Ways to Increase Sexual Desire

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Ways to Increase Your Sex Drive -- The Doctors
Video: 5 Ways to Increase Your Sex Drive -- The Doctors


Sexual desire is a person's sexual ability. Whether you are a man or a woman, you may want to learn about temporary or long-term methods to increase and enhance your interest and excitement as well as your partner's. blanket and pillow ”. You may also be looking for advice on how to regenerate your lust, or restore your ability to perform during sex. Here is a brief guide for you to learn.


  1. Always think positively and keep stress levels low. If you feel comfortable and confident, you will be sexier and more attractive in the eyes of your partner.
    • Prolonged stress can lead to a decrease in libido. For people who have to work stressful jobs, or who have to travel long distances (we all know how stressful commuting is), their libido drops.
    • Men and women react differently to stressful situations. For men, sex is often a source of stress relief; For women, stress makes the relationship uninteresting or unpleasant for them. Understand the different reactions between the sexes and talk to your partner about choosing the right, stress-free time to have sex.

  2. Use, but don't rely too much on, specific foods or supplements that are thought to boost your libido. Natural supplements can help increase blood circulation and can sometimes help prevent vaginal dryness.
    • Some natural supplements that can increase libido include: vitamin E, zinc, vitamin C, arginine, vitamin A, vitamin C, Octacosanol, Beta-carotene, vitamin B6, and vitamin B complex. well suited. These nutrients can help increase sperm count, improve sperm motility, enhance prostate function, increase testosterone production, and form a healthy nervous system.
    • Some foods that can boost libido include: Celery, raw oysters, bananas, avocados, walnuts, mangoes, peaches, strawberries, eggs, liver, figs, garlic, pumpkin and chocolate.
    • Some natural foods and supplements like ones may add nutrients and minerals to your diet, but they will not have a strong effect on libido and performance. Your "sex" is like:
      • (1) have a healthy, nutritious diet rich in lean protein, and fresh fruits and vegetables (especially dark green leafy vegetables like kale or lettuce);
      • (2) daily vitamin and nutrient supplements to address any nutrient deficiencies;
      • (3) regular exercise (enough to make you sweat) and resistance training exercises; and
      • (4) achieve and maintain a healthy percentage of body fat.

  3. Psychological factors that are often underestimated in sexual desire. Desires can be triggered, or alleviated, by environmental stimuli.
    • To avoid mood swings, remove the following types of items from your bedroom:
      • Photos of your parents or children (many people often get the feeling that these photos are "staring" at them). The same goes for pets as they often enjoy hanging around in your bed or by the edge of your bed.
      • Stack of papers, books, and work related files (and miscellaneous items in general).
    • To help you set the mood:
      • Choose lights with dim light or candle light. Light bulbs, low power, wide spectrum, will be the most suitable light source.
      • Create a fresh air in the room and use frankincense, essential oils, or lightly scented candles to create a pleasant scent (use subtle scents - sometimes, spray perfume into an air with too intense and overwhelming spirit).

