How to flatten a bumpy lawn

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Leveling Bumpy Lawn
Video: Leveling Bumpy Lawn


  • Remember that the sprinkler system needs to be maintained at least once a year or more. Most repairs and maintenance can be done without professional assistance if you do a little research and know the brand of the equipment or irrigation system in use.
  • Choose the slope for the pitch. A level lawn is fine, but you also need to consider the pitch of the lawn. Experts often recommend creating a slope of the yard away from home to increase drainage. When planning lawn leveling, you should also consider fixing the slope if you have drainage problems.

  • Measure the depths of the depressions. If the depressions are relatively shallow then there is no problem. But if the depression is too deep, you may need to remove the grass before filling the soil.
    • You can easily measure the depth by placing a long straight-line in the depression, then placing the ruler close to the ruler to take measurements. A depression below 7.5 cm is considered shallow, and above this level is considered deep.
  • Be careful when it is time to fix the lawn. To repair your lawn to a basic level, you should try to do it in the spring. This will give the seeds time to grow and provide moisture for the soil to settle down. advertisement
  • Part 2 of 4: Mixing alluvial soil

    1. Add topsoil. Buy high quality topsoil from your gardening store or land supply company. Soil quality is important in maintaining flatness and for re-growing grass.
    2. Add sand. A little bit of sand purchased from a soil supplier will create some compactness in the soil mix, which in turn helps restore the low areas.
    3. Add compost or compost. You should also make sure the soil is nutrient rich for the grass to grow back quickly and lush.

    4. Mix the ingredients together. Mix the ingredients with 2 parts topsoil, 2 parts sand and 1 part compost. advertisement

    Part 3 of 4: Reclamation of a depression

    1. Apply mixture to low-lying areas. Find ditches in the yard and fill it with mixed soil, the fill should be a little more than the flat surface - level the fill in all directions and fill all edges.
    2. Level the soil until the surface is level. Use a rake to level the soil mixture evenly and fill the low areas.
    3. Compact soil. Foot stamp and use the rake and flat surface to compact the soil. You can also rent compactors from major appliance stores. This device also works to prevent sunken areas from reappearing.
    4. Replenish water. Water lightly on the soil to compress.
    5. Let the soil settle. Wait a while for the soil to settle, at least a few days, preferably a week or more. advertisement

    Part 4 of 4: Replanting grass

    1. Topsoil cover. Sprinkle some topsoil over the seeds. You need to cover the seeds with a layer of topsoil about 1.3 - 2 cm thick so that the grass seeds have good contact with the soil and retain moisture. This also prevents the birds from eating grass seeds.
    2. Water regularly. Gently spray your lawn with water four times a day at least 48 hours after sowing to help the seeds germinate.
    3. Add seeds if needed. Wait a while for the grass to grow. It may seem like a long time, but be patient. Usually grass will appear within 21-30 days or sooner. Sow more grass seeds in the gaps if available. Enjoy your lawn!
      • Wait for the grass to grow at least 7.5 cm or taller before mowing it. The newly planted grass will be pulled up by the lawn mower if there is not enough time to take root.


    • Make sure to level your lawn if you change topsoil. Before re-seeding, use a broad rake or a board (tie the rope to the ends and pull behind) to smooth the ground.
    • It is best to do this in spring or early fall before frost appears.
    • If there are only a few sunken areas or a few deep depressions, in the summer put the trimmed grass into the depression. In the fall they will grow again beautifully.

    What you need

    • Land
    • Grass seeds
    • Excavator, tiller or lawn mower (optional)