How to Create Iron Man in Minecraft

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make An Iron Man Statue (The Avengers)
Video: Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make An Iron Man Statue (The Avengers)


Iron Golems are adults and fierce protectors of the villagers. They are ONLY protective of the villagers, and have a chance to thrive in the village naturally. However, you can create yourself an iron man with only 4 iron blocks and a pumpkin.


  1. Gather enough ingredients:
    • You will need 4 iron blocks. Iron blocks can be made up of nine iron bars in one crafting board (so you need 36 bars in total).
    • You will need a pumpkin or a pumpkin lamp.

  2. Find a space to create iron man. Must be 3 units wide and 3 units tall.
  3. Place 4 iron blocks in a T shape on the ground.

  4. Place a pumpkin or pumpkin light above and in the middle of the letter T.
  5. Remember to fence your Ironman. Your new iron man can only walk around protecting the villagers when placed in the fence. advertisement


  • Better yet, you should build a fence or a yard before creating Iron Man.


  • If you build Iron Man against a wall, it can multiply inside the wall, choke, and die.
  • If you hit iron man, it will resist you.
  • You cannot create an Ironman in crafting boards.
  • You must place the final block of iron yourself to be able to create Ironman - no plungers are allowed!

What you need

  • 4 iron blocks
  • One pumpkin / pumpkin lamp
  • A fabrication board