How to be paranormal

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Become a Paranormal Investigator
Video: How to Become a Paranormal Investigator


The mysticism has the ability to entertain many people. Whether male or female, maintaining an element of mystery for yourself can make others want more and need constant speculation. Although acting of mystery is sometimes seen as cold or weird, as long as you have grace and care, it is an effective way to preserve your relationships with friends, lovers, and people. you meet are attracted to your being.


Method 1 of 2: Understand the basics

  1. Silent. In other words, it's tight. If you are an extrovert, relaxed, and cheerful, you will sometimes have a hard time keeping quiet. However, telling people about your life on a first meeting or dating can be frustrating, especially when the details are too informative. Then you should relax, keep quiet, and be more observant.
    • Disclosing everything often frightens others because they wonder why you could too be open about your life and worry about how much you want too surname disclosure. Be aware of what is being revealed to new acquaintances and let them imagine more.
    • Know when to talk. You should keep in mind Plato's saying, "The wise speak because they have something to talk about; the idiots force themselves to say something." You should be wise instead of stupid.

  2. Become confident. The paranormal requires you to be confident enough not to fill a silence while you are talking.Also, you should not chatter when there is a natural period of silence in daily communication. Use those silence for better results, expanding the meaning of the content you say. Moreover, self-confidence is shown in posture, composure, and facial expressions.
    • To truly become mysterious, you should act as if you don't need anything from others. You don't need approval, and you don't need anyone around to encourage effort. Does James Bond need approval? Angelina Jolie? They are not like that.

  3. Be smart to cover instead of providing lots of detailed information. Don't over-disclose when you're talking about privacy. For example, if the person you like wants to know about your past, you should be upright but not too specific. Never give them more details, or tell the full story. Should summarize the story. The other party will feel as if they know it well, but actually don't know the content.
    • It is important that you be determined. Answer the question simply and without hesitation. Your partner won't know whether to probe or not because you've told the whole story (albeit with very little details). How can they argue about what you have to say? What rights do they request for detailed information? Most people don't want to be forced to do something they don't like.

  4. Always keep a calm attitude. No matter what happens in the relational world, avoid overreacting to things or others. Calmness is related to confidence and a calm response shows that you are calm and evoke mystery. People will wonder how you can stay calm in situations that shock, insult or panic.
    • It takes a lot of practice but can be started by taking deep breaths, reflecting before reacting to events and rumors from family / friends, and then slowly realizing that your attitude is calm. Static helps you better cope with events.
    • When displaying emotions such as anger or love, be stoic and calm. Show your emotions with your eyes instead of words or facial expressions or actions. Don't yell if you're angry, and don't jump in and kiss your loved one. Your partner is aware of both, so don't react too clearly. Train yourself to be calm and thoughtful. Maintain a calm and relaxed tone of voice.
  5. Develop your own style. Outfits often show others who you are. Some people will know who you are wearing Abercrombie & Fitch polo; Doctor Who T-shirt and Tardis-shaped bag will also tell you who you are. So no matter how you perform it, you should still have your own style. No one can know which group you belong to.
    • In addition to your clothes, your actions also help express who you are. Doing something completely out of the ordinary from your personality will make people wonder, "Where is this person?" So you should act like that. After practicing soccer, show off his singing ability. After you've assembled the computer, reward yourself with a facial. Get home from the museum in time for a ball game. Don't let others define who you are.
  6. Becoming confusing. When James Bond did his job, he did it in different and unpredictable ways. When flirting with women, he is serious and stoic, not enthusiastic or has a clear action. If he told a joke, no one would know it was a joke until the very end. You should apply this. Don't let yourself get along with your situation, always be happy when you are in adversity, and be indifferent when things get heavy. Build something about yourself that other people cannot understand.
    • Doing this helps you avoid the "sinister" look that is often associated with mystery. A person who doesn't talk much, is alone, and doesn't need anyone is often mistaken for depression. That's not what you want to be. Creating something unique that doesn't fit your situation will help you avoid stereotypes.

Method 2 of 2: Apply the trick very mysteriously

  1. Information should not be disclosed just to maintain a conversation. Instead, shift your focus to the other person by asking questions about themselves and convincing them to talk about their lives and hobbies. Show interest and listen passionately.
    • When you receive an open-ended question that offers a lot of information about yourself, be polite and provide some information, but not too much. Make an interaction with your partner instead of yourself. If you do a good job, the focus on them will have the effect of magnifying them, and after stopping talking the other person will realize they don't know much about you.
      • When you do this too well, someone else never realize they don't know much about you. People like to talk about themselves more and they may go completely unnoticed. However, do not get too excited about what the other person says because you appear eager and obedient instead of being the listener.
  2. Hold on to a few things. When others ask questions, probe, or answer themselves, sometimes it's a good idea to let them guess. Ask the other person things like, "So what do you think?", Or "Is that how you really feel about your performance?", Etc. but don't lead them too much. Of course, don't take the person directly into negative assumptions about you!
    • When your partner asks about past relationships, you don't have to be too detailed. Just say you don't remember them all because it doesn't matter. Another powerful way is to say that when you decide to move on, you are truly over and have no memory of your past in relation to your present life. This really reassures the other party because you no longer resent, miss your ex, or want to compare the present with the past.
      • The ambiguity of your ex will arouse some people's interest, but it will end soon when they realize that you simply won't go into detail; however, if they chew on the problem over and over again, consider that an ongoing lack of confidence could be a sign that you shouldn't continue in the relationship.

