC ... RIGHT NOW! | How to Make A Girl Like You


Romance needs careful calculation, rational calculation and creative thinking. To achieve this you should find surprising and interesting ways to express your love. Showing it how to not "cheesy" or lack of sincerity is very difficult. You are trying to prove how much you care about the person, whether in a new relationship or you two have been married for twenty years and want to warm up, then if you want to be romantic, follow these steps here.


Method 1 of 4: Be Thoughtful

  1. Even though everyone will smile when they receive flowers or chocolates, you can surprise your love even more if you give them something of interest. This kind of gift is very romantic because it shows that you have put all your heart into it to create the perfect gift for the person you love. Here are some suggestions for a romantic gift:
    • Gifts for music lovers: a live ticket, a CD / DVD performance or a book about the singer / group he favors, a recorder with pre-recorded tapes, posters or even toys about his favorite artist / she.
    • Gifts for sports fans: a ball, cap or t-shirt with your favorite signature or team emblem, ticket to a match, a ticket to talk show an athlete that that fan admires or simply a movie disc documentary about that athlete.
    • Gourmet gifts: cookbooks, long-term culinary magazines, restaurant coupons, fine wines, cooking class registration forms, some new kitchen utensils or an eye-catching bowl.
    • Gifts for fashion followers: a gift voucher for the person's favorite brand, a new shoe or outfit from a familiar store, a ticket to a fashion show, or an attractive accessory to mix with.
    • Gifts for bookworms: e-books, cute bookmarks with personalities, bookstore coupons, tickets to a press conference with your favorite author or a book that the person wants to buy is enough to make the other half excited.
    • Gifts for people who enjoy outdoor activities: Clothes for the activity he / she likes like hiking or walking, glasses, binoculars, a new tourist guide, even a new backpack.

  2. Bring love and thoughtful dating occasions. Although any dating is planned with love and care is romantic, it will be even more romantic if you "tailor-make" the meeting to suit your needs. and the opponent's preferences. If your partner hates outdoor activities so much that you are planning a trekking trip, then it's not romantic. If you want everything to be perfect, you should try some of the following suggestions:
    • Dating for music lovers:
      • Go to a concert of the singer the other half loves. If it's free liveshow at the park, bring some food to picnic while watching music.
      • Go to coffee and listen to jazz or acoustic music together.
      • Cook yourself and eat together on the music of the songs that your crush loves.
      • If you know how to play the guitar, write a romantic song and perform it for your partner.
      • Spend an afternoon browsing the record store with your lover. Then go home and enjoy the results.
    • Dating is for people who enjoy the outdoors:
      • Go hiking together and enjoy a picnic along the way.
      • Rowing or duck on the lake.
      • Cycling on the trail.
      • Join the outdoor event.
      • Go for a walk or jog on the beach.
      • Watch the stars. Remember to bring a small telescope.
    • Dating for sentimental type:
      • If the two of you have been together for a while, recreate your first date and write to your crush to see how your feelings have grown over time.
      • Take a full day to visit the two's favorite places. Order food and drinks like in the old days you used to.
      • In the evening look back to old photos and letters that have been written to each other.
    • Gourmet dating:
      • Cook your loved one by yourself. Practice beforehand a few times while alone to perfect the food.
      • Make a cake or something interesting like cheese, chocolate.
      • Arrange cakes and plates of all kinds to share with a fine wine bottle.
      • Play soft music, light candles, cook and eat meals together.

  3. Leave romantic messages. If you want to keep it romantic, leave some notes for your loved one to find when you're not around. If you have to leave home earlier to go to work or for some other reason, put a note on the bathroom mirror that says: "Have a good day! I look forward to seeing you soon!" such as. This would definitely make her smile as soon as she saw it. Here are a few ways to leave a loving note:
    • Leave a message in a book or book that the person likes to read. Maybe the other half can't find it right away, but once they accidentally see it, they won't be able to control the happy smile on their face.
    • If your love has to go away for a few days, put it in your bag for him / her to find once arrived. This will make the other half think of you as soon as you open it and the two of you are closer together.
    • Even if you feel truly romantic, write a love letter.

  4. Send messages or emails of interest every day. You should not text your partner on a full day basis as it will suffocate them and backfire, just remind him / her how you love him / her by short email or sweet text. let your other partner know you care. Here are a few ways to get it started:
    • Send a quick email saying something like: "Dear Lan, I keep thinking about the delicious dinner you cooked last night. You are such a lucky man to have you in my life. Looking forward to the weekend. , I'll take you to dinner instead of thank you. Love you, Tuấn. "
    • Send a short message saying: “How's your afternoon? I hope you still enjoy the sun. "
    • Don't text too much - one text a day is enough.
    Answer of the expert Question

    "How to be more romantic?"