  4. Prepare to be close. If you plan a romantic evening with someone, and hopefully get him / her "in the right mood":
    • Coffee and chocolates are great foods to eat. Both are believed to stimulate euphoria because they help maintain a positive mood, help produce endorphins, provide energy (caffeine), and increase physical stamina.
    • Alcohol and other alcoholic beverages can help people relax, but only use a small amount. Excessive alcohol consumption can cause impotence in men. Excessive abuse can cause loss of consciousness, or loss of awareness of the situation. In either case, the subject will not be able to give consent so any sexual act will be treated as illegal, or forced, sexual activity.
  5. Explore situations that do wonders for you and your partner. Sexual desires tend to be associated with different situations for different people.
    • You don't have to reproduce those scenarios in too much detail. With a bit of imagination, spontaneous role-playing, you can incorporate one or two key elements from the script - such as an outfit or gear - and create a situation that might turn the tide wake up both moods.
    • Sometimes, the best way to do it is to use an approach you understand well if you've never done a role-playing game with your partner before. Often, just a little hint of something interesting can enhance his / her experience.
  6. Seek help from a sex therapist if needed. If you are having sex problems that prevent you from wanting, initiating, or enjoying sex, consider whether these are psychological problems. If you think the answer is possible, seek help from a sex therapist.
    • Sex therapists often treat people who experience problems such as impotence or loss of sexual pleasure that can stem from underlying and undiagnosed depression.
    • The sex therapist will provide chat therapy with individuals and couples, and often give them "homework" so they can exercise at home and regain normal sexual function.
    • For example, a therapist will encourage the couple to explore in different ways that they can get together without going through sex, to help them rebuild trust and a sense of acceptance, and Don't judge each other in bed. The most basic idea of ​​these types of "homework" is because sex has become an experience associated with stress, pressure, and frustration; and so, you need to learn to reconnect closeness to joy, mutual acceptance, discovery and joy.
  7. Please be patient. If your partner is being treated for sexual loss of sensation or difficulty, or problems related to sexual performance, be patient and be aware that the treatment may take several months. or more for this to work:
    • If you've just dated someone who is experiencing these problems, you don't have to keep dating him / her. Everyone has the right to seek satisfaction in physical relationships, and the right to end the relationship if they do not get along with sex, or for any other reason. If you think you will end up breaking up with the person in the end if things don't work out, you will likely hurt him / her less, and make the problem less complicated. you are leaving this person now, rather than later.
    • Instead, if you are in a long-term bonding relationship with someone, a sex therapist can give you advice on how to help you get rid of the pressure and judgment. Your partner can feel when you want to have sex with him / her. If your partner's problem stems from a past trauma, he / she may also need to see a therapist on his own.
  8. Recognize the role of testosterone in long-term sex drive regulation for both men and women.
    • For example, women's desire, and their initiative to initiate sex, depend on testosterone supplementation, which has been approved in Europe but is still in its infancy. tested by FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in USA.
    • Men are also often prescribed by doctors to use testosterone supplements to treat abnormally low levels of testosterone, increase libido, and enhance libido.
    • The natural production of testosterone by both men and women decreases with age, but remission can be accelerated through smoking, drinking a lot of alcohol, and excessive increase in excess muscle fat. can be caused by not increasing body activity.
    • Testosterone levels in men typically peak early in the morning, so if you and your partner are having trouble having sex - or if your boyfriend's interest in sex issues has dropped recently - Try having sex in the morning. Make sure you have enough time to enjoy it before your commute time, as the thoughts of being late can reduce your mood.
  9. Use strength and resistance strengthening exercises to boost your testosterone levels. This will have a stronger effect on libido and sexual performance than other treatments.
    • The most effective way to boost testosterone - and long-term sex drive - on both men and women is to start strength and resistance-building exercises to build muscle. Whenever you break and rebuild muscles by lifting weights, or through resistance-enhancing exercises such as push ups, you can stimulate testosterone production that lasts for hours.
    • Both men and women find that their interest in and enjoyment of sex is increased when they regularly practice high-intensity exercises that break down and rebuild muscles, from that stimulates the production of testosterone.
    • Usually, the increase in testosterone and libido can be noticed either immediately or after exercise. For many couples, exercising together can become a stimulating experience and can get them in the right mood.
    • When combined with a healthy, nutritious diet that includes a variety of lean proteins, and fruits and vegetables, strength and resistance exercises can help both men and women get rid of their intake. excess body fat (when the body is overweight or obese, they tend to decrease testosterone production).
    • In addition to increasing the amount of testosterone and libido in both men and women, intense resistance and strength training exercises can improve your sex life for the following reasons:
      • They enhance performance, range of motion, and stamina;
      • Promote mood, confidence, and energy levels of the body;
      • And helps you look (and feel) younger and more attractive.


