How to make an unforgettable birthday for your girlfriend

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Give Your Girlfriend an Unforgettable Birthday
Video: How to Give Your Girlfriend an Unforgettable Birthday


Celebrating the person most important to us revolves around one factor only: paying attention to them. There isn't a single decoding that you can search online to determine what every girlfriend wants, not to mention your lover. your. Chasing the perfect gift or a carefully planned party can be stressful, however, so when it comes to planning a memorable party for your spouse. Hope the following ideas will kickstart your efforts.


Part 1 of 3: Information gathering

  1. Mark on the calendar. You can't have an unforgettable birthday party for your girlfriend if you forget her birthday. If you don't know, ask her.
    • It can be difficult to properly plan her birthday if the time to prepare is too short, and you won't even know that tomorrow is her birthday without asking about it. You need to be warned in advance about the preparations you must take.

  2. Listen attentively to her. This is obvious when it comes to maintaining a healthy relationship and being a helpful chatter for your partner, but you should double it as her birthday approaches. The clearest hint is easy to miss if you don't listen carefully.
    • When you both shop together, guess what! She will talk about what she likes. You should write down a list using the note-taking function on your smartphone, or carry a small notebook in your bag (however, make sure to write it in secret).
    • Hints may appear when you are both relaxing in the armchair, wandering the web, or watching Netflix in the middle. If she turns on her iPad or phone, listen carefully to off-topic comments that have the potential to be a gift cue.
    • Listening also gives you more than just gifts. For example, just by listening actively, you can tell that she doesn't like surprise parties, since she was cruelly mocked by her best friend at a five-class party. 10 pictures of her in pajamas, and today, planning to do this for her would be quite a bad idea. Don't assume that she likes something just because you like it.

  3. Pay attention when she's around her friends. Even if it's just meeting a few friends for lunch, she can easily talk about hobbies she thinks you don't like listening to. Don't waste this voluntarily offered gift idea (or the view that might warn you away from bad gift ideas)!

  4. Ask about what she wants. Of course, she's not obligated to tell you directly about what she wants, but just asking questions about it will make you both happier directly.
    • If she says that she doesn't want anything, it doesn't mean "shouldn't do anything". Small things like cooking dinner, or making her own crafts to celebrate your time together will be appreciated even if she doesn't want to receive a big gift. What if she doesn't want to celebrate a formal birthday, spending a quiet night with just the two of you?
    • You should not ignore any desire to limit costs, especially after consulting her. The thought that "spend more money = a better gift" is a common misconception when it comes to giving gifts, especially in the early stages of a relationship.
    • While expressing a wish will make the other person more likely to disappoint if they don't receive the gift they want, don't get discouraged if you can't make their first choice. However, if she wants something beyond your capabilities, opt for a completely different gift, rather than a less ideal version for a special edition sneakers or perfume bottle. Tom Ford.
  5. Review her Pinterest account. The purpose of this social networking site is for users to pin photos of things they like. In other words, if your girlfriend has this account and you're having trouble finding gift ideas, you can check out her Pinterest account.
    • While a little bit of direct exploration can provide a great idea for you, you should never use it as an excuse to invade her privacy. Respect for the boundaries is always important.
  6. Think about your bonding state. What suits the classmate you invited to hang out two days ago won't suit your four-year girlfriend, whom you live in the dorm with, and vice versa. Consider the length of your relationship and how intimate you are when celebrating the birthday of the person you love.
    • Being overzealous is also one of the most common mistakes in a new relationship. Planning the whole evening with lots of celebrations isn't the best idea for a novice, but you need to open up, and let her know you're thinking about her for the day. Text messages or some old hand-transmitted little notes can help you accomplish your goal.

