How to Create a Fake Facebook Profile

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Create Fake Facebook Account || fb fake account create 🔥
Video: How to Create Fake Facebook Account || fb fake account create 🔥


Facebook is almost the first choice in connecting, sharing life, getting to know and keeping in touch with old friends. However, sometimes you still want to enjoy the convenience of Facebook Not Share your likes, comments or articles with others or even anyone and still looks "real". To do that, you need a "status", a fake or anonymous Facebook account with enough friends and activities to look convincing.


Part 1 of 2: Creating an identity

  1. Choose a name. Your username can be anything you like. You can blend into the crowd with names like Trang Nguyen or stand out with weird names like Aloysius Cornwisky. Just remember that the stranger the name, the harder it will be for you to appear "real". After all, Aloysius is not on the list of the 1000 most-named names at any given time in the past 50 years!
    • Whatever your choice, there are no restrictions that apply to namesake.

  2. Create an email account with your new name. Create anonymous accounts with services like Yahoo, Gmail or Hotmail. They are completely free. Furthermore, a subpoena from a court is required to confirm the true identity of the person hidden behind the false name.

  3. Add pictures from your life. Everyone has names and pictures tell stories. As the saying goes: "Either pictures, or stories are not real".
    • Avoid pictures from Google, online photo galleries or any other public site - thanks to Google Images, it's easy to investigate them. To check if the image you use is easily detected, go to and drag your image into the search box. If the image is available online, Google Images will find it.
    • Some possible photo supplies include dating sites like Zoosk or, Flickr, Tumblr, and even that "other" social media website - Myspace.
    • Screenshots from newly uploaded YouTube videos are even harder to find than for Google Images. Find keywords for the image you want to find on Youtube (or another video sharing site), then select "upload date" under the filters. It may not be easy to find the relevant video, but the resulting image will be difficult to detect (unless it is a representative image of the video).
    • Avoid using pictures from other Facebook accounts because Facebook's sophisticated facial recognition algorithm can cause you to accidentally tag someone's picture who will know your trick. It can cause you to give up not only the fake account but also the primary account!
    • If you are in your late "teens" or early twenties, Vampire Freaks is a website filled with pictures but they can be found by Google Images.
    • Once you've found your avatar, make sure there's another picture of that person for later use. If you want to use pictures of different people for "you", make sure to pay attention to details such as nose style, lips, skin color, hair style and color, height, weight, eye color as well as countless other attributes.
    • Many people use childhood photos or even cats, favorite soccer or bushes for their Facebook profiles - there are no special requirements for someone's face to be included in all of their profiles. friend.

Part 2 of 2: Building profiles

  1. Create your own alternative life. When building a profile for your life, you will need a place or community to "live".
    • Your reincarnation can live in the same city as you or live on the other end of the world!
    • Find the high school, high school or college in that area, add them to your page.
    • Choose a few different things for each category in the preferences section. For music, choose the band you like and match the style of the character you're creating.
  2. Create your other ego! Talk about yourself but remember, it's not about "real" you but about creating another character. You may be younger or older. You can even have a different gender!
    • The more details you add, the more convincing the fake account is. Just be careful to "play" the part you are playing.
  3. Add friends. Look for seemingly interesting people who live in the same place as you. If they have more friends, the better. The goal here is to build a network of "friends", and by finding someone with lots of friends, you achieve two things:
    • First, if their list of friends is long, they won't be able to know everyone on that list. Find out their main interests and when making friends, say something similar: "Hi, remember me? We met at the concert last week." They will just assume you have met them and agree to make friends.
    • Second, if they have so many friends, you will quickly have many mutual friends - even friends who are not as famous. You can say, "Hi, miss me? I went with Mai at the concert last week".
    • Make friends with both sexes. As a result, you will develop a comprehensive profile.
    • Don't send friend requests with people you know! If a lot of people say you're fake, just ignore it and let it go. Continue to make friends and learn more about them through chat and texting.
  4. Update frequently. Update your avatar and cover photo from time to time, making sure you attend events in "your" neighborhood.
    • Create Twitter, Yelp and Instagram accounts, "check in" many different spots around the city.By keeping your account up to date, you give the impression that you are real.