    Maya Diamond, a dating and relationships expert, says: "Sending a romantic and sexy text during the day can help boost your excitement. You can also schedule a surprise date for that person," Or create romantic scenes in your bedroom. Light candles, turn on music and dress sexy. "

  5. Gracious help. If you want to be romantic, you need to understand what your partner thinks and know when he or she needs your help to help with small things.You may think that running to the grocery store to buy your other partner some essentials while he is busy is nothing romantic, but it really shows that you are considerate and keep up with your lover's needs. how. Take a look at what you can do to help and show interest:
    • If your partner has a cold, help take care of his / her pet temporarily. Going for a walk, feeding and taking care of it will make it somewhat less difficult for your lover.
    • If she / he has an allergy you can take on the responsibility of watering the plant until he or she gets better.
    • Your love is busy working, go out and buy some hot coffee and food for her / him.
    • If your partner mentions some chores she / he needs to do, surprise them by doing them for them.

Method 2 of 4: Be Creative

  1. Write love words on unexpected places. Writing on a bathroom mirror with steam remaining after your lover has finished bathing is a good, unexpected and romantic idea. You can also carve it on your own tree or wooden table. Even whispered to the restaurant waitress so they could write "I love you" with chocolate on top of desserts.
    • Write "I / I love you / you" on the sand on the beach.
  2. Sift through and make a CD for your lover. Add meaningful songs about love or remind a memory between the two of you. You can leave it in the person's car and wait until the other half finds the plate in sudden delight. Or give a CD inside a card on a special occasion.
  3. Massage him / her. If the other person has a long and tiring day at work, invite him or her to linger for a back or leg massage. You can use a little more body lotion or massage oil for a more romantic atmosphere.
  4. Make a photo album. Today, most photos of couples are posted on social networks. Print out the most special pictures and make a small album for your lover as an artifact reminding of the memorable moments that you two have been through. You can add a comment below to make it more cute and meaningful.
  5. Celebrate Valentine's Day any day. You do not have to wait until a certain milestone to express your love. Choose a random Valentine's night to celebrate with cards, flowers, delicious food and wine. Surely your lover will be surprised and excited and it will be a very romantic night.
  6. Show love in the old style. Ask for a radio song for your partner and make sure the person hears it. You can also compose a poem and stick it on the bottle of wine you are about to drink. If you have talent, sing them out in public - as long as you don't embarrass people. Dozens of ways you can refer to old-fashioned confessions without becoming too ridiculous.
  7. Be a child. Showing feelings in a goofy way can be quite romantic as well. Go to the fair together, play a game, and give him / her the stuffed animal you win. Go on a date at a morgue or water park and have fun like a teen couple. Who says youth cannot get it back? You can show love in a romantic way like young people of any age. Here are childish ways to become romantic:
    • Together make animal-shaped bubbles.
    • Spend an afternoon drawing pictures with your fingers.
    • Watch the fireworks.
    • Make cupcake.
    • Watch a childhood movie.
    • Ask the person to fly a kite.

Method 3 of 4: Keep Everything Fresh

  1. Love will not be without physical touch. If you touch your partner and the two of you feel the vibrations, the romantic atmosphere becomes even more romantic. No matter how long you have been together, cuddle, kiss, and show affection by other actions enough for the person to feel true love.
    • You don't have to hold hands all day, but if you're both going for a walk, it can be romantic.
    • If you watch a movie together, put your arm around the person or squeeze together.
    • Don't let a day pass without even a quick kiss.
    • Hug the person you love as often as possible.
    • Come up with new ways to interact with your significant other. You can tickle him in bed, gently caress his hair or hug him tightly.
  2. Give new compliments. To keep things fresh, don't just compliment the person whenever possible, but also have to think of other ways of giving it to make your partner feel truly special. You can still lean on old compliments - her gorgeous eye color or his deadly smile, and mix everything up and make it different by coming up with something new to appreciate. who you love.
    • Find something new to compliment your crush on each week. That could be a characteristic of his / her appearance or personality. Always think about new things and care more, you will discover the good points that are worth cherishing.
    • Write down compliments on a sticky note and leave it somewhere for a surprise. This would be very romantic.
  3. Keep up with the form. If you want romance not turned off, keep things fresh by paying attention to your looks. If nothing has changed over the years, is lazy to take care of your appearance, wears the same type of pants, and sometimes forgets to bathe or shave, that's not the way to stay attractive. Try to pay a little attention to your appearance, as you did when you first met your ex.
    • Careful every day. Take a shower, shave, wash your hair, etc. to look clean.
    • Don't forget to dress up for a date night. Even if it's your 500th date night, you still have to keep things fresh by constantly paying attention to your looks.
    • Try a new hairstyle, makeup style or something different from what you wear to make it interesting and not boring.
  4. Never stop flirting. Let's say you've just met someone, and you want that person to like you. What will you do to impress them? Show that person that you are interested and want to go further? Treat your other partner as if he or she is still single and you are working hard to win your ex's affection and trust.
    • The opposite of romance is superficiality. No one wants to feel like they've been "caught" and everything is done. Don't be too subjective! Just keep cutting!
    • The most romantic ideas come when people are afraid of losing someone they love. But you don't have to act like you're on the verge of losing your loved one to put that feeling in your head.

