How to chat with someone you like after a period of inactivity (for men)

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Suddenly re-starting a conversation with someone you like after a period of silence really makes us nervous, but there are ways to avoid embarrassment.If you don't get along well with her or just want to talk to her with an indirect approach, you can initiate contact with her on social media. Or, if you have been close to her before, you can directly send a text message, then make an appointment to meet and review the past. If you meet her at events or the two of you have a mutual group of friends, you can approach her when you happen to meet again and show happiness of seeing her and express a desire to talk more through language body language and communication skills.


Method 1 of 3: Communicating via social media

  1. Click "like" or comment on her posts. This is an indirect, but effective, act to shorten distances. This can help motivate you to talk to her or it can help you gain momentum in talking to her. Liking or commenting on her posts will remind her of you and let her know that you are still following your activity.
    • Don't click "like" every post she posts. Choose one or two that you really like and the clicks "like" will be separated by a few days. If you get too much attention at once, you may seem like you are fumbling around.
    • Don't just like her cute pictures. You might like a picture where she looks really special, but if you like too many beautiful pictures of her, you will make her feel scared. Consider clicking “like” for other content she posts, not just her personal picture.

  2. Post on social networks. If you like or comment on her posts, then you will enable her to comment on your posts. For example, you share interesting or insightful perspectives on life and people, post beautiful or unique photos you have taken, or find funny animations, pictures or quotes from the internet to post. with thinking why you like that.
    • Think about what makes her funny or interesting. You will not be posting content specifically for her, but you should be aware of the differences in your use of the network and hers.
    • See articles and what she likes to gain insight into her interests and usage patterns. For example, if she writes a lot about her favorite band and you like it too, you can post a song of them or the lyrics along with an explanation of why she likes that song.
    • Always be yourself. Only post what you really like and that shows a part of who you are. You will look fake by only posting something you were not interested in before.

  3. Comment on one of her posts. You should soon comment on the posts she just posted. If you write a comment early, she might respond. Find things that she and you enjoy together like music, food, movies, etc. Try complimenting the post, asking a question or commenting on something that interests you.
    • For example, if she shares about attending music concerts, you could comment “I'm so lucky to meet those singers! How do they perform? "
    • This way you will probably continue to comment back and forth. If that happens, send her a text asking her if you want to, or continue the conversation. Such as “Hi. I am very happy to chat with you. How are you these days? Are you listening to any new bands? Tell me about it ".
  4. Invite her to the event via Facebook or Google+. See the instructions for how to create an event on these two apps. You can create an event or invite her to an event you will attend. For example, if you are going to a music concert that you think she likes, you might invite her to join. There are many open events that allow you to send invitations widely. You can do this by going to the event page and choosing to send an invitation from that page. Or, if you and your friends are going to have a Halloween party, create an event and invite her to join.
    • After sending your invitation, send a greeting message and introduce the event. You can say “Hi, my friends and I are going to have a Halloween party and I think it would be great to see you again. Do you have time to go to that party? "
    • If she is unable to attend the event, take this opportunity to continue texting her. Try asking her how she's been up to this day and start a conversation.
  5. Send phone messages, send text messages on social networks or send email. Regardless of how you choose to get in touch, you can start by writing a comment. Text her with a compliment, talk about what you two have in common, or ask her about something.
    • Send texts that compliment her on something she has done or achieved. For example, if she just finished a school program or bought a pet, you would send a congratulatory message and then ask her how she has been recently.
    • Talk about the two in common. For example, if she has just been hiking and you enjoy this activity too, text her saying “I see you climbing Ba Den mountain. A few months ago I went there too and really liked the view on the mountain - how does it feel when you climb to the top? "
    • Ask questions about the content she just posted. You can say “I just saw you posting beautiful pictures - what camera did you take? He loves photography and always wants to learn about cameras ”.

Method 2 of 3: Text or call her

  1. Send text messages to evoke your previous feelings of intimacy. Remind the two of you to see how she reacts. Be confident in your intimacy and ask related questions from there.
    • For example, you could say “Hi, I just watched Hoang Anh Gia Lai's game and suddenly remembered you liked this team. How have you been lately? Did you watch that match? ”
  2. Be straightforward when you text her and make it clear how you feel about her. You can mention past intimacy without having to explain why texting her. However, do not mention profound problems in the past to close the gap.
    • You could say “Hi, lately I have been thinking of you and our happy conversations over the summer. How are you these days? "
  3. Send her a funny or somewhat dumb text. Research shows that girls often adore funny boys; using humor to talk to women is always a wise choice. You can mention a joke you two previously said or make a joke by asking a question.
    • For example, mention something funny like: "How long has it been since we ate that giant sandwich?"
  4. Continue to chat through messages. After you've closed the gap, you can ask her how she's been doing and answer with interest. Try to balance the message length and response time between the two of you. For example, don't text three messages in a minute if she only replies with a text or two after a few hours.
    • Ask questions about what she said, such as: “I didn't know you switched to another restaurant. That's great! How is your new job? ”
  5. Suggest to meet to chat more. If she replies to your message in a friendly way, ask if she wants to meet in person. When you make an appointment with her, suggest an activity that you both can do together.
  6. Create a new feeling. Instead of repeating the activities you used to do, try doing different things or going to new places. If the two of you usually make a meal together, this time you can choose a different location. For example, go to a new restaurant or cook at your own home. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Chat with her

