Ways to Increase Muscle Through Diet

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Eat To Build Muscle & Lose Fat (Lean Bulking Full Day Of Eating)
Video: How To Eat To Build Muscle & Lose Fat (Lean Bulking Full Day Of Eating)


For many people, gaining muscle means spending hours and hours exercising in the gym, but they don't even think about diet. Your body needs the calories and nutrients needed for muscle growth and to be able to adjust to different activities. However, before making a sudden change in your lifestyle, you should consult with your doctor, coach, and dietitian.


Part 1 of 3: Finding Out About The Right Food

  1. Provide enough protein for the body. The basic rule that you should keep in mind is that you need to provide protein at a dose of 1 - 1.5 times your body weight in grams. For example, if you weigh about 150 pounds (about 68 kg), you need to consume 150 - 225 grams of protein per day if you want to keep building muscle. Full-time bodybuilders can consume 2 to 3 times their body weight, and sometimes more, but for most of us this regimen will be too devastating. can. If you are overweight, you can replace this number with the ideal body weight you want and calculate the amount of protein needed in grams. Proteins that are great for building muscle include:
    • Lean red meat like beef, pork, lamb, venison, wild beef, etc.
    • Fish like tuna, salmon, swordfish, sea bass, trout (of the trout variety), mackerel, etc.
    • Poultry breast, from chicken to turkey, duck, etc.
    • Eggs, especially egg whites. Egg yolks are high in cholesterol, but one or two egg yolks a day won't do any harm to your health either.
    • Dairy foods such as milk, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc.

  2. Find out the difference between complete and incomplete proteins. In order to build muscle, you need to consume the complete protein found in eggs, meat, fish, cheese, milk, and most other animal products. The basic rule to remember is this: If your food source can bleed or breathe, it's the complete protein. There's also quite a bit of plant-based complete protein, too, meaning you can still build muscle if you're a vegetarian. Complete plant-based proteins include:
    • Soy bean
    • Quinoa (quinoa)
    • Buckwheat
    • Chia seeds
    • Hempseed (Hempseed)
    • Beans or legumes dried with rice

  3. Eat foods with a high Protein Absorption Rate for Amino Acids (PDCAAS). This is a measure of the ability of different proteins to absorb in the body, based on the solubility of amino acids in the protein. You can think of PDCAAS as the protein quality grading scale, where the highest score is 1 and the lowest is 0. Here is the rounded PDCAAS score of proteins:
    • 1.00: egg whites, whey, casein, soy protein
    • 0.9: beef, soybeans
    • 0.7: chickpeas, fruit, black beans, vegetables and dried nuts
    • 0.5: Cereals and cereal products, peanuts
    • 0.4: whole grain

  4. Include carbohydrates in your diet. Providing carbohydrates is quite important to help your body use the glycogen (energy) stored in the muscles when you exercise. If you do not provide enough carbohydrates, your body will not have enough energy and instead, it will destroy your muscles! To build muscle, your diet needs to provide 40% - 60% of carbohydrates, or about 1500 calories per day.
    • In the dietary guidelines, carbs often have an injustice. Because complex carbs are slow to consume and have a low glycemic index (not as much as sugar), you can take them after exercise and especially during breakfast. Try to opt for low-glycemic carbohydrates, as they are healthier and release energy more slowly. A few good examples include:
    • Basmati brown rice
    • Quinoa seeds
    • Rolled Oats
    • Sweet potato
    • Whole-Wheat Black Bread
    • Whole wheat pasta
  5. Use healthy fats. Not all fats are created equal. In fact, there is evidence that consuming healthy fats is good for health. Fat should make up 20% - 30% of your calories. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are recommended. They are all "good" fats. They are in:
    • Olive oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil, canola oil, and avocado oil.
    • Fish.
    • Nuts and seeds.
    • Flax seeds and pumpkin seeds.
    • Soy products such as tofu or soy milk.
  6. Stay away from saturated fat and trans fat. They are "not good" for you. Remember to keep saturated fat below 10% of the calories you consume and the profile for trans fat below 1% of the calories you consume. Bad fats include:
    • Ice cream, candy and packaged snacks.
    • The fattest portion of the meat.
    • Lard, margarine and vegetable shortening.
    • Fried foods.
  7. Consume plenty of fiber. Be sure to include fruits and vegetables in your diet such as lettuce or broccoli to ensure that you are getting the necessary amount of vitamins. In addition, green leafy vegetables are rich in fiber and are quite necessary for removing waste from the body.
  8. Control the amount of salt you use. Although consuming too much salt can cause high blood pressure, when you sweat, you lose a fair amount of salt. In addition, salt (the key electrolyte) aids muscle contraction, which is why salt is often used in many sports drinks. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Eating Right

