Ways to Increase Followers on Twitter

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
6 Ways to Get New Twitter Followers & Grow Your Audience
Video: 6 Ways to Get New Twitter Followers & Grow Your Audience


Silicon Valley venture capitalist Guy Kawasaki said once, "There are actually two types of Twitter users: those who want more followers and those who lie." To enter the Twitter community, you don't have to be a celebrity, or find a complicated way to cheat. You can increase your followers by becoming followable, increasing your visibility, and using a few proven strategies that will increase followers. See Step 1 for more information.


Method 1 of 3: Become Worth Following

  1. Continue to perfect your profile. Make sure your profile is complete with an avatar that shows your face and a trusted profile. It is important for other users to know who you are and what you care about.
    • The simplest and most personal way to get an avatar is a photo of your face looking straight into the lens. Avoid funny angles or something out of the ordinary. Crop the photo to a square, but don't shrink it. You'll want people to be able to click on it and see a larger version.
    • If you own a company and want to use your trademark as an avatar instead of a photo, this is perfectly fine. However, the use of any graphic or photo as an avatar may give the impression of a fake or junk account, so is not recommended.
    • Many people will read your Twitter profile before deciding whether to follow you or not. A well-written resume can get you more followers than a poor resume.

  2. Create interesting, funny, or thought-provoking tweets. Potential followers will glance at your most recent tweets to see if you're worth following. So it is completely understandable why the better your tweet, the more followers you will have.
    • Add richness. Make sure you tweet on a variety of topics, not just your personal thoughts or what you're doing right now. Talk about your interests and concerns, share an insightful piece of advice, or post something cool to stir.
    • Attention, clarity, and stimulation. Share news relevant to your life. If you can weave a good story, you will have readers fascinated with the plays about your everyday life.
    • Post interesting links. Find a sensational story. Go online a piece that you can make a great tweet. Guy Kawasaki, who has more than 100,000 followers, even paid to hire someone to search for stories that would spark interest for him to tweet. There are tons of websites that you can scour for impressive Tweet sources.
    • Post multimedia files. Stirring up with photos, videos, and even music clips here and there can make your posts more fun to follow.

  3. Tweet often, at the right times of the day. Nobody wants to follow someone who never tweet, so it's important to stay active on Twitter. You should post at least one post a day and ideally two posts per day to maximize your presence in the Twitter world.
    • It is also important that you post tweets during the day or evening when the most people are active. Nobody sees your tweet or has a chance to follow you if you always post while they're asleep. The best times to tweet are before people go to work in the morning (before 9am) and after they finish their shift in the afternoon (around 6pm).
    • Make sure you include the time zone as well. Most Twitter users live in the US, so you should schedule your tweet time to match East and West coast time.
    • On the other hand, it's also important not to "flood" your followers with too many tweets, as this leaves their update page full of information and sometimes spam, which can lead to them. don't want to follow you anymore.

  4. Using hashtags is a great way to connect with people with similar interests and to increase the likelihood of your tweets being viewed.
    • Insert hashtags in your tweets and also create tweets based on Twitter hashtags that were popular on Twitter at the time (you can see them as “popular topics” on the left hand side of your Twitter homepage). This will maximize the visibility for the tweet.
    • However, like everything on Twitter, hashtags should be used in moderation.Choose only one or two relevant or interesting hashtags to increase the quality of your tweets. Don't just add hashtags to words that appear in the rest of your tweet, or add it just for your benefit.
  5. Follow your followers. It may sound counterintuitive to do this when you are focusing on increasing followers, but it's a good way because people who find you aren't following back may unfollow you. Like other social media sites, Twitter is a kind of "reciprocal" environment.
    • Besides, when you follow someone back, they can respond to you openly, making it possible for their followers to see you.
    • If you're worried that you won't be able to keep up with that many people, then you are right. Once you follow more than 100 people, it's almost impossible to read all their updates. You will be more selective in whose / what you read.