  • Accept fluctuations in your sex drive and your partner's sex drive, which may be due to changes in age and developmental stage:
    • If you were a man, you wouldn't be as interested in sex as when you were 18. If you are a woman, your current sexual interest and enjoyment levels will probably increase when you turn 30, then decrease gradually when you reach 60:
    • Women between the ages of 18 and 25 are generally less sexually interested than women in the second half of their twenties, in their 30s, and early 40's. That's because of the peak of sexuality of Women start at age 30, while for men it's 18.
    • It is important for both men and women to consider forming a long term bond to realize whether a woman's libido increases significantly during this time, especially if she is married. when young. In contrast, a man's libido will decrease significantly in the same time period.
    • A heterosexual couple marrying in their 20s may start with different sexual desires, but over time they may find harmony, or even disagree, for the sake of the woman's desire. far beyond the man.
    • Both men and women will experience a drop in libido by the time they turn 60, but are more pronounced in women.
  • Accepting yourself (if you are a woman) or accepting your partner if she is going through a change in desires due to hormonal changes - this is perfectly normal:
    • A woman's libido is often increased during ovulation, during menstruation, and quite suddenly, during pregnancy. This is the result of hormonal changes.
    • Women may experience a decrease in libido during the first few months after childbirth, during breastfeeding (this can prevent ovulation), and after menopause, all. both due to hormonal changes.Many women find that their libido decreases after starting oral contraceptives (these drugs "fool" a woman's body and cause them to "think" they are pregnant) .
    • When women are pregnant, or on oral contraceptives, they tend to be aroused for other male hormones compared to when they are not pregnant (or not taking birth control pills). So sometimes by the time women start taking birth control pills, they may feel less attracted to their partner.
    • You need to be patient with your partner after she gives birth, and understand that it may take three or four months for her to regain her interest and enjoyment. with regard to sex, because at the moment her body is experiencing postpartum trauma, and because her hormone levels drop drastically and it takes a while for them to find Get a new balance. Nearly 20% of women experience postpartum depression, which may temporarily suppress their libido and energy levels.
    • If you are a woman and your libido drops significantly over the course of several months,This can form problems for yourself, and you may think the change is hormonal (eg, starting to use birth control pills, after giving birth, starting menopause. ), consider seeking advice from your doctor and sex therapist to see if medications, hormone therapy, and / or talking to a therapist can help you find your way. understand the underlying causes.


  • The first step toward a boost in libido is not using tobacco or alcohol. If you smoke every day, or use other drugs (amphetamine, cocaine, heroin), you could ruin any other efforts you have made to address your libido and performance problems. Your sex drive, as all of these substances stop the production of testosterone, and decrease your ability to build muscle within 24 hours. Change these habits first, then take the other steps outlined above to restore your desire and ability to perform and enjoy sex.
  • Talk to your doctor to find out if the medications you are taking are lowering your libido. Many different drugs may decrease libido and / or decrease sexual performance. The benefits of these medications, such as antidepressants if you are depressed, may or may not be able to induce a loss of interest in and enjoyment of sex. The decision to stop using these drugs needs to be made carefully, in each specific case, in consultation with a doctor. Sometimes your doctor may prescribe you other medications to treat your similar medical condition without negatively affecting your libido or libido.
  • Don't count on drugs to do wonders. Most natural "stimulants" are purely diuretics, meaning they can cause you to urinate more (such as coffee). Diuretics can stimulate sex drive, and may increase your libido, but don't expect them to have a huge effect on improving your libido.
  • Never use a "sex-enhancing" drug such as Viagra without a doctor's prescription, because they may not be safe for you if you have a medical condition. , such as high blood pressure. It is your doctor's job to make sure that a certain prescription drug is safe for you to take, and to tell you what dosage you need to start, especially if you are taking it with medications. other.
  • Be wary of herbs and herbal blends that promise to boost your libido. Some products can cause an unpleasant erection that won't go away for a few hours, and increases the risk of cardiac arrest by increasing heart rate, such as Yohimbe. Consult with your doctor before using Yohimbe to find out if they are safe for you to use, and learn about safer alternatives for you.
  • Illegal steroids can boost your libido, but it comes at a high price when using them. They can cause lasting damage to the heart and cause irreversible changes in your body that cannot be fully recovered by your body. Instead, there are plenty of legal and natural supplements that you can take, along with an energy boost, so that you can achieve the same results as those experienced in taking. use steroids, without the risk of permanently damaging you.