  1. Eat when you are hungry. Sounds obvious, right? Many bodybuilders often think that muscle-building diets need to be more elaborate than usual. Eating the things you enjoy, within the limits mentioned in the previous section, is the key to constantly gaining muscle. If you don't regularly eat what you like, it can be difficult for you to stick to your diet consistently. The following is Nutrition menu for example so you get a better view of the foods someone might eat during the day:
    • Morning: fried egg whites with turkey meat; whole grain toast bread; banana.
    • Pre-lunch snacks: beans; apple.
    • Lunch: tuna salad with olive oil, onions and capers; stir-fried kale.
    • Pre-workout snack: cottage cheese and blueberries.
    • Post-exercise snack: protein shake; Stir-fried lettuce.
    • Evening: Chicken breast cooked in orange and soy sauce and quinoa; stir-fried carrots, onions, beans and chili.
  2. Increase calories. For many bodybuilders, the harmonious combination of protein and calorie enhancement is very important because all the effort you put into the gym will be beneficial for you. You need to provide enough energy for your body to burn it as your way to gain muscle, but you shouldn't consume so many calories that they turn into fat. You can determine the ideal amount of calories you need to add to your body by calculating the amount of calories needed to maintain your normal body weight (maintenance calories) and how many calories you need to provide. more.
    • The number of calories to maintain body weight is the amount of calories that you need to consume in an average day, with an average amount of energy expended, to maintain your current body weight. The calorie count for most people at the right weight is around 2000.
    • Men should get 250 extra calories per day (2250 total), while women should get 150 extra calories per day (2150 total). Within a week of doing muscle-building exercises and following the right nutrition, these extra calories will convert into about 0.25 - 0.5 pounds (about 113 grams - 220 grams) of muscle each. week.
  3. Always remember to eat breakfast. Breakfast is probably the most important meal of the day besides post-exercise meal. Eating a breakfast full of protein, complex carbohydrates, and fiber will help boost your metabolism. It also helps prevent your body from burning muscle mass for more energy. Always remember this saying: "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar". However, you're not on a diet so you don't have to be a beggar at all times.
    • Add protein to your breakfast. Scrambled eggs, shakes (nutritional drinks) and cottage cheese are excellent sources of protein.
    • Use complex carbohydrates for breakfast. While simple carbohydrates such as sugar and donuts will often get burned quickly and cause your blood sugar to spike, complex carbs (oats, brown rice, beans, whole grains) often will be burned after quite a long time and will not raise your blood sugar.
  4. Regularly eat into small meals. Eat so many meals to avoid hunger that you eat comfortably when you have a chance. You will start to feel hungry at times when you usually eat because you have formed a consistent habit.
    • Try to eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, post-exercise snacks, before bed (at least 1 hour before bed), and eat 2 more snacks between meals. You can use anything from beans, seeds to vegetables as a snack.
    • If you are trying to increase muscle mass and lose weight, you should skip pre-bed snacks. Eating right before bed can cause the body to turn any non-convertible food into fat instead of muscle. Your metabolism stops working just before bedtime.
  5. Drink plenty of water during the day. Dehydration can make it harder for muscles to recover, so be sure to drink plenty of fluids every day. You should also drink water during exercise. The amount of water needed per day for men is about 3 liters and for women it is 2.2 liters per day.
    • Looking to buy a water filter to filter tap water. Water purifiers are an economical way to convert ordinary tap water into healthier and more delicious water. You should buy a machine when your water supply needs increase.
    • Don't drink water only if you feel thirsty. You should stay hydrated on a regular basis, and as such, you won't have to "gulp" when you become dehydrated as this can cause stomach cramps during exercise. .

Part 3 of 3: Safe Use of Supplements

  1. Decide if you should take a supplement. Natural protein and muscle-building supplements are an easy way to get your body more protein without actually consuming it. Whey protein (milk protein) and soy protein (soy protein) are common proteins.
    • For starters, you can use whey before and after your exercise. Whey powder is the easiest, safest, and most effective way to get started with using muscle-building supplements. You can find these products everywhere, whey is available in bulk and is easy to use.You can mix it into a shake drink that usually comes in a variety of flavors, and drink it before and after exercising.
    • For most people, the dosage of whey powder they need is 1-2 grams and three times a day. You should refer to the instructions on the product and adjust the recipe accordingly.
  2. Consider creatine. Creatine helps to naturally increase muscle mass and to help rebuild muscles when you are not exercising. However, it is merely a supplement and is not strictly necessary for muscle building. Taking in 10 grams, 3 to 5 grams before and after exercise can help you boost the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), make you healthier during exercise, and from there, you get better. can more easily build muscle.
    • If you do use creatine, be sure to drink plenty of fluids, as creatine removes the muscle's water during regeneration and also imbalances your body's electrolyte levels.
    • Consult with your doctor about your muscle-strengthening diet to learn more about taking a supplement to see if it is right for you, give your doctor a medical history, and information about your health.
  3. Take vitamin C to aid recovery and stimulate muscle growth. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps you neutralize free radical molecules that make recovery from exercise difficult. 500 mg of Vitamin C per day will help you maintain a healthy immune system. Over time, you can increase the amount of vitamin C you consume as high as 200 mg for optimal results.
  4. You should be especially careful about hydration. Many doctors believe that whey protein will be difficult to digest and can cause the liver or kidneys to work too hard, especially when used in high doses. In general, a diet high in protein can cause the kidneys to increase performance, so it's important to remember to drink plenty of fluids. Water will help purify the system in the body and eliminate the negative side effects of a high-protein diet. advertisement


  • Balance the exercise process. If you are doing any kind of intense aerobic activity and you don't eat a lot of protein, you will quickly lose your strength and muscle mass. Many high school and college athletes, such as wrestlers, often encounter this problem during the season because they don't know this.
  • Instead of consuming all the protein and carbohydrates you need in one meal, it's better to divide them evenly into several meals throughout the day. Five or more small meals are best. Because when you consume all the required protein at once, your body won't be able to use it. You need to maintain high blood protein levels so that your muscles can slowly regenerate during the day and while you sleep.


  • Remember to drink plenty of water. About 3.5 liters of water a day wouldn't be too much. It will prevent your diet from harming your internal organs.
  • No matter how difficult it is to gain muscle, never use steroids. Steroids can be very harmful to the body and can cause many side effects.