How to do push ups

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 17 September 2024
The Perfect Push Up | Do it right!
Video: The Perfect Push Up | Do it right!


  • Choose the best push-up pose for you. There are actually three different push ups that are used to build muscle. The difference of those moves is the position of your hand when in the "plank" position. The closer your hand is to your body, the more your triceps will participate in the movement. The farther the hands are placed, the more effect on the chest muscles.
    • Regular: Your hands should be slightly wider than shoulder width. The movement will work on both your arms and your chest.
    • Diamond style: put your hands together to form a diamond, straight and chest. This gives your hands more action than doing a standard pushup.
    • Wide-arm: Place your hand wide beyond your shoulder. This pose has a big impact on the chest and requires less arm strength.
  • Method 2 of 4: Do the Basic Push

    1. Lower your torso to the ground until your elbows are at a 90 degree angle. Keep your elbows close to increase resistance. Always keep your head looking forward. Try to keep the tip of your nose facing forward. Hold your body in a “plank” position — don't let your hips bend. Take a breath as you lower yourself.
      • The stopping distance between you and the floor depends on your strength and body shape, a good distance you should try to reach is to keep your chest a fist from the ground.
    2. Lift your body up by applying force to the ground. Exhale heavily as you push. That push comes from your shoulders and chest. The triceps (the posterior muscle of the arm) are also involved, but not the main muscle group is used. Don't use force from your buttocks and stomach. Continue pushing until your arms are almost straight (but not locked).

    3. Do the same down and up push again and again at a steady pace. Each down and up count as a push.Continue doing this for as many reps or as your body can do it. advertisement

    Method 3 of 4: Do the Advanced Push Up

    1. Anti-push clap type. Push yourself up with enough force so you can clap your hands in midair. This exercise can be used for strength training.

    2. Diamond push-up type. When you are in the plank position, your hands clasped in a diamond shape and started doing push ups. This movement requires great hand strength and force.
    3. Scorpion push-pull type. Start with a standard push up or some other basic pushup. When you are in a low position, raise one leg and bend forward so that your knees are back and to the side. Do it one at a time or alternate between legs.
    4. Spiderman push-ups. Start with a standard push up or some other basic pushup. Start with a basic push up or something else. When you are in a low position, lift one leg off the floor and pull your knees to the side of your shoulder. Do it one at a time or alternate between legs. If done correctly, this will develop your core muscles plus your upper body.
    5. One-handed push-up type. Extend your legs wider than normal (for balance), put one of your arms behind your back and start using the force of one arm to push up.
    6. Anti-push type with knuckles. Instead of using the hand to do the movement, we put body weight on the fist and use the first two knuckles of each hand to push up. This pose requires enormous hand and wrist strength, and is a way to train your knuckles for use in boxing or martial arts.
    7. Finger push-up type. If you are a very healthy person, try doing push ups with your fingers instead of using your hands or knuckles.
    8. High-leg push-up type. You can increase the difficulty of pushups by placing your feet in a higher position. advertisement

    Method 4 of 4: Do a Simple Push Up

    1. Knee push type. If you haven't been able to do a full-body push, try placing your weight on your knees instead of the foot pads. Do normal push ups until you get the hang of them and do them easily, then you can do the regular push-ups.
    2. Anti-push type on inclined plane. You can do push-ups more easily when you place your hands on something slightly higher than your feet. Find an inclined plane like a slope or something in the house to exercise before you're ready to do a push-up on a normal level. advertisement


    • If you have a wall mirror, use it to check your posture.
    • Focusing on using the forces of your chest muscles, squeezing them together while pushing, your chest muscles will grow faster. If you don't know how to squeeze your chest muscles, do a few simple push ups first. You should do a push-up in front of a mirror so you can focus on using your chest muscles. You should also eat a little before exercising.
    • Warm up before training. Warm up your hands with muscle tension and spin movements to stretch. Warm-ups will help minimize injury and heat up your muscles ready for exercise. You can lift / push / pull / etc. More if you do the warm-ups properly instead of jumping straight into the workout in the first place. Thoroughly warm up your hands and wrists - these are the main joints used for push-ups. After exercising, remember to do more relaxation movements.
    • When you are new to push-ups, it's best to choose a soft surface (like a thin mat or a yoga mat) to practice, which will be more comfortable on your wrists.
    • One of the strengths of push-ups is that we can practice anywhere. You just need to find a place that is enough for you to lie down, without any obstructions. The floor surface should be sturdy and not slippery. It's best to choose a surface that you are comfortable with when you rest your hands — for example, a surface that is free of pebbles.
    • Usually push-ups are difficult to practice in the right position, especially for beginners. If you find your body shaking, while doing the right movement and slowly, you may be exercising with too much difficulty (or you haven't warmed up well enough!).
    • Start by lowering your body slowly, and it will become easier over time to do push-ups.
    • Use a chair to set your feet higher.
    • Start exercising by placing your upper body higher and gradually lowering your body while exercising.


    • Stop if your lower back is tired. Do not try too hard as this may cause injury.
    • Place your hands closer together to increase difficulty and decrease. If you put your hands too close together, it will make it difficult for you to balance your upper body and make it difficult to lift your body, the force will be applied directly to the arm and shoulder bones. This can cause bone pain after training or shoulder joint problems for a long time. The danger varies from person to person and to the extent that it is. The general guideline for you is: When you place your hands on the floor, extend your thumb across the direction of the other hand, if your thumbs touch, your hand is up to the limit. If you want to put your hands closer to increase the difficulty, consider ways to increase the difficulty of push ups. Clap push-ups are a good option for this option. When you do push-ups, focus your willpower, hold hands and position your body tightly.
    • When you do any exercise, if you feel tense / or suddenly you feel chest pain / or shoulder pain, stop it immediately! If you feel pain in your chest / shoulder, maybe you did too much push-ups or you are not ready to do the exercise you are doing. You need to do something lighter to support your chest muscles in push-ups. If the pain is in a different location, you probably did something wrong. If pain persists, consult your doctor.