Ways to Find a Job at the United Nations

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
TEDxUW - Tanya De Mello - Here’s how you get a job at the UN
Video: TEDxUW - Tanya De Mello - Here’s how you get a job at the UN


If you want to protect the environment from degradation, help poor regions grow economically, or advance careers for the advancement of humanity, perhaps you will find an ideal job in Lien. United Nations (UN). The UN is a great organization that offers better career and promotion opportunities than large private companies. The competition for job positions here is fierce, but with careful preparation and a little luck, you can find a dream job at the UN.


Method 1 of 3: Prepare to submit your application

  1. Explore career opportunities at the United Nations. Search the United Nations website for an overview of the types of jobs available at this organization. Which field do you like best? Is there an area in which you are qualified to apply? Is there an area that you enjoy working in but still lack a degree? Find out this information before you start looking for a job. See the following websites for up-to-date information:
    • Official UN website (http://careers.un.org)
    • UN job search website (http://unjobfinder.org)
    • Job list at the United Nations (http://unjoblist.org)

  2. What kind of work would you like to do? Work at the UN is divided into different categories, each requiring a certain level of education and a specific field of expertise. The job type is further subdivided into different ranks, and each level requires a different level of experience. Consider your skills, interests and experiences, and determine the type of job and rank that is right for you. Here are the options:
    • Expert type and above (P and D)
    • General Services and Related Categories (G, TC, S, PIA, LT)
    • National Expert (NO)
    • Field Services (FS)
    • Senior work (SG, DSG, USG and ASG)

  3. Make sure you have sufficient education and experience. Each position has its own requirements for education and experience. Before applying for a job, you need to meet the full prerequisites. Otherwise, your application will not be considered. These are the general requirements for many positions at the UN:
    • Proficient in English or French, are the working languages ​​of this organization. Proficiency in additional languages, namely Arabic, Chinese, Spanish or Russian will give you an advantage over most positions.
    • Bachelor's degree or higher. Some low-level general positions (mostly clerical or clerical jobs in the General Services category) require only a high school diploma and related work experience, but most positions at The UN requires a minimum of bachelor's degrees. Many specialist positions require a master's degree in a specialized field.
    • Work experience in related fields. Depending on the position they are applying for, they may require you to have 1-7 years of working experience.

Method 2 of 3: Applying for a job

  1. Find available jobs. See the UN recruitment website for vacancies available at UN Secretariat organizations. You can go to the Unjobfinder to find vacancies in all UN organizations. Vacancies are updated regularly, so if you can't find a suitable job now, you can find it again.
  2. Register for an account "My UN". Click on the “Register as a User” option at the top of the UN job page. They will ask you to enter your name, email address and date of birth, as well as create a username and password.
  3. Create a "Personal History Profile" (PHP). After registration, a message will appear to prompt you to create PHP. This profile is a confidential online resume that includes general information about you, your education background and employment history. You only need to create this profile once, but can be modified to suit different locations.
    • You can create PHP now or to do it later. It takes about 30 minutes to an hour to create PHP, but you can save your created profile halfway and come back to complete it later.
    • Make sure your PHP is perfect, detailed, accurate, and error-free. When you apply for a position, PHP is the first (and only initial) profile that the employer looks at. If you do not demonstrate well your expertise, or your resume contains lots of spelling or grammatical errors, your resume may be ignored.
    • You can continue to update PHP at any time, but make sure PHP is in perfect condition when you apply for a vacant position.
  4. Choose the job you intend to apply for. Make sure you meet all of the requirements; otherwise, do not apply, or unless you have a good reason why the employer did not realize you did not meet the requirements. The UN website makes it clear that you can apply to multiple positions, but your creditworthiness will decline if you apply for positions that you do not qualify for.
  5. Apply for a job following the online instructions. You will be prompted to submit the latest PHP version, along with any other information required by the position you are applying for. Update PHP if necessary before you apply.
    • Provide an email address so they can confirm your application. If you do not receive a confirmation message within 24 hours, you should contact them again to confirm.
  6. Wait for an invitation to interview. They only contact candidates selected for interview, and you have to wait a while. You can check job application status in the “Application History” section of your “My UN” account. Many positions require you to take an exam to be considered. Follow the instructions for the specific position you're applying for. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Apply to the Young Professional Development Program

