How to Prevent Corona Virus for yourself and your family

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Coronavirus, Protect yourself and family
Video: Coronavirus, Protect yourself and family


At this point, it is almost impossible to avoid news of the Corona virus (COVID-19) and is probably very worried. This virus has been confirmed to have spread to many countries around the world, and as such, you may wonder what your community would look like if attacked by this virus. While this epidemic is frightening, remember that you probably don't need to worry too much about the Corona virus, as the CDC and WHO both recommend that everyone can take a few basic steps to prevent Corona virus and thus, fewer people will get sick.


Method 1 of 4: Prevent the spread of the Corona virus

  1. Wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water. Despite its simplicity, hand washing is the best way to protect yourself from illness. Wet your hands under warm running water, then gently massage your palms with soap. Brush your hands together for 20 seconds, then rinse the soap under warm running water.
    • An alcohol-based hand sanitizer can help prevent the Corona virus. Use this method as a supplement, but not a substitute for, hand washing with soap and water.
  2. Practice social isolation by staying at home as much as possible. Viruses are more contagious in groups, especially in crowds. Luckily, you can protect yourself and others by staying at home. Show directions when needed, like shopping for necessities. Also, find fun at home.
    • If you are at high risk of infection and have someone in the main family of your home, take maximum care and try to limit your contact with that person to keep yourself safe.
    • If you still decide to socialize, limit your gathering to more than 10 people. Remember that even young and healthy people can carry the virus and infect others. Check the information on implementing social isolation in your place of residence to ensure your safety and your community's safety.
    • There are so many ways to have fun at home! You can play games, make something yourself, read books or watch movies.
  3. Stay at least 2 meters away from others in public. You may need to go outside to do important things like shopping for necessities. Keep your distance from others in case someone is sick. COVID-19 can still spread even before symptoms appear, so to be safe, keep your distance.

  4. Do not touch hands and eyes, nose and mouth. Corona virus usually makes you sick when you inhale the bodily fluids from an infected person when they cough or sneeze, or when your hands are contaminated with their body fluids and you touch your face. Do not touch your face unless you wash your hands. If not, you may accidentally pave the way for the virus to enter your body.
    • Use a tissue to wipe your nose or cough when possible, as your hands may be dirty.

  5. Avoid shaking hands with others, whether they show signs of illness or not. Unfortunately, people with Corona virus can spread the germ without showing any symptoms. To be safe, don't shake hands with anyone until this threat is over. Instead, you can politely decline the handshake and explain that you are working to prevent the spread of the Corona virus.
    • You can say, "I'm also happy to meet you. Usually I'll shake your hand, but the CDC recommends that we don't shake hands until the translation stops."

  6. Stay away from people who are coughing and sneezing. Although they may not carry the Corona virus in their body, it is still best to keep yourself safe if you see someone showing symptoms of respiratory infections. Be gentle with respectful distance from anyone who coughs and sneezes.
    • If you are talking to the person, speak kindly when you want to distance yourself from them. You can say, "I saw you coughed. Hope you get well soon, and I think I should keep a little distance so I don't get sick."

    Tips: Although the Corona virus originated in China, it has nothing to do with Asians.However, unfortunately recently, many reports have shown that Asians are suffering from discrimination and other aggressive acts from people. This virus is circulating around the globe and anyone can get sick or be a vector, so treat everyone with kindness and fairness.

  7. Disinfect surfaces before touching them, both in public and at home. The CDC recommends that everyone keep their homes, workplaces and public areas as clean as possible. Spray disinfectant solution on solid surfaces or wipe with a paper towel. Whenever possible, use a disinfectant suitable for soft surfaces.
    • For example, you can spray Lysol solution on countertops, handrails and doorknobs.
    • Lysol is also effective on soft surfaces.
    • If you prefer natural cleaning solutions, white vinegar can be a great option.
  8. Use a mask only when your doctor tells you to or if you are sick. Although some people wear masks to prevent the Corona virus, the CDC says it is not necessary. Don't worry about wearing a mask unless your doctor tells you to or if you are ill. If you are sick, a mask can prevent the droplets from being released when you cough and sneeze, so that others will not catch the disease from you.
    • You do not need to buy a surgical mask just in case. In fact, doing so can cause a shortage of goods, and those who really need them will no longer be able to buy them.

