How to take a bath to detox the body

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Take a Detox Bath with Turmeric
Video: How to Take a Detox Bath with Turmeric


Sweating is the body's natural way of detoxifying. Soaking in hot water can aid in expelling toxins. Detox baths also help ease muscle aches. This ancient remedy helps the body to eliminate toxins as well as absorb beneficial minerals and nutrients. If your body is having problems with skin or toxins, or you simply want to find ways to improve your health, you can try a detox bath at home.


Part 1 of 3: Prepare the body

  1. Prepare your body. The minerals in the detox bath will help flush toxins out through the skin in a process that can cause dehydration. Make sure you stay hydrated before taking a detox bath. Experts recommend drinking a full glass of water at room temperature before taking a detox bath.

  2. Prepare materials. You can buy all the ingredients you need for the detox at the grocery store. Be prepared:
    • Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate)
    • Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate / salt bicarbonate)
    • Sea salt or Himalayan salt
    • Untreated or unfiltered apple cider vinegar
    • Favorite essential oil (if desired)
    • Ginger powder (optional)
    • Body scrub brush

  3. Rub your skin dry. The skin is the largest organ and the first barrier to protect the body from chemicals and bacteria. Helping the body to shed dead skin means eliminating harmful substances. Dry scrubs also help increase the ability of the lymphatic system to remove waste.
    • Use a dry brush with a long handle so you can scrub all areas of your body.
    • Choose a brush that feels soothing to the skin. Do not experience pain when rubbing dry skin.
    • Start scrubbing when your skin is dry, and rub a little from your feet up to your legs.
    • Scrub in a motion towards the heart, up to the center of the body (front and back) and across the chest.
    • Finish off by moving the brush and rub from the arm to the underarm area.
    • The skin will feel smoother after just one scrub.

  4. Massage the lymph nodes. Lymph vessels, lymph nodes and organs make up the lymphatic system - part of the body's protective system. Lymph nodes are responsible for removing microorganisms and filtering bacteria from the bloodstream. Just 5 minutes of massage can stimulate the lymphatic system to help the body detox more effectively.
    • Place your fingers under your ears, on either side of your neck.
    • Relaxing hands, gently pull the skin down and toward the back of the neck.
    • Repeat 10 times, massaging slowly down from the ear so that the fingers are finally on the shoulder blades on the sides of the neck.
    • Gently massage the skin up to the collarbone.
    • Repeat 5 times or more as you like.
  5. Know what will happen. Any detox can cause flu-like symptoms, such as headache and nausea. These symptoms may be due to the toxin being released from the body. You should bring a liter of water into the bathroom and drink it slowly while you bathe.
    • Lemon can be added to the water to ease the nausea.

Part 2 of 3: Prepare to take a bath to detox the body

  1. Choose the right time to soak. Prepare to take a bath any day you have at least 40 minutes of free time. Pick a time when you can relax and not rush while focusing on the detox bath.
  2. Create a relaxing atmosphere. Turn on dim lights and light candles if you like. Or you can play some of your favorite music. Take deep, quiet breaths to bring your mind to relaxation.
  3. Prepare a bath. If possible, chlorine tablets should be used to filter moderately hot water into the bath. Add Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate). Soaking in Epsom salt helps compensate for magnesium levels in the body, fighting hypertension. Magnesium sulphate helps to flush toxins and helps form proteins in the brain and joints.
    • For infants under 27 kg, add 1/2 cup of Epsom salt to a standard bath.
    • For babies aged 27-45 kg, add 1 cup of Epsom salt to the standard bath.
    • For people over 45 kg, add 2 cups or more Epsom salt to a standard bath.
  4. Add 1-2 cups baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). Baking soda is known for its cleansing and antifungal properties. Baking soda also helps soften the skin.
  5. Add 1/4 cup sea salt or Himalayan salt. Sea salt includes magnesium, potassium, calcium chloride and bromide, which help to replenish minerals that are necessary for the skin's metabolism.
    • Magnesium is an important mineral in fighting stress and edema, slowing down skin aging and calming the nervous system.
    • Calcium is an effective mineral in preventing water retention, enhancing circulation, and improving bone and nail strength.
    • Potassium provides energy to the body and helps to balance moisture in the skin.
    • It works to reduce muscle stiffness and relax muscles.
    • Sodium is an important mineral in lymphatic fluid balance (so it is important for immune system function).
  6. Add 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes, making it one of the best ingredients to eliminate bacteria in the body and boost the immune system.
  7. Add more aromatherapy oils if desired. Certain essential oils such as lavender and ylang ylang essential oils have medicinal properties. Tea tree and eucalyptus essential oils can aid in the detoxification process. Using about 20 drops of essential oil is enough for a standard bath.
    • If you like, you can use fresh herbs. Add mint, lavender, chamomile, or any other suitable mood herb.
    • Adding ginger can help detoxify through sweating. Ginger has a hot temper so you need to be careful with the dosage you use. Depending on the sensitivity, you can add 1 teaspoon or 1/3 cup ginger.
  8. Stir all ingredients together. You can use your feet to stir the water in the bath. Dissolving baking soda and vinegar creates a effervescent reaction.
    • It is not necessary to stir until all the salt particles dissolve before bathing.

Part 3 of 3: Bathing the body detox

  1. Soak for 20-40 minutes. Stay hydrated while soaking and take care to avoid overheating.
    • Drink water for the first 20 minutes of soaking.
    • You should see your body start to sweat just a few minutes after a detox. This is a sign that the body is releasing toxins.
    • If you start to feel too hot during a soak, add cool water to the bath until you feel comfortable.
  2. Relax. Meditation is a great way to relax your body during a detox bath. Breathe through your nose, relaxing your neck, face, hands, and abdomen. Relax and relax each part of your body. Consciously relaxing your body will help you relax in the detox bath.
    • Once the door is closed, leave unpleasant thoughts outside the bathroom. Forget all your worries and stress.
    • Visualize getting toxins out and vitamins and minerals being absorbed into your body.
  3. Slowly get out of the tub. Your body is working so hard you may feel light-headed or weak and exhausted. Oil and salt also make bathrooms slippery, so be careful when standing up.
    • Wrap yourself in a soft blanket or towel as soon as you get out of the bath. The body can continue to detox through sweating for a few hours.
  4. Rehydration. You need to rehydrate your body after each detox. Experts recommend drinking 1 liter of water after the detox.
  5. After taking a bath, rub your body again. You can use your hands, loofah baths or a back brush. This step further aids in the detoxification process. Scrub in gentle and stretching movements toward your heart.
    • Relax for the rest of the day and let your body continue to detox.


  • Don't eat right before or after soaking.
  • Apply a deep conditioner to your hair and then wrap it with a hood or towel while soaking. Like seawater, salt can dry out your hair.
  • Rinse off the Epsom salt again if desired, but this is not necessary.


  • If you have diabetes, are pregnant, have heart or kidney problems, or have high blood pressure, you should consult a medical professional before taking a detox bath.
  • Be sure to understand the properties of each ingredient you add to the bath. Some herbs can be harmful.