  3. Make eye contact. You can maintain eye contact as needed, but stop making eye contact if you are not ready to reveal meaningful and sensitive information in the relationship. This is not a lie but a redirect; you should only do this when it comes to sensitive issues. The other person will feel that you are not ready to confess and will stop if they are trying to win your trust.
    • Instead of being sneaky and anxious, combine this strategy with an indifferent, reserved, and indifferent look at the current situation. Respect others by making eye contact when changing topics.
    • When you are talking to other people, feel comfortable directly into their eyes, but not staring. Doing this makes you dominating and makes the other person respect you. A powerful and confident look can make for an attraction.

  4. Take advantage of answers that don't give much information but reveal that your inner self is not stable. If someone asks, instead of letting them know everything, you should just say, "Well, I'm thinking," or "I'm wondering something," or "I'm thinking about something important. . " In addition, there should be no further explanation. If the other person is interested in probing, reply with "Well now I can't say it clearly; I'm still thinking about it."
    • Very Be careful not to present yourself as depressed. You don't want to be seen as in a bad mood. If like to think, It is important not to look down but to walk confidently and at all times. If you are quiet and your eyeliner is too dark, others will misunderstand you as the outsider.

  5. Use sense of humor, smile to maintain mystery. Humor is one of the most effective ways to conceal your emotions, help you get paranormal by dodging questions, and replacing exploration with witty and joking words to distract and reduce minimizing the severity of the situation becomes a joke.
    • If someone asks a question, you can literally answer it. The question "What are you doing?" can be answered with "Talk to you" or "sit in a chair." You don't have to follow a social standard if you don't want to. As long as it feels good, you can do it this way.
  6. Should not drink too much or affect drugs self-control. You will no longer be a mystery if you reveal it all after you have a drug or a drink. Alcohol and drugs can make you lose control, so you run the risk of exaggerating, talking too much, adding excessively beyond your limits, and saying things that might make you feel vulnerable. and loopholes. To become mysterious, you should take control from the beginning by being aware of drinking alcohol and avoiding drugs that distract and change your personality.
    • While you are intoxicated you can reveal everything about your ex, past acquaintances, and people you cannot tolerate. This is information that should be kept confidential, so don't let this happen and avoid losing control. This is also good for your brain cells.
  7. Polite and considerate, should not be indifferent. You should show respect and compassion for others; Being enigmatic is not about being condescending, but about hiding something, and showing others that you value your privacy and your space.
    • There will be some people who don't like this aspect of you. So what? If they don't feel comfortable with this then that's their problem. However, if a lot of people don't like it, you should reconsider your performance.


  • Don't make it clear that you enjoy being paranormal, and don't exert yourself. This is part of your natural personality, core, instead of acting. If you are struggling, you will not be considered a mysterious person but an immature person.
  • Talk to someone you trust. Sometimes it can be stressful to keep your mind private. You should find someone who is trustworthy and can confide in anything. If you don't confess, you can become cold, paranoid, and cruel.
  • When you are with one or two people for a short time, smile when possible and are appropriate for the conversation. A smile can surprise and bewitched your partner, just as you can become more charming.
  • Loosen your vigilance toward people you truly trust. Keep in mind, however, that providing a piece of information can provide more conversation opportunities in the future, and it's fun to help your partner understand the thoughts, dreams, and ideas you've cherished. years but still haven't told them! It is quite strange that many couples have the idea that they must tell the other half about themselves, or they will be considered unfaithful. Of course you have to reveal to the person what you need to know, but at the same time you should consider keeping some things to confide in later to make life more interesting! As time passes, uncovering the truth regarding your spouse can sustain a good marriage.
  • Learn enigmatic, iconic people like Greta Garbo in the use of eye contact to convey mystery.


  • While the mystery can be quite intriguing, the constant distraction can be frustrating. You should clearly distinguish it.
  • Being enigmatic doesn't mean being rude and selfish toward others. Don't just ignore the other person or ignore their question; While discussing certain issues can be avoided, you should not be indecent on these topics or provide information that Google can tell them.
  • Don't be complacent or be condescending. Acting as though you know more than your partner will keep them away from you.
  • Most articles on mysteries advise to have a mysterious smile / pretend to ignore others / not answer questions / be sarcastic. However, these only make you arrogant and the opposite.
  • This will only work if other people have reason to want to know you. Otherwise, they'll see you as shy or flashy.