    Tips: The surgical mask you bought at the pharmacy are not protects you against COVID-19. Only a qualified N95 respirator can protect you against this virus, and they are sold on limited sale. N95 respirators really need to be made by healthcare professionals who take care of patients with Corona virus.


Method 2 of 4: Stock up on items in case of an emergency

  1. Keep food in the kitchen cabinet and freezer for two to four weeks. You will need to stay home if you are sick or if your community is facing a Corona virus outbreak. Buying or ordering food home will not be possible. Prepare now by buying foods that last, and storing them in the kitchen cupboard. Also, keep perishable items in the freezer so they can be defrosted if needed.
    • Buy canned foods, canned fish, and pre-packaged foods with a long shelf life.
    • Buy frozen foods together and freeze meats, breads and other perishable items and defrost them as needed.
    • If you use milk, buy powdered milk and keep it in the kitchen cabinet, as you may not be able to go out to buy fresh milk for a while.
    • You don't have to give up healthy foods during an outbreak! Produce can be frozen and then added to cooked foods, or buy canned or frozen vegetables with minimal additives. You can also stock up on nuts for cooking as needed.

    Maybe you don't know? If there is a Corona virus outbreak in the community, the CDC will ask everyone to stay indoors and avoid meeting with others. This is called social isolation, and it can help prevent the disease from spreading further.

  2. Buy additional necessities like toilet paper, soap, and detergent. Chances are you will have to stay home for a few weeks if someone in your home is sick, or if there is an outbreak of the virus in the community. In that case, buy household items that you use every day so they don't run out. If possible, buy enough stuff for a month to keep it ready. Here are some items you may need to buy:
    • Tissue
    • Soap for washing dishes
    • soap
    • Tissue
    • Toilet paper
    • Laundry solution
    • Sanitary items
    • Tampons or tampons
    • Personal hygiene items
    • Diaper diapers
    • Pet tools

    Tips: Make sure you have plenty of napkins in case you get sick. Using a tissue when you cough, blow your nose or sneeze will help prevent the illness from spreading to others.

  3. Buy over-the-counter medicines used to treat respiratory infections. Even if you don't have a cure for the virus, you can handle the typical symptoms of respiratory infections. Buy each of the following pills: decongestants, acetaminophen (Tylenol), and non-steriod anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve) in case you get sick. You can also buy cough syrups or pills to control the cough.
    • If you have a lot of people, you can buy more medicine in case more people get sick. Ask your doctor how much to buy.
  4. Make sure you have enough medicine for 30 days. If you need to take medication every day, talk to your doctor and pharmacist about keeping more medicine indoors until the Corona virus epidemic is over. It is likely that you will not be able to buy the supplement if there is an epidemic in the community or if you are sick yourself. To be safe, keep a 30-day supply of your medicine.
    • You may need to visit your pharmacy every week, or every two weeks to refill your prescription. That way, you will always have a 30-day supply.
    • Discuss solutions with your doctor and pharmacist so they can provide advice tailored to your needs.

Method 3 of 4: Prepare when work and school are closed

  1. Prepare a child care plan if schools are closed. If the Corona virus has entered your community, there is a chance that schools and kindergartens will have to close or leave early. This can be more stressful if you still have to work and look for babysitters. Find out the options. You should plan ahead to take precautions.
    • For example, you can ask a relative to see if they can look after your child if the school closes. Alternatively, you can talk to your boss about the possibility of working from home or taking time off from work if this happens.
    • Children can watch TV and use the computer more than usual. You can set up a new schedule and find suitable programs or movies for your child to watch.
  2. Talk to your boss about work from home options. Even if you don't have to worry, you may not be able to work if there is an outbreak in the community. Other businesses and organizations may have to shut down so the virus doesn't spread. To prepare for this, ask your boss if you can do it from home in that case. Talk about the tasks you can perform, how committed to your work, and how many hours you can get done.
    • You can say, "I see the CDC can tell people to stay home if there is a Corona virus outbreak. If that happens, I hope I can work from home. Can we talk?"
    • Working from home may not be an option for everyone. Anyway, be prepared for this situation if you can do part or all of your work at home.
  3. Find out about relief organizations in your area if you are likely to lose income. You may be worried about how you will support your family if you cannot work from home. Fortunately, there are organizations that can help. Local food banks can also help with your food purchases, and other nonprofits like the Red Cross can help you with other financial needs. Make a list of places where you can get help in the community.
    • Local religious organizations can also help.
    • Do not worry. Everyone has to go through this like you do, and together the community will help lift those in need.