Part 2 of 3: Party Planning

  1. Timely planning and preparation. Waiting until the last minute to buy her gifts, or reserve a table at a restaurant, or quit your job so you can go to the movies with her can be stressful, and in some cases you have to agree. with the second (or third) option of this important day. Can't have the idea of ​​delaying if you want to celebrate an unforgettable birthday for your girlfriend.
    • If you're planning a surprise party, be sure to make sure everyone invited will have time to empty the calendar and make any necessary arrangements.
    • Exploring the museum is a great possibility for birthday parties, but make sure you are well informed about the museum's policies, fares, and opening times. Thinking that people would stay open just because "it looks like that" would easily ruin a last minute birthday plan.
  2. Buy cards, flowers, or both. Although, not every girl loves them, the idea here makes sense. Making a small show that you care and thinking about her when she's away can mean a lot. Even better than buying a pre-made card is to make it yourself, no matter how skillful you are with classic tools like quill pens, glitter, and glue.
    • Flowers create emotions, when they are received and given. You are giving yourself more benefits than you think with that bouquet! Just pick the specific flower you see and give it to her without showing off, or a specific case will make her blush.
  3. Don't just focus on gifts, but know where to buy them. Either way, the online retailer takes time to get your order delivered, and smaller businesses (like the ones you'll often find on Etsy) typically have different working hours than you might think, and possibly It takes more time to complete the ordering process.
  4. Survey your city. Finding out about upcoming events in your neighborhood can provide fun and unexpected ideas for your birthday plans, but it's best to keep up with any events even if you've finished the process. prepare. Festivals, concerts, and construction can ruin your day if you don't foresee it, so plan for alternate routes to the restaurant.
    • Likewise, you should stay up to date with ongoing meteorological information. A storm can be catastrophic for your hike, while a meteor shower brings a beautiful ending (or starts at midnight) for your birthday.
  5. Keep your wallet and have a picnic basket ready. No one says that a memorable birthday is expensive. A proven and certified picnic is always an affordable and fun option for a two-person afternoon, by the stream, or in the woods, or just in your backyard with a playlist selection and a little privacy.
    • Even if you are not into cooking, a few cans of carbonated water and chicken nuggets will be everything the doctor ordered. Don't hesitate to ask friends and family to help you make bruschetta (toast) or other easy-to-make appetizers, or even arrange French spreads: ham, butter, cheese, and bread.
  6. Reconsider the past in search of golden ideas for gift giving. Being with someone long enough can give you many gift ideas. Sometimes, you can directly use every single point of view, idea, and place the two of you have ever experienced together as a gift!
    • Finding objects is a fun way to go, in which a lot of effort and thought can turn a budget for a small gift into a joyful experience. Write down rhyming suggestions that represent specific events in your relationship with her, then hide them indoors and in the classroom (hopefully they don't embarrass her in ), or at a place that makes sense to her. You can ask her family for help so she gets the first hint when she wakes up, hovering over her ceiling fan!
    • Photo gallery is a sweet, inexpensive idea. You can review any positive memories you have by sticking an old photo or note on it, and even adding a few ideas for your future date. In case you are rather shy about creating your own collection, remember: giving your girlfriend a really good gift is no shame.

Part 3 of 3: Celebrate your spouse

  1. Throw rocks in her window at midnight. This is not a cliché action, but a classic. Throwing a few small stones - little emphasis - on her window at midnight, even if it's just to wave if she can't get out, is a meaningful gesture for everyone. Realizable.
    • The plus point of giving her a present is that you can't wait to get it to her, or to lift a sign that says "happy birthday".
  2. Stop glued to your cell phone. Today, we carry our phones everywhere: in the classroom, in our meetings, in the restroom, in our bed. Don't bring your cell phone to her birthday party. It is a distraction that can interfere with your attention and interfere with communication. Full attention is the best gift.
    • Note: "full attention" should not be confused with a satisfactory birthday gift to give to your girlfriend.
    • You will need to have your mobile phone ready to arrange meeting with friends and family to plan your birthday. However, don't prioritize checking your phone rather than being wholeheartedly with your spouse.
  3. Give her a present. It can be easy to mistake a great gift for you for a great gift for your girlfriend. Remember to make sure that the Super Nintendo you carefully gifted has immense emotional value to her, and not because you really want a Super Nintendo.
  4. Giving gifts comes from your heart. While she's the focus, making sure the gifts you give come from your heart will make them more meaningful.
    • If you're going to dinner, don't just go as luxurious as possible. Take her to the pizza shop, because you are both talking about studying abroad in Italy.
    • If you give her a book (or any other piece of art), give her a meaningful gift to you that you think she would like, but will make her think. to you. Make her a multi-artist record or special playlist, and she will think about you every time she listens to them.
  5. Be creative. If you're a musician, make a song for your spouse and perform it in front of them! And if not - you can secretly take the course and perform something in front of them! Even if it's not good, you'll still give your girlfriend a sincere gift that can only come from your heart (and maybe something really funny for the two of you to laugh at. about it later that night). advertisement


  • Remember to remove the price!
  • Do not give money or gift certificates. This kind of gift is often lethargic and non-specific.
  • Don't worry if you can't come up with the super awesome gift you want. The new idea is what matters, that you've already thought about her. (And it's also a way to show her that you know her well.)
  • Don't complain to her that you don't know what to give her! She will feel as if you don't mind thinking about it, and you will also put her in a dilemma.
  • Don't let her pay for dinner on her birthday.