How to increase height naturally

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
INCREASE HEIGHT - How to Increase Height Naturally
Video: INCREASE HEIGHT - How to Increase Height Naturally


You may feel your friends suddenly soaring and you are being left behind. Maybe the other members of your family are tall and you're wondering if you could do something to catch up with the family. The truth is that a person's height is largely determined by factors beyond their control, such as genetic limitation. There are many factors that affect your height during your teen years, such as diet and activity level.


Method 1 of 2: To be higher

  1. Eat a balanced diet. One looks shorter with a round body. Not only that, but the slim figure thanks to proper eating will help you look taller and feel happier!
    • Eat a variety of lean proteins. Lean proteins like poultry, fish, soybeans and milk help promote muscle growth and build strong bones. Avoid simple carbohydrates like pizza, cakes, sweets, and soda.
    • Eat plenty of calcium.Calcium in green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale, and in milk (yogurt and drinking milk), helps strengthen bones.
    • Eat enough zinc. Although so far inconclusive, reports have shown that there may be a link between zinc deficiency and growth retardation in boys. Excellent sources of zinc are oysters, wheat germ, pumpkin and pumpkin seeds, lamb, peanuts, and crab.
    • Get enough vitamin D. Vitamin D helps develop bones and muscles in children, and a vitamin D deficiency has been shown to cause growth retardation and weight gain in teenage girls. Foods with relatively high levels of vitamin D are fish, alfalfa, mushrooms, as well as vitamin D fortified foods like milk and breakfast cereals. However, most vitamin D sources are absorbed through sun exposure. Just 15 minutes of sunbathing a day to get all the vitamin D you need.

  2. Exercise during teenage and puberty. Regular exercise can help you get taller during your teenage years. Get out and train your muscles for at least 30 minutes a day.
    • Take a gym class. Joining the gym class you can get access to a variety of exercise machines and increase muscle mass. You also have the motivation to exercise (you will feel like an idiot if you're at the gym without practicing at all).
    • Join a sports team. Participants in sports teams can use their instinctive competitive spirit to burn calories and have the hope of making themselves taller. The great thing about being on a sports team is that half the time you don't even realize you're training.
    • If you can't do anything else, you should walk. If you don't have time to do anything, get up and walk. Walk to the department store. Walk to the library. Walk to school.

  3. Get enough sleep each night. Sleep is an ideal time for your body to grow, so getting enough sleep will give your body more time to grow. Get 9 to 11 hours of sleep each night if you are a teenager or under 20.
    • Growth hormone (HGH) is produced naturally in our bodies, especially during deep sleep or slow wave sleep. Good sleep stimulates HGH production in the pituitary gland.

  4. Be aware that most of the height is determined by genetics. Scientists believe that up to 60 to 80% of your height is due to a predetermined genetics. Unfortunately, not everyone is genetically high. But that doesn't mean you can't be tall if your parents are short; but if your parents are short you tend to be low too.
  5. Try not to hold back your growth. There is not much you can do to increase your height, but there are steps you can take to ensure that your natural height will not be constrained by environmental influences. Both stimulants and alcoholic beverages contribute to growth retardation if you consume it while growing up; Moreover, malnutrition also prevents you from reaching maximum height.
    • Does caffeine really inhibit your growth? Scientific research has shown that, at all, caffeine does not inhibit body growth. However, caffeine can make it difficult for you to get proper and restful sleep. Children and young adults need 9-10 hours of sleep, and caffeine can make it difficult for you to get that much sleep.
    • Does smoking inhibit growth? The effects of smoking and passive smoking on body mass index (BMI) have not been proven. According to the Columbia University Health Information Sources, "Although the studies that have been done are inconclusive, current studies have shown that children who smoke or passively smoke will lower than those who do not smoke or inhale secondhand smoke. "
    • Do steroids have height restriction? Certainly yes. Anabolic steroids inhibit bone growth in children and adolescents, along with decreased sperm count, female breast size, high blood pressure and increased risk of heart attack. Children and teenagers with asthma and using an inhaler containing very small doses of the steroid budesonide have an average height of 1.3 cm lower than those not treated with steroids.
  6. The time to stop growing big is the age of twenty. Many young children look at themselves and wonder, "Have I grown up yet?" If you are under 18, the answer is probably "No!" You still haven't stopped growing if you haven't passed puberty yet. Feel lucky that you still have time to grow instead of worrying about how tall you will be. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Exaggerating height

  1. That's right. Always stand upright instead of hunchbacked. Shoulder extensions are pushed back slightly. Correct posture will help you look taller!
  2. Wear tighter clothes. Tight clothes will highlight your body contours. If you wear loose pants, the lines disappear, making you look smaller. Wearing clothes that fit you feel confident in yourself, however, don't wear clothes that make you uncomfortable.
  3. Increase the height. You can wear high heels at all times. Avoid shoes or flip flops. Instead, wear high heels.
  4. Show the best features of the body. If you have long legs, wear shorts or a short skirt to highlight your legs. Try to avoid wearing warm socks or socks that make your legs appear shorter and look shorter.
  5. Wear dark clothing. Sometimes you appear taller when you look thinner. If you can make yourself look thinner, then you will look taller. Colors like black, dark blue, and dark blue can make you appear thinner and taller, especially if you're wearing dark clothes.
  6. Dressed there vertical stripes. Wearing clothes with vertical stripes can make you look taller than you are. Horizontal stripes will have the opposite effect, so avoid wearing horizontal stripes. advertisement


  • Jumping rope also helps you increase height. You can also incorporate jump rope into everyday exercises. There are also yoga poses such as TADASANA (mountain pose) which also help increase height. You should practice yoga early in the morning.
  • To get taller, stretch your muscles as much as you can. Lie on the floor and massage. A muscle relaxation massage can help you get a little taller.
  • Do not diet if you are still not high. Diet will make you lower.
  • When you are a teenager, make sure to get enough protein in your diet. Try to eat 70 grams of protein for every 0.45 kg of your body. (Example: you weigh 45kg - you need to eat 70 grams of protein)
  • Whether small or tall, everything has advantages and disadvantages, so just be happy to be yourself.
  • Wear long clothes if you are thin, and if you are fat try to lose a few pounds so that growth won't be halted because of the weight.
  • Wear tight pants, yoga pants or tight jeans. Pants and loose pants will make you look short.