Method 2 of 3: Increase Your Presence

  1. Direct people to your Twitter account. You can drive more people to your Twitter account by placing "Follow me on Twitter" links on blogs, emails, other social media, and on websites. .
    • That way, people already interested in what you do can easily find your Twitter profile and follow you.
    • Using graphics, like buttons or counters, can also be more effective at grabbing attention and getting you more followers.
  2. Try to get your star or celebrity to follow you on Twitter. That will increase the chances that they'll tweet to you or retweet one of your tweets, increasing your Twitter visibility as well.
    • You can catch a star's attention on Twitter by sending them an "@message". An @message is a direct message that you can send to anyone, regardless of whether you follow them or not.
    • Pick a celebrity (or at least someone with dozens of followers) to send @message to. This message will appear on your profile page, so whoever looks at you will see who you tweeted to.
    • If you're really lucky, that person will reply to your message, retweet it, or maybe even follow you back. This will make it visible to thousands or even millions of people, and will definitely bring you followers.
    • While this doesn't happen so often, it's still worth sending one or two direct messages a day hoping that it will be retweeted. Remember, the better the original tweet, the more likely the star will notice it!
  3. Follow people with similar interests, then follow people who follow them. This sounds complicated, but it is not. Just look for people who share your interests, but who have a lot of followers. Then all you have to do is just follow the person "and" who follows them.
    • For example, if you're a fan of tarot cards, find another crazy fan with lots of followers, then follow those followers. If your profile and tweets make it clear that you are a tarot enthusiast, they are more likely to follow you.
    • But also be careful that; following too many people can reduce potential followers.
  4. Have people retweet you. Being retweeted pushes your presence to the top of the Twitter network. Simply add "Please retweet" or "Please RT" at the end of a post (not all the time) so that you can remind your followers that you want them to spread the word for you. Posting a link to an article about How to Retweet from time to time will also allow your followers to help you.
  5. Repeat your most popular tweets. Study your Twitter name and observe which updates get the most replies and retweets. Then repeat those updates a few times every 8-12 hours.
    • You will reach more people this way because you will be more likely to get noticed for people who missed your update the first time around. People "tune in" to Twitter at different times of the day (and night).
    • If you get complaints about repeated tweets, you might want to take a break (or just delete those who complain!)

Method 3 of 3: Increase Your Followers in a Strategic way

  1. Regularly unfollow people who don't follow you back. This is especially important to avoid tracking limits. The first limit you may encounter is when you follow 2000 people. You won't be able to follow anyone more until you have 2000 followers.
    • When this happens, you will need to “clean up” your list by unfollowing people who are not following you back. Aim for unsubscribing to people who don't post often, or who you aren't interested in their tweets. Then you will not feel missing out.
    • However, as the list of people you follow grows, you also spend more time reading it and filtering out who doesn't follow you. Luckily, there are services like Twidium and FriendorFollow that can help clear the list for you.
    • Once your list has been cleared, you'll be able to follow a dozen new options among Twitter users, and if you choose carefully, most of them will follow you back!
  2. Follow auto followers. “Twitter stars” (Twitter users with a large following and follow them) are also likely to follow you back automatically.
    • They follow thousands or sometimes tens of thousands of people, but unlike spam accounts, they also have the same (or more) followers.
    • You will come across such accounts while walking around Twitter (for example, when they are retweeted by someone you are following), but you can also search the Internet for “universal Twitter accounts. most popular "or" popular Tweeters ".
    • People who follow spam accounts can be auto-followers. Wait for a spam account to follow you. Spam accounts will have more than 1000 followers, but only about 5 to 150 actual followers.
    • Follow everyone who follows the spam account. Those people may be people whose purpose is to follow up to increase their own followers.
  3. Use keywords to find followers. A good way is to search for tweets with keywords related to your favorite topic.
    • Let's say you are a rock metalhead fan. Look for people mentioning your favorite metal groups. Respond to their tweets and follow them. Your feedback will show them that you have something in common with them, and make it possible for them to follow you back.
    • Better yet, retweet them if the content is good. Not only will you create connections with other Twitter users, but you will also bring great content to your followers.
  4. Consider buying followers. There are many services available that allow you to exchange money for followers. For the most part, these followers are bots (fake accounts created for the purpose of increasing numbers), but your number of followers will substantially increase.
    • Devumi, FastFollowerz, TwitterBoost, BuyRealMarketing, and TwitterWind are trustworthy services for delivering followers, all for between $ 12 and $ 20, with some sort of money back guarantee, and increasing followers. you significantly from 300,000 to 500,000.
    • If you're on a personal account, stick to the old method of increasing followers. It's easy to see when one of your friends buys fake followers, which will confuse them when they get caught. Follower buying is often used by companies or stars that matter to them with a large following on Twitter. Famous politicians and musicians also often have large fake followers.
    • There are many risks to buying followers.Many services do not guarantee followers over a long period, meaning you could have hundreds of thousands of followers a week, and a lot less the following week. Many follower sellers are simply scams to get your credit card information or collect contact information to spam your actual followers.
  5. End! advertisement


  • Consider creating another Twitter account. It is quite possible that with concentrated efforts to increase followers, your account may be suspended (for doing a spam account). If your primary Twitter account is of great value to you (your full name, your own brand ...) then you may want to create a demo account to use these tricks.
  • Make an effort to keep your followers on Twitter. People who actually follow the tweets of the people they follow will often reevaluate the follower and will not follow anyone they feel is no longer worth following.


  • Twitter has a system that quickly detects and detects a series of followers and non-followers. If this system catches you, your tweets will likely be affected by Twitter's search engine.
  • Do not send automated direct messages as they may lead to unfollow.
  • Don't unfollow other people as soon as you follow them. Wait at least five days before unfollowing people who are not following you back. If you unfollow immediately, you will likely be reported as a junk account and your account will be suspended.