Method 4 of 4: Be alert but calm

  1. Update Corona virus news only once a day. CDC and WHO are updating information daily, and you need to keep an eye on the newsletter to protect yourself. However, don't let fear take over. Read the newsletter once a day instead of being constantly updated.
    • You can see WHO live updates here:
    • Remember you may not need to worry about this virus, try to stay calm.

    Tips: Because people feel fear, the new false information can dominate the internet.To avoid unnecessary confusion, only get information from reliable sources. Also check everything you read by checking out the CDC and WHO websites.

  2. Create a family plan in the event of a Corona virus outbreak to feel calm. You may feel anxious that your family member is infected. To help everyone feel secure and in control, have a family meeting to discuss a plan in the event of an outbreak. Here are a few things you can discuss:
    • Make sure everyone has enough food and supplies.
    • Tell the children they will be well cared for.
    • Discuss ideas for living at home during an outbreak.
    • Share your emergency contact list with all members of your home.
    • Designate an indoor ward in case someone is sick.
  3. Choose a healthy lifestyle to boost your immune system. Corona virus does not currently have any treatment, so a good immune system is the best prevention method. Fortunately, you can bolster your immune system with a healthy lifestyle. Talk to your doctor so they can advise you about your unique needs. Here are some things to try:
    • Always eat fresh fruits and vegetables with each meal.
    • Exercise for 30 minutes, 5 times a week.
    • Take vitamin supplements if your doctor allows it.
    • Get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night.
    • Relieve stress.
    • No smoking.
    • Get a flu shot if you haven't had it before.
  4. Call your doctor if you are concerned that you are experiencing symptoms. Although you may not have the Corona virus, you should not take your symptoms lightly. If you experience symptoms such as fever, cough, and breathing problems, call your doctor to see if you have Corona virus. In the meantime, stay home to limit the spread of germs. Your doctor will probably do tests for you to make a diagnosis.
    • Do not go to the clinic without informing them that you are suspected of having the Corona virus. They may segregate you from other patients. Alternatively, they may ask you to stay at home or in the car.
    • If you have Corona virus, you will probably be able to treat yourself at home. If your doctor thinks you are likely to have complications, they can teach you how to take care of yourself.
  5. Check travel warnings before you leave and avoid unnecessary travel. In March 2020, experts recommended that people avoid unnecessary travel to help limit the spread of the virus. In addition, the CDC also recommends avoiding unnecessary travel to China, Iran, Italy, South Korea and most European countries. However, these are not the only countries with severe conditions, so if you need to go where you need to go check the CDC or NHS warning about the specific countries you plan to go to for risk assessment. .
    • People in a particular high risk group should avoid traveling. The elderly, people with a history of illness or immunodeficiency should avoid unnecessary travel to minimize the risk of infection.
    • If you're worried, you can cancel the trip and get a full or partial refund. Check with the company you are booking from to see your options.


  • Do not panic. Dealing with a pandemic is terrible, but you probably don't need to worry.
  • Remember, you should treat others with kindness. Don't blame others with the Corona virus just because they're from Asia. Remember, this virus has spread to 67 countries, so it affects a lot of people. In addition, do not assume that anyone with a cough has Corona virus in their body.
  • If you store too many basic necessities during a pandemic, you can give back leftovers to those in need.
  • We are physically separated, not socially. Stay in touch with friends and family using tools like FaceTime and Zoom.


  • If you think you are sick, do not go out of the house unless you go to see a doctor. You can make others contagious, and it's also important to protect others.
  • Never knowingly cough in another person's face or evade epidemic control measures. This behavior not only helps the COVID-19 spread, but it also results in a fine or imprisonment.
  • If you are over 65 years of age and already have a pre-existing condition, quarantine yourself most of the time.