How to Create Hell Gate in Minecraft

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to make a nether portal in minecraft commentary explained in creative mode and survival mode
Video: How to make a nether portal in minecraft commentary explained in creative mode and survival mode


Nether Portal will take you to Hell (Nether) in Minecraft. The portal is created from Obsidian, one of the most difficult materials in the game. If you have a Diamond Pickaxe, you can mine Blackstone and create a portal. In case you do not have a diamond pickaxe, use "mold" to create the gate structure without going mining. Nether Portal is available in all versions of Minecraft.


Method 1 of 2: Use a diamond pickaxe

  1. Crafting Diamond Pickaxe. Diamond Pickaxe can be formed with three diamonds and two wooden sticks. You will need a diamond pickaxe to mine the black faceted jelly.
    • If you want to build Hell Gate without diamond hoes, you can make "molds" with other materials and create Black Stone according to the exact shape of the gate. Please check online to learn more about how.
    • See the article Find and exploit fast diamonds in Minecraft for tips on finding diamonds.

  2. Fill up a few buckets of water. Black jelly is formed by pouring water into lava source blocks. A bucket of water will form a Black Jelly. At least ten blocks of Blackstone are required to make the gate, and you should also bring extra water in case something goes wrong.

  3. Find lava. Lava often appears deep underground, but you can still slip into a lava lake anywhere in the world. Lava appears most often at Y: 11 coordinates.
  4. Hit a bucket of water on the wall above the lava blocks. The rule here is that the water should be evenly spread over the lava blocks. The place where the water comes in contact with the lava becomes the Black Face Stone.
    • Suppression of the lava means the loss of the light source. It's a good idea to place a few torches before pouring water into the lava to maintain light.

  5. Collect the source water block using the empty bucket. This way, you will see the black jelly lying below.
  6. Use the diamond pickaxe to mine Black Facesstone. You need 10 blocks of Blackstone to make the gate. Rinse and repeat the bucket procedure if necessary.
    • Note: the process of exploiting the Black-sided rhinestones takes place quite a long time (9.4 seconds). You can speed up the process by using the effective talisman "Efficiency".
    • If you're standing in the water, be careful not to let the currents push you into the slowly exposed lava.
  7. Make the frame for the gate. You should set up a frame near your home so that it can be easy to re-supply your inventory when you return from Hell. The gate frame is at least 4x5 blocks in size (no corners required), so you need a minimum of 10 blocks.
    • Place two of the blackstone blocks side by side on the ground, then place the placeholder on each end. Place three vertical rows of Blackstone on each placeholder block. Place more placeholders on top of each column. Add 2 more Blackstone blocks between the top two placeholder blocks. Now you can break the placeholder blocks to make the gate frame without corners. The free space inside will be 2x3 blocks.
  8. Light up the gate with the Flint and Steel ignition tool. The device can be constructed with an iron bar and a diagonal flint of flint. The space in the middle of the portal will glow purple when activated.
  9. Stand in the gate for a few seconds. Depending on the capabilities of the processor on your device, you will be teleported to Hell in about 4 seconds. You can cancel teleportation by stepping out of the gate, but you need to be quick before your vision begins to distort. The return gate will be created in Hell, right where you appear.
    • Don't forget to bring your ignition tools when you go to Hell. The Ghast can put you in the gate back, then Flint and Steel will help you re-light the gate.
      • However, you should also consider bringing in the Black Stone (maybe 10 blocks) in case the Ghast demons destroy the gate. This is also rare because Obsidian is very hard.

Method 2 of 2: Build Hell Gate with a mold

  1. Use this method if you don't have a diamond pickaxe. You can build Hell Gate without using a diamond pickaxe by creating your own waterfall and using a bucket of lava to frame the Black Face Stone.
  2. Prepare 2 buckets of water, 10 buckets of lava and lots of pebbles (Cobblestone) and dirt (Dirt). We will need these materials to frame the Hell Gate.
  3. Dig a groove with dimensions 6x1 (length 6, depth 1). This is considered the front of the frame.
  4. Behind this groove, you build a wall 6x3 high, with 2 central blocks 4 blocks high.
  5. Place blocks of soil on either side. You need to put the sides up to create a mold.
  6. Using the water bucket, place two blocks of water on opposite ends of the cobblestone mold. A small waterfall will appear.
  7. From now on, you need to keep this principle in mind: Any hollow blocks that lie directly ON THE SIDE or BELOW ON the water block will become Black Faced Jelly when you are poured in with the lava bucket, so be careful. If you form a black rock in an unwanted position, it will stay there until you find the diamond pick.
  8. Use the bucket of lava to make a pillar of 3-block plaster on either side.
  9. Can you see the gully below? Use a bucket of lava and create a background with 2 blocks side by side.
  10. Use an empty bucket to collect two water bodies on the top side of the cobblestone mold. That way you will be able to create the top of the Hell Gate.
  11. Climb onto the mold and use the bucket of water with the protrusion.
  12. Pour the lava bucket directly into the water source. The water dissipates and turns into black jelly. Do the same with the other party.
  13. It is done! You have your own Hell Gate without the need for a diamond pickaxe. advertisement


  • Always be careful with everything around you when in Hell, because if you accidentally bump into Zombie Pigmen, all of them will chase you.
  • Pebbles are very useful for gate protection because the Ghast cannot blow away the Nether Portal.
  • Make sure you have all your armor, weapons, and food ready!
  • Always carry your igniter with you as Ghast can kick you out of the gate.
  • Be cautious around cliffs or holes in the ground because there may contain lava or deadly deep pits.
  • Do not use the bed while in Hell, you will explode.
  • The only way to bring water to Hell is to put it in the cauldron. This trick can help you survive a fire attack.
  • Lives near the gate. This way you can teleport back and forth when in danger.


  • Always keep 10 Black Stones in your inventory when you go to Hell, in case your gate is lost or destroyed.