How to Find Slime Creatures in Minecraft

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Find A SLIME CHUNK In Minecraft
Video: How To Find A SLIME CHUNK In Minecraft


This wikiHow teaches you how to find slime creatures - slime enemies in Minecraft. Slimes breed in swamps and underground caves. After killing the slime creature, you will obtain green slimeball colors (slime balls used to train items like pistons and slime blocks).


Part 1 of 2: Finding slime creatures in swamp

  1. Go to the swamp biome. Swamp communities are shaped by dark grasses, vines in trees and plenty of water. Marsh communities are usually located in ravines or extended areas of forest communities.

  2. Find the flatest area possible. Marsh is usually flatter than most other biomes, but you should find the flat and widest place in the swamp.
  3. Turn on coordinates. On Mac and PC, you can press the key F3; then a series of white text will pop up in the top left of the screen.
    • On Minecraft PE version and game console, you need to open the map to see "Y" coordinates.

  4. The Y coordinate of the position should be between layers 50 and 70. On the swamp area, slime creatures will appear between classes 50 and 70.
    • For reference, the sea level is at class 65.
  5. Find a dark place. The light level of the place you choose should be 7 or less. You can create your own shadows by partially covering the swamp's canopy with earthen wall or ceiling blocks. Simply put, you just need to find something dark enough.
    • You can check the light level by looking at the "rl" value of the last second line after the coordinate information is turned on.

  6. Make sure the wetland area has at least three vertical empty blocks. Slime creatures need two and a half blocks of vertical space to breed, so you may need to clear some of the foliage (this will in turn increase the light levels).
  7. Move out of the swamp area at least 24 blocks. Slime will not spawn if the player is within 24 blocks of the spawning area, they will spawn again if the player is 32 or more blocks away.
  8. Wait for the full moon. Slime spawns most often during the full moon, so build a small shack with a nearby bed and wait until the full moon is in cycle if you want to catch the slime.
    • Slime never spawns during the new moon.
  9. Find a way to force the slime to breed. By creating different platforms with at least three vertical blocks alternating, you can increase the amount of surface the slime can breed.
    • If you choose to do this, make sure that all the ground is within the 50-70 layer.

Part 2 of 2: Finding the slime chunk

  1. Look for the caves located below the 40th grade. If you can't find a spawning slime in a swampy colony, you may have better luck below. Slime spawning in caves is located in a "slime chunk" - a slime that has a block area of ​​16 x 16 x 16.
    • You have 1 in 10 chance of coming across a slime chunk.
  2. Add torches in the cave. Once below grade 40, slime organisms can reproduce in all light conditions; Therefore, you should add torches to make it easier to dig and avoid encountering bloodthirsty hostile mobs.
  3. Create a 16 x 16 x 16 block space to emulate the slime drive. Slimes won't start spawning as soon as you're here, but we can force them to spawn by adding ground.
  4. Create four single-piece platforms. You should build these platforms on top of each other with a distance of three blocks between each foundation. These are the right conditions to increase the fertility of the slime.
  5. Move away from the marsh area at least 24 blocks. Similar to swamp biomes, the slime won't spawn if you're within 24 blocks (or closer).
  6. Wait for the slime to spawn. If there are no slime creatures in the standard day and night cycle, find a new cave. advertisement


  • Don't waste your time looking for slimes on a new moon night as they won't spawn at this time.
  • When digging a slime chunk, make two blocks on each side. As such, the slime cannot be moved and you can kill them more easily.
  • Try using TNT armor with larger slime than average.
  • Slime can be found on a flat world easily even during the day.
  • Don't forget to save the slimeball. You can refine a variety of items later on (such as leads, sticky pistons, slime blocks, and lava ice cream).
  • Slimes will reproduce frequently on super flat worlds because these worlds are close to the final layer.
  • You need to be cautious when digging slime chunk because underground there are bloodthirsty creatures hostile mobs.
  • Enter / summon slime in the chat box to find independent slime creatures anywhere.


  • Stay away from the fungal communities as slime doesn't breed here.
  • Note: medium and large slime has the potential to hurt you, while small slime is harmless.
  • Finding a slime creature is a process that may take several tries to succeed.