  5. Change boring habits. Many people begin a relationship with romance, poetry, and excitement because everything is new. You've just met one person and the relationship is opening up, and what will it be like the next day? Next week? Next month? Will he / she call you? Do the two of you kiss, pick up and go on a date? When the relationship stabilizes and everything goes into orbit, nothing new will happen.
    • To become romantic, restart your early feelings, do something different, something that the other half never thought of. The more novel, the better!
    • Take him / her out of the gloomy mood on a weekend vacation, abruptly pausing for a moment on the way to exchange a deep kiss or sending a letter with a list of reasons why you fall in love, even if you live together.

  6. Make the bedroom romantic. The more charming the bedroom, the more you will feel excited to play with your crush. Make sure this is a "bedroom" for two, not a place to throw away dirty clothes, cake crust, a crib or work.
    • You and your partner can redecorate the bedroom together to make things simpler and sexier if you don't have other options for the outside room to sleep and have sex with.
    • Even the "charm" together for the bedroom is a romantic and sexy thing.

  7. Romance in the bedroom. Regardless of whether you two have been sleeping together for many years or just got a little further after the kiss, you always have to make things romantic both during kissing and during sex.Don't neglect to look deeply into your partner's eyes, tell him / her what they mean to you, and give fresh compliments every time you kiss or move closer.
    • Don't burn off the stage or spend more time feeling loved by the person.
  8. Spend some private time. Although it may not sound romantic when the two of you are not together, taking a little time alone, even a week or so, will help you remember why you love your partner, you'll both miss and respect each other more.
    • Going out with friends from time to time helps you feel like your dating nights with your partner are precious.
    • When you're alone, you can even make a list of things you remember about your partner together. It would be a sweet memory.
    • If you are apart for a few weeks or longer, write to each other, letting the other person know how you miss them.
  9. Explore the outside world. Whether you love nature or not, doing this together is very romantic. You can go for a morning walk, rock climbing, walk on the beach or spend an afternoon camping or walking in the park.
    • Set aside at least one day per week for outdoor activities together.
    • Simply helping each other prepare a meal and enjoy in the balcony or the back hallway is enough to bring a feeling of romance.
    • No matter where you are, the sunset is always a great setting for couples.

Method 4 of 4: Growing Together

  1. Performing hormonal adrenaline stimulating activities. Make time for activities that increase this hormone like brisk walking, yoga, or aesthetics together. When the adrenaline in your blood rises, you will feel sexier, and it will be more romantic to do this with that person. If the two of you do not regularly exercise together, try to set aside at least one session a week to train your body together to boost adrenalin.
    • You can even boost your adrenalin production by walking to dinner together instead of driving.
    • Sign up to learn to dance together. This is not only romantic, but also very healthy.
  2. Build self-esteem. If you and this person are both confident in your character, then you will not only feel satisfied with yourself, but also be more proud of each other and the relationship. We can build self-esteem by exercising regularly, eating sensibly, and above all, feeling proud of what you do and the things that make you special.
    • You and your partner can build confidence in each other with winged words.
    • Raise pride in setting short, long term goals and achieving them.
  3. Along pursuing romantic interests. If you want your love to grow and extend the romance, you should both pursue a hobby. This will keep the relationship fresh and have something to look forward to together. Here are some things to try:
    • Let's go to salsa dance lessons, dance or dance in comedy.
    • If you have musical blood, write a duet song and perform it together.
    • Take a class to make pottery or painting.
    • If you have a hobby of writing, you can compose romantic poems for each other.
    • Turn star-watching into a hobby. Explore the stars together and gaze into the sky in his dreamy eyes.
    • Let's learn to cook together. It will be a romantic evening as you two enjoy a delicious homemade meal with wine and some jazz.
  4. Tell the person how you feel often. If you really want your affection to grow, tell the other person how much you love and what the relationship means. Regardless of the stress, frustration, or discomfort you may feel, don't let the day go by without any loving words.
    • No big deal, just love, say it.


  • Don't stick around too much or you will make the person feel uncomfortable.
  • If your partner doesn't seem to be responding to your efforts, it's not because you aren't romantic, it's because they can't accept it. Maybe the person is not the romantic type, or maybe the other person is distracted by the pressures of life. If you feel rejected, don't give up. Let's talk about it.
  • Don't think that the person you're trying to be romantic with is the same. A dance night may be the most romantic thing for you, but your ex may not think so. Remember, no matter how close your spouse is to you, he / she is a different person, not a copy of you. Bring the surprise by doing something different from who you are, just making your partner happy.
  • Sometimes you can express your feelings in the old way or a little style will also work.


  • Being romantic doesn't mean being annoying. This is the difference between showing appreciation and expecting the other person to spend all of their time in response. You are a separate person, not just the half of a relationship, so don't wear your energy in your attempts to be romantic with others. You can still be romantic and still be yourself.
  • Don't let the romance on the outside mask the other personalities on the inside. If a guy or girl gives you a very good initial feeling, take your time to learn more. They may or may not be, time will tell.