  1. Think about where you will meet her. You probably won't want to do unusual things to get the chance to meet that person. However, if you both have mutual friends and you want to get closer to her - there are steps you can take to do so. Or, if you want to stay in touch with your crush but you can't or don't want to be too obvious, hang out with friends and be at an event she might be at.
    • You might call a few friends and ask which event or party is upcoming to attend.
    • Or, if you know what she usually does, you can make a plan for those activities.
    • Don't use your friends to reach out to the person. For example, when you hang out with your friends, you would prioritize spending time with them, only meeting her is secondary. That way, if things don't go as expected, you will still have a good time with your friends and not upset them.
  2. Reach out to say hello and say you want to talk to her. When you meet, remember to greet her happily. If you see her from afar, you'll smile and wave in a friendly wave. If not the right time to talk, you can say: “Nice to see you again! I really want to talk to you. Wait a minute. " Then you and her will finish the work in progress so you can chat.
    • Taking a minute will help you calm down and can add excitement to a conversation.
    • Before you approach and talk to her, you might come up with an interesting topic or something to ask her to help ease your embarrassment. For example, you can comment on the party you are attending by saying, "I am very pleased that this party has all the things you like." Then point his finger at the table with a variety of dishes ready.
  3. Talk to her. When she has time, you will approach her to start a conversation. If you are in a place where it is difficult to talk, you can ask, "Do you want to find a comfortable place to talk?" Then, choose a quiet and comfortable place for the two of you to sit down and chat without fear of being disturbed.
  4. Say you were happy to meet her. If the two of you have had a hard time in the past, break that barrier by showing positive feelings about seeing her again. After you say hello, you will let her know that you are happy to see her again by smiling, keeping eye contact and saying “I'm glad to see you again”. Being positive and straightforward will help you gain confidence and overcome your shyness in starting a conversation.
  5. Sincerely ask her. Use tone and hand gestures to show that you really want to hear her talk about you. This will make you feel confident and comfortable in talking to her. In addition, she will feel more comfortable when you just ask about the current situation because summarizing everything that happened since your last meeting will require a lot of explanation.
    • For example saying, "I want to know how you are now".
    • Or, you can start by saying that you remember the last time she was doing something. For example: "If I remember correctly, the last time we met, you were ..."
    • Avoid talking about shy or awkward things in the past. If the conversation is natural, you can move on with deeper topics, but just keep the conversation comfortable and positive at first.
  6. Ask more questions about what she said. When she talks about how your life has been lately, you'll listen attentively by keeping eye contact, nodding occasionally, repeating the main idea, and asking a few related questions. For example, if she says she is going through a difficult week, ask what happened.

  7. Tell her interesting stories that you experienced. Mention positive, funny, or comforting stories to let her know how your life has been lately. Can talk about topics that you know she's interested in.
    • For example, if she likes to study marine biology, you could say “I recently visited Nha Trang Institute of Oceanography and also scuba diving to see coral”.
    • Try to show her a similar level of energy and body language when talking. For example, if she speaks excitedly and uses a lot of body language, you might respond with the same body language and laugh out loud often. Or, if the girl seems to be self-contained, you might speak more calmly and distance herself. However, don't imitate her gestures, just show an equal amount of energy.

  8. Try making an appointment to see her one more time. After the two of you have had a good conversation, you will express interest in having a conversation with her and making an appointment with her again. For example, after laughing comfortably at something, you can say “I really enjoyed talking to you. Let's meet again tomorrow ”.

  9. Pay attention to her answers. If she is excited about your offer, make sure you have her contact information and plan to do something together next time. If she's not sure about accepting the offer, don't push it. It's better to wait for her to let you know when there is free time. Sometimes, the other person may be anxious in the moment and appear uninterested. Sometimes they will refuse by sending you a text message. Hence, you will try texting her to find out what the situation is up to.
    • For example, if she says, "I don't know because you will be very busy soon", you would say, "It's okay, see you again and talk to you today, I'm happy too".
  10. Send a message after the meeting. If you have her contact information and you two will see each other soon, you should text her after a few days saying, “Nice to meet you last time - I can't wait to see you again. ". If she is willing to meet you before and is not sure, you will send an additional text message saying "Let me know when you have time to meet". This is not pressuring and also shows that you want to see her again. advertisement