How to Be Mystery

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How To Be Mysterious
Video: How To Be Mysterious


In theory, mysterious people are very unpredictable people. If you want a little more mystery in your life and still be attractive and sexy, you should know which aspects of your personality should be hidden, and which should be emphasized. This way, you can become an interesting unknown thanks to your speech, behavior and personality.


Part 1 of 3: Mysterious speech

  1. Only talk when you need to talk. If you want a mysterious look, keep a few things unspoken. Practice to keep something in mind when you share your thoughts with others. Not because you're shy and shy, but because you're comfortable with it. Only speak when it feels necessary, but don't feel the need to speak all the time.
    • Culturally, we often assume that people who are quick to talk are skillful talkers. However, the silence in the conversation also has its own strengths. Create silence and say which sentence is "correct" to it. That way, your words will have weight and your presence will be very charismatic.

  2. Be a reviewer. Mysterious people are often very unpredictable. Suddenly give the opposite opinion of everyone. Instead of following the crowd, find new perspectives and think differently about the story.Ask questions instead of agreeing just to avoid disagreement.
    • In a meeting, if everyone has spoken out how to solve your problem, be critical - whether you think they were right, or keep quiet. There was no point in voicing an identical opinion of them now.
    • Ask lots of questions to make sure the decision is correct. Clarify, define, and question every idea to get to the root of the problem.

  3. Take the story seriously. Social stories are often cliché. We can talk about the weather, problems at work, children, transportation, cost of living. Mysterious people often prefer deeper conversations. Learn how to intelligently redirect the story and towards more interesting content.
    • If you're at a party and surrounded by bland acquaintances, find someone who wants to chat in a different way and bond with them. Begin with an unusual question, or continue with exploration questions. If someone happens to say that they like to watch movies, instead of agreeing, ask "Why?"

  4. Use interesting "slang" sentences. Be creative and say things that make people pay attention to you, instead of saying something drowned out in conversation. If someone asks you how, you can say "I'm fine" and be immediately forgotten. Or you can say "This spring is still like last spring". If someone asks how the baseball game was going, you could say "Very bad" or "Bored like a cockroach". People will pay attention to you.
  5. Build a rich vocabulary. Take some time each day to learn new words and apply them to conversations. Using the right and right words will help you stand out from the others. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Keep your distance

  1. Share less about yourself. Social relations have changed the way we communicate with each other and stripped our mysterious appearance. Sometimes it is difficult to change people's stereotypes about you, because they have heard too much about you. Don't talk about yourself in any online or face-to-face conversation. Instead, abstain from what you tell a novice or stranger. Be more open to those you are close to.
    • Other than your loved ones, don't share too many stories about yourself, your interests and opinions about everything. If someone asks you where you are going, go overboard: "I'll be back later."
    • Remove information about your current location and stop keeping up with social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. While online, do not reveal that you are a citizen of a particular country. Remove personal information from those accounts as much as possible.
  2. Choose your friends and play wisely. Some people are very open-minded and trustworthy, and they attract other people's affection almost immediately. But mysterious people are very careful when putting their faith in others. Trust and respect are built through time and experience, not by guesswork. It takes a little effort for everyone to befriend you.
    • Spend time with others personally rather than as a large group. Mysterious people tend to make fun of them when they are in large groups. Find out who they really are instead of what they show in the crowd.
    • If you want to be mysterious, you need to know how to figure out when to let others befriend you. A mysterious man is not a hermit. Those people still have friends and relatives to trust and rely on. Only it will be less than the usual ideal number of friends.
  3. Stay calm in the face of pressure. Mysterious people know how to control their emotions, so they always appear calm and calm. That doesn't mean you should be indifferent or cold, it's about controlling your emotions. Whether the situation is good or bad, stay calm.
    • Being a person doesn't mean you have to put up with it all. If your body or mind is damaged, see your doctor. Stay healthy and don't need to be fake. Take care of your body and health so that you can stay strong in any situation.
  4. Live in the present. Where did the mysterious person come from? Can not know. And where will they go? Anywhere. Don't dwell on the past or be too daydreaming about the future. Instead, focus on the present and live your life to the fullest. Always enthusiastic and proactive in all situations. You will become as mysterious and exciting as this life.
    • If you are sad about breaking up with a loved one, losing a family member, or having failed about something, talk to a close friend and continue living strong. This is not something you should tell at work.

Part 3 of 3: Possessing a strong personality

  1. Train your mind. Challenging your mind will help you stay realistic and attractive to others. Don't waste time playing video games, read books instead. Do not waste time chatting online, sit down and compose poetry. Participate in brain activities and surprise the world with your understanding.
  2. Be kind and trustworthy. Mysterious people may be truly mysterious, but they are not mean and heartless. In fact, their strong personality will make people reassure that they do not "gossip" or leave friends in difficult times.
    • Listen when others speak. Practice listening to others and being truly focused as they tell stories. Usually we like to wait for our turn to speak, but instead, focus wholeheartedly on the story. You will be surprised to learn that this is very unusual for some people.
    • Remember other people's names and what they have told. Mysterious people can be a bit distant, so you will surprise others by remembering an acquaintance's birthday or a story they accidentally told.
  3. Pursue unique hobbies. Let your quirky personality be expressed by pursuing unusual interests and attracting the curiosity of others. Do things that make you happy because they're unusual, not because they're popular.
    • You can collect rare or crystal coins, or go camping in the forest on weekends to spot mushrooms. Take a photo. Learn Latin. Find something that attracts you and stick to it.
  4. As a "versatile" person. WikiHow is quite for the talented unknown. Do you know how to embroider? Or how to change motor oil? Strings for the mandolin? Installation of plastic floors? Deer hunting? The more things you can do, the more versatile you will be, and you will be surprised when you need to apply those skills to your life. Everyone will be amazed at your ability.
    • Learn how to do magic tricks with the deck and don't show it to anyone. Show up when you're at a party and someone suggests it. You will amaze everyone by suddenly being able to perform well in magic.
    • If you are young, get a part-time job. Understanding the world of work will help you grow. Practical experiences will help you stand out from others.
  5. Go on your own way. Mysterious people often have their own opinions about this complex world. They are known for their calm temperament and careful thought. Sometimes, those things go against the majority. Enigmas are people like Rosa Parks and Batman. They don't need permission to do anything, they just rely on their own ability to go their own way. Look at other characters like Sherlock Holmes, Clint Eastwood, and Julia Child.
    • Look for mysterious people around you. Bob Dylan and Miles Davis are those on wikipedia, but so are the librarians in the city library, the grave diggers, the baristas and the street artists nearby. Find quiet people around you, not just famous artists. You should look for other typical mysterious people.


  • If part of the reason you want to be mysterious is to get on a date, you will need more than just mystery. Invest in glamor, care for others, and look good at all times.
  • Russell Brand is an exception. He usually behaves cheerfully and enthusiastically, while also being an intelligent and mysterious person.
  • Don't confuse being anonymous for everyone with being anonymous for yourself. Understanding yourself is important for a good life, and you need to know yourself for life. Don't forget to take care of yourself - read your books, write down your thoughts, always explore new experiences, challenge your fears and doubts, and be ready to learn.


  • Don't try to be another person. Never forget who you are.
  • Always communicate and behave politely at all times. Violence is a sign of out of control, something a mysterious person would never do.
  • Do not do anything illegal. You know what the consequences will be. That should be avoided.