How to Create a Meme

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Meme Generator - How To Make A Meme
Video: Meme Generator - How To Make A Meme


This article teaches you how to create a basic meme online. Meme is funny pictures and text often created based on ongoing events, videos or pictures that cause fever on the Internet and current comedic trends.


Method 1 of 3: Understanding meme

  1. Know what a meme is. Meme is usually amusing or satirical content (such as a photo or video) that is shared with many people. Meme is often created in the way of combining a seemingly normal photo with funny text, combining bullshit photos with witty captions, or adding new context to the content.
    • The word "meme" stands for "memetics", which means the study of common principles, philosophies or content.
    • Meme can consist of a variety of assets, so it can be difficult to determine what type of meme belongs to.

  2. Know many different types of meme. Although there are countless sub-types of meme, a few of the main types of meme are as follows:
    • Meme traditional (or "normal") is a photo or screenshot from a viral movie, video, or magazine. These photographs often have text that matches the general spirit of what is being added.
    • Meme dark neck often laughs in bullshit or out of context. Additionally, dark old memes often try to rebuild the popularity of a meme that has been forgotten or is slowly becoming forgotten by using it repeatedly.

  3. Understand how funny memes are. Since memes are often amusing images based on ongoing events, the meme's humor can be insensitive or inappropriate in society. Meme also often laughs in a silly or nonsense way, with the idea that the meme's ridiculous nature will be entertaining.
    • An example of an emotionless amusing meme is the popularity of the meme mentioning the Harambe gorilla after it was shot dead by a Cincinnati zoo employee.
    • An example of a meme that is silly funny is the habit of using a piece of music with no bass or distorted sound to emphasize a moment in a video.

  4. Learn about popular memes today. To understand what content is considered a meme, look for meme that appeared this year. You can also narrow your search by filtering by month.
    • Example: Type memes January 2018 go to your search engine to find memes related to the virtual reality chat "Ugandan Knuckles", some funny memes about Tide, and meme about the US government shutdown.
    • You can also learn about today's popular videos and images if you want to try to predict what the upcoming meme is.
  5. Mention another meme or viral video in your meme. When creating memes, you can mention popular events, books, movies, video games, and more to increase the meme's amusing level.
    • For example, Meme has many accident videos (such as bicycle crashes) that can remind viewers of "killing enemies through the screen" scene in the game Call of Duty.
  6. Combine two conflicting things. Combining an ordinary image with unusual text (or vice versa) can make the meme bizarre, meaningless, but that's often the nature of the meme fevering online.
    • Example: Combining a still image of the bear Winnie the Pooh with a somewhat obscene comedic line is a good way to make fun in the way of bullshit.

Method 2 of 3: Create a traditional meme

  1. Open ImgFlip. Go to in the browser on your computer. ImgFlip is one of the sites with the most comprehensive meme database that allows you to upload your own photos to create meme.
  2. Selection Create. This button is in the upper left of the page. When you hover your mouse pointer over it, you will see a drop-down menu.
  3. Click Caption a Meme or Image. It's in the drop-down menu. This is the step to open the page with the meme template.
  4. Photo selection. Scroll through the popular meme templates in the top-right corner of the page until you find the one you want to use, then click on it.
    • You can also upload your own photos for meme by clicking Upload your own image In the top-right corner of the page, click Upload image from your device, select a photo, click Open and click Upload.
    • If you want to search for a meme, click the "Search all memes" text box on the right side of the page, type in the meme name (such as "Harambe"), click the button View All Meme Templates yellow when it appears, then select your favorite image.
  5. Enter photo caption line. In one or more text boxes on the right side of the page, type the caption you want to use for the picture. Since the caption line is often easy to change position, you may need to rearrange the text in the caption if it doesn't match your picture.
    • For example, a traditional meme caption is usually the horizontal text at the top and bottom of a meme photo.
    • Some memes, such as button memes, have a comment box on that button.
  6. Click Generate Meme. This blue button is on the right side of the page. This is the step to create a meme with the selected photo and caption.
  7. Save photo. When the generated meme appears in the pop-up window, right-click on it, then click options Save image in the drop-down menu that appears. This is the step to save meme to your computer. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Create an antique dark meme

  1. Understand the main principle behind ancient dark meme. Meme is considered "old fashioned" when it comes to concepts that are silly, indecent, nonsensical, and / or contradictory (eg, the old dark meme might try to make you laugh at some tragedy).
    • Dark old meme also tends to refer to old or forgotten memes and / or feverish content that is not very relevant (such as a 2018 meme that mentioned Harambe's gorilla death).
  2. Search for suitable images as a base for meme. It could be chat screenshots, pop culture images (such as movies or TV shows), or anything else you want to use as a base.
    • Try to search for images that are relevant (such as pictures of the Queen of England) or photos that have nothing to do with ongoing events (such as sunset shots).
  3. Open the photo with an editing program. Microsoft Paint is used by many people to create old dark memes on Windows computers — in fact, Microsoft Paint itself can be considered an old dark meme — but Mac users tend to use style services. like Pixlr (online photo editing program).
  4. Add text to pictures. Unlike traditional memes, old dark memes often place text in odd, unconventional places in photos.
    • For example, you can place the word near a person's mouth if that's what they are likely to say.
    • Many old dark memes use another way of using text to name their subjects. A common trend in ancient dark memes is to take a picture of a person throwing an alterable object at a subject, then treat that person as "me", the subject as "doctor", and it's "an apple a day" (or something like that).
    • Most photo editors allow you to add text by clicking the "Text" button in the toolbar (usually with a text icon A), then click or click and drag the cursor onto the photo.
  5. Add more content to the photo. For example, some old dark memes show famous footage and replace the character's face with the face of the public (or someone who's causing fever on the internet).
    • The old dark meme isn't clearly categorized, so as long as the image has a silly or ridiculous nature, it can be considered an old dark meme.
  6. Save photo. After saving your photos to your computer, you can freely upload them to social networks or your favorite meme site.
    • You may need to write your username or signature in the photo to make sure it belongs to you.


  • Meme can be created in a way that simply shows an image without context, then posts it with a photo caption of "When" (eg post an image of an elephant skeleton with the caption "When you eat too much on Thanksgiving holidays ").


  • Meme can be cruel, and the meme community is not that different. If you plan to contribute to the meme community, be prepared to see offensive, inappropriate, and / or offensive content quite often.