How to exercise facial muscles

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Facial exercises - The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust
Video: Facial exercises - The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust


  • Place your index finger directly above each eye.
  • Push your index finger down while trying to lift your eyebrows.
  • Repeat 10 times to tone the brow muscles.
  • Push your hand to your forehead. This simple exercise uses the palms to create resistance while raising eyebrows. This practice helps to smooth wrinkles on the forehead.
    • Place each palms on either side of the forehead, the bottom edge of the palm resting on the eyebrows. The palm of the hand should hold the lower skin in place.
    • Raise your eyebrows like you're surprised, then lower them as if you were angry.
    • Lift and lower 10 times, then lift and hold for 30 seconds. Lower and hold for 30 seconds, then repeat the lifting and lowering 10 times.

  • Eyebrow lifting. Just use your fingers and eyebrows and you can exercise the muscles on your forehead. With a little pressure you can create enough resistance to the exercise.
    • Use two fingers to create a peace symbol, then press your fingernails against each eyebrow.
    • Gently push the skin down with your fingers, then push your eyebrows up and down.
    • Repeat the up and down movement of the brow 10 times.
    • Practice 3 times, 10 beats each time, rest for a while and then continue 3 times, each with 10 beats.
  • Stretch the eyelids. The eyelids are the muscles that are easy to train, and don't need much resistance. Using your fingers can help you stretch them, remove wrinkles and have stronger eyelid muscles.
    • Sit down, close your eyes.
    • Loosen your eyelids, use two index fingers to lift your eyebrows. Try to close your eyes while lifting to stretch your eyelids as much as possible.
    • Hold for 10 seconds, rest and repeat 10 times.

  • Squint. Continue to work on the eyelids by narrowing the eyes, using some resistance from the mouth. Because this exercise uses many different muscles, it can help stretch the entire face, not just the eyes.
    • Pout your lips down so that your facial muscles stretch, then puck your lips to the side.
    • Squint one eye closed for one second, repeat 10 times, keeping lips aside. Then practice the other eye.
    • Practice 3 times, 10 beats each time for each eye, take a break for a while and then continue 3 times with 10 beats each.
  • Stretch your face while keeping your eyes still. This will help build muscles around the eyelids for a more refined look. Use fingers that create less resistance for eye-opening and closing.
    • Use your thumb and index finger to draw a C around the eye. Be sure to place your index finger on top of your brow and your thumb against your cheek.
    • Close your eyes and slowly squint your eyelids together. Release the tension without opening your eyes
    • Repeat squinting and loosening your eyelids 25 times.
  • Part 2 of 3: Exercises for oral muscles