  1. Make sure you are eligible to apply. The Young Professionals Development Program (YPP) is for young talent with little or no work experience. Eligible applicants will undergo a written and oral exam to determine if they are qualified to fill out a YPP member roster. Those listed on this roster will receive jobs under the YPP program when they become available. To be eligible to apply to the YPP, you must meet the following requirements:
    • Be at least 32 years old
    • At least have a university degree in one of the occupational groups mentioned
    • Fluent in English or French
    • Be a citizen of a member state
  2. Register for an account "My UN". Click on the “Register as a User” option at the top of the UN recruitment website. They will ask you to enter your name, email address and date of birth, as well as create a username and password.
  3. Create a Personal Profile Profile. After registration, a message will appear to prompt you to create your Personal Profile. This profile is a confidential online resume that includes general information about you, your education background and career history.
    • You can create PHP now or to do it later. It takes about 30 minutes to an hour to create PHP, but you can save your created profile halfway and come back and finish later.
    • Be sure to fill in the space for the YPP member country in the field under "Nationality".
  4. Apply for a job. As a candidate for the YPP program, you must choose a job that says "YPP Examination". Choose a job that is part of the job group you like and qualify for. Fill in the fields of “Main Course of Study” and “Field of Study” in accordance with the qualifications and requirements of the job. You can only submit one job application for an exam.
    • After completing the forms, click "Apply Now" to apply for a job. You will have to answer several entry screening questions and agree to the terms in order for you to apply successfully. You will receive an email confirming that they received your email.
    • They will review your application and then invite you to take an exam or announce you are ineligible.
  5. Take the written test. If eligible, you will be invited to take the written test. The exam is 4.5 hours long and has two parts: The General is the same for all work groups, and the Majors section tests your knowledge against a specific area of ​​expertise. If you pass the exam you will be invited to take the oral exam.
  6. Take part in oral exam. This is an interview conducted by the Industry Department to determine if you have the necessary skills and manners for the job you are applying for. After the test, the Central Examination Committee will contact you to inform you whether you are eligible to join the YPP program or not.
  7. Receive recognition notice from the Central Examination Board. If the interview is successful, the Central Examination Committee will recognize you for a position on the YPP roster. When there are jobs in the right job group, you will receive an invitation.
    • You won't get a job when you receive the acknowledgment. Although the chances are quite high, getting a job really depends on the availability of the job.
    • If the interview is unsuccessful, the Central Examination Committee will contact you to notify you that you are not accepted into the YPP program.


  • Be very careful when drafting a job application. Check for spelling errors, inconsistencies in information, sloppy grammar, etc. Remember that each mistake will be a reason for your application to be disqualified, as hiring departments receive so many job applications.
  • By all means you have to find lots of information by email or phone. You might ask things like whether the position is a position an existing employee is fighting for to avoid losing a job. This information will give you clues about the challenges that may be encountered. Don't be surprised if you find it difficult to find information.
  • Gender may be an advantage: Article 8 of the UN Charter states, "The United Nations does not limit the participation of men and women in any role and under equal terms in the main institution and its own facilities ". However, there is a principle in the UN recruitment policy (ST / AI / 2006/3, Section 9.3) that gives the advantage of women's participation if there are more than one suitable candidate for a position.If one of them is female, the other is male, and the number of female employees is less than male at that level / department, then this position will be given priority to female candidates. The gender balance is also considered for men. However, men generally dominate most positions at the specialist level and in the minority in general service positions (as opposed to women).
  • Anyone can be filled in on a roster (list of people not selected but recognized by the central vetting body). Since 2012, the number of members on this list has been endless. This can change at any time.
  • Apply early. The United Nations recruitment team often dislikes last minute applications. You can be sure that a lot of applications are submitted at the last minute, so your application is at risk of a slight review if it is among them. Late applications are not accepted.
  • Those who find a job at the UN often know the staff of the organization. They find the right way to put information into the PHP form, and understand how the UN is looking for candidates. Do you know anyone? Find ways to get to know people who can help you. While you can use connections, casting through referrals is not always the key to finding a job at the United Nations. In addition, you need to pay attention to national quotas and country trends. They can be beneficial or harmful to your chances of joining the UN.


  • Remember, a job at the United Nations does not have to be as challenging, noble, or "lofty" as you might expect. Study and read books written by people who worked at the United Nations. Despite good salaries and benefits, many employees soon become discouraged by the stifling bureaucracy, lack of creativity, lack of initiative, and nepotism. Things will not get better unless enthusiastic and bold thinkers join the organization and change it. Be fully aware of all the disadvantages as well as advantages.
  • Don't submit more information about yourself unless they ask for it. This will frustrate employers who will see this as behavior going beyond the bureaucracy and use it as a reason to exclude you. If you are invited for an interview, this is your chance to shine.
  • Be prepared to wait long after the position stops accepting applications. The eight (8) month waiting period is not uncommon.
  • The UN does not normally accept resumes or job applications. Unless otherwise noted, you must use the online application system to apply.
  • Do not apply indiscriminately for positions that you do not qualify for because the examiner will not forget your name in the previous resumes, and will use that as a reason to exclude you from the long list of applications. Previous applications will remain on the job record, so be cautious.
  • Prepare yourself for the tough interview if you're lucky enough to get there. You may have to go through many rounds if you are chosen to go further in the selection process.