Ways to Create Endless Water Resources in Minecraft

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to make Endless Water / Infinite Water Source guide - Minecraft
Video: How to make Endless Water / Infinite Water Source guide - Minecraft


Minecraft is a game of building, crafting, and surviving in a randomly generated world. Occasionally, you may experience building a house or base without a nearby water source. Fortunately, you can use a bucket to create your own water supply. This article shows you how to create your own endless water in Minecraft.


  1. Dig holes for water sources. Click or use the left trigger button to dig a block of soil / grass in the ground to create a hole. You don't need a tool to dig soil / grass, but it will be faster if you use a shovel. The pit should be at least 2x2 blocks wide and one block deep. You can dig a bigger hole if you want, but a larger hole will need to be filled with more water.After the hole is full, the water you get from the hole will always be filled with water.

  2. Melting the iron bar. The iron bar is used to make the bucket. To get iron, you must first mine iron ore (iron ore) located deep in the cave. You then need to locate or fabricate the furnace and use the furnace to melt iron ore into iron.

  3. Manufacture of buckets. To create the iron bucket, you must have a minimum of three bars of iron in the inventory. Open the crafting table by right clicking on it or pressing the left trigger button. Select a bucket from a card with an apple and bucket icon (in Java version), or from a card with a bucket and bed icon (in Bedrock version), or a weapon and tool tag (in Playstation version). Pull the bucket into your inventory.
    • If you have enough iron bars, you can build more buckets to save time getting water.

  4. Search for waters. You can find rivers, lakes or oceans. In Minecraft, the world is randomly generated. You will need to search the world for water. Water is quite common in Minecraft, so usually you don't have to go too far.
    • You may need to consider crafting a map before you go exploring. Unfortunately, the map is no longer what was available at the beginning of the game.
  5. Fill the bucket with water. Once you find the water source, you need to place the bucket in the toolbar and select it. Then stand by the water and right click or press the left trigger button on a water block. The picture of a bucket in the inventory would be a bucket filled with water.
  6. Repeat steps for all remaining blank cells. Continue to go to the source of water and fill the bucket if necessary. Then, go back to the hole and fill each remaining void with water. When the water level is flat and does not flow in any direction, you have created an infinite source of water.
  7. Repeat steps for all remaining empty cells in the hole. You will probably need to go back to the water source and refill the bucket a few times. Use the bucket to fill the remaining empty spaces in the dug hole. Look for blocks where the water surface is not level or appears to be flowing in one direction. Fill those blocks with water. After you finish pouring, the water surface should look flat and not flowing in any direction. Once the pit is completely filled, you can drain the hole with water each time you use the bucket. The water is automatically filled when you get water from the fabricated source.
    • To remove the water, you just need to put a block in it.