    1. Tap by laugh. One of the easiest ways to stretch your mouth muscles is to practice smiling. With this exercise, you will slowly move your mouth into the laughing shape, maintaining different mouth positions. Exercises give you greater control over your face and your ability to smile.
      • Start laughing by opening the corners of your mouth to the sides, lips still closed.
      • Then raise your mouth up to reveal the upper teeth.
      • Smile as wide as you can so that your teeth come out.
      • After reaching this point, gradually relax your mouth muscles, returning the smile to the starting position.
      • Stop at different stages while smiling, and hold that position for 10 seconds.
    2. Put pressure on your smile. Similar to the last exercise, this exercise uses different stages of the smile to train the facial muscles. Here you will use your fingers to create additional resistance to move the muscles around the mouth more.
      • Smile as wide as you can and use your fingers to keep your mouth in place by pressing on the corner of your mouth.
      • The lips are slightly closed, then fully closed and use fingers to resist movement.
      • Hold for 10 seconds in each position.
    3. Practice facial lift. This exercise exercises the muscles around the upper lip to prevent sagging and maintain a crisp lip contour. Doing it right will give you a brighter smile, revealing more upper teeth.
      • Gently open your mouth and widen your nostrils. Raise your nose as high as possible, then slowly pull your upper lip as high as you can, holding it still for 10 seconds.
      • Leave your mouth open slightly and place a finger under your eye, on your cheekbone. Slowly curl your upper lip, while pressing your finger to your face. Hold for 10 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position.
    4. Lip training. This is a simple exercise to increase blood circulation to the lips. It gives lips a more youthful and natural color.
      • Gently open your mouth, making sure your lips are relaxed.
      • Push the lower lip up until it touches the upper lip.
      • Bring both lips into the mouth. Apply pressure to your lips, then relax.
    5. Practice strengthening lower jaw. This exercise works for your lower jaw, which is an important ingredient when you smile, talk and chew, as well as any other mouth activity. This exercise helps prevent chins from splitting and also prevent wrinkles due to aging appearing on the lower part of the face.
      • Close your mouth slightly, especially your teeth and lips.
      • Separate teeth maximally without opening lips.
      • Slowly push your lower jaw forward, push as far as you can, pull your lower lip up and hold for 5 seconds.
      • Slowly bring your jaw, lips, and next teeth back to their original position.
    6. Pronounced O-I. An aperture shaping with some of the basic tones can help exercise the lips, as well as the muscles between the upper lip and nose. This simple exercise only requires doing some amplified facial movements while producing sound.
      • Open your mouth and close your lips so that your teeth are apart and not exposed.
      • Say “Oh” with an amplified mouth movement to bring your lips together.
      • Switch to an “I” sound and stretch your lips with an amplified motion to create the correct “I” sound. You can replace the "I" sound with the "A" sound to change the exercise a little.
      • Perform 10 moves alternately between “Umbrella” and “I”, then repeat 3 times, 10 moves each time.
    7. Thumb sucking. Use natural pressure from sucking to tone your lips. By pulling out your finger at the same time, you add more resistance to the exercise.
      • Put your finger in your mouth and suck it hard.
      • While sucking, slowly remove your finger from your mouth.
      • Repeat 10 times.
    8. Press against the cheek while smiling. This exercise strengthens the cheek muscles. Remember to tilt your head back while you are doing this exercise.
      • Use three middle fingers to press against the cheeks.
      • While pressing you have to laugh loudly to back your fingers.
    9. Cheeks up. This exercise helps smooth wrinkles when smiling and small grooves under the eyes. You have to use your hands to pull the muscles and skin of your face.
      • Place your palms firmly against your cheeks.
      • Pull the corners of the mouth toward the temples until the upper teeth and gums are exposed.
      • Hold for 30 seconds, then release, repeat 3 times.
    10. Squeeze your lips. This exercise helps to regulate the lip muscles. Again, use your hands around your mouth and nose.
      • Place the palm of the hand on your face with the outer edge of your hand above the line of wrinkles when you smile, and the edge of your hand below the jawline. Place the entire palm on your face.
      • Use the lip muscles (not the hands) to push the lips together and hold for 20 seconds. Then push your palms toward your nose and hold for 10 seconds.
      • Repeat the exercise 3 times.

    Part 3 of 3: Face care

    1. Laugh very much. Along with specific exercises, regular smiling can maintain healthy facial muscles, while the face also looks more natural than doing the exercises. In addition, laughing a lot also creates a relaxed and confident appearance, helping you to relieve stress every day.
    2. Keep your face clean. Wipe your face regularly to remove dirt and keep skin clean. Also, use additional skin care products when washing your face, such as cleansers, moisturizers and retinoids. The use of skin care products should be done with simplicity, as too many products can cause the ingredients to be mutually exclusive.
    3. Protect your face from the sun. The sun can damage the skin easily if you are not careful and contribute to the aging face. Avoid going out during strong sunny hours (10am to 2pm), cover your body with clothes, and apply sunscreen. advertisement


    • Wash your hands before performing facial exercises. Touching your face can lead to oil or dust and lead to pimples.
    • You can do these exercises in a sitting or standing position as long as you feel comfortable. You should exercise in front of the mirror, at least for the first time, to see what you're doing.
    • Do these exercises before bed every day. You don't have to do all of the above, just one or two.