Ways to Find Motivation to Learn

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Stay Motivated - The Locus Rule
Video: How To Stay Motivated - The Locus Rule


When you have a ton of work to do, getting started can seem like an impossible task. However, if you divide the exercise into small, well-developed goals, you may be able to complete the task more easily. In addition, you also need to wind up before starting your studies and planning to accomplish your goals. Instead of learning in a way that you don't like, you can create the ways that best suit you and handle the exercise that way. Don't forget to start learning early to avoid getting overwhelmed, but don't blame yourself if you delay.


Method 1 of 4: Maintain a sense of responsibility

  1. Be gentle with yourself even when you get in the habit delay. If you are a procrastinator or often lack the motivation to start something, blaming yourself will only make it worse. Don't blame yourself or try to give yourself the punishment to motivate you. These types of behavior can be exhausting or distracting. Instead, be tolerant of yourself when you are in trouble. Acknowledge the problem and remind yourself that it is okay and that you are working to improve.
    • Avoid comparing yourself to classmates who seem hard at work. Everyone has a different method of learning and working; Therefore, you should focus on your own needs and abilities and not worry about what others are doing.

  2. Release your worries and feelings of "resistance" to overcome this barrier. Try writing down all of your thoughts on paper to find out what concerns you have about your studies or what particular factor you are not trying to learn from. Or, you can confide in a friend or classmate. After you've let go of the causes of your stress, put your negative emotions aside. Take a deep breath and tell yourself this is the time to adjust your thoughts so you can begin working on the exercise.
    • If talking to a friend seems effective, you need to make sure they are willing to listen and that you don't distract them from their studies.

  3. Tell someone your action plan. After planning your studies, you should share it with friends, classmates, or family. Let them know that you just want to quickly complete your plan and overcome any challenges or obstacles ahead of time. Alternatively, you will ask them to accompany you and check your progress from time to time, or just let them know that you will be in touch after completing a few goals.
    • Although learning is a personal task that needs to be done by yourself, having companionship is a great motivator.
    • Team up with a classmate or roommate to motivate each other along the way.
    • Or, let a friend know that you can only meet them if your goals are fulfilled by 9pm. You wouldn't like to let your friends down and miss the fun; So, be motivated to learn by leveraging the need to want to avoid these consequences.

  4. Study in groups or study with tutors to make you more responsible for your studies. Study with a friend or group unless it distracts you. You need to exchange learning habits and interests with each other before starting a group in order to find teammates who "like to match". The next step is to agree on the goals and define the method and time to complete what has been set out. If the group study doesn't work, find a tutor who can support your learning. You need to plan ahead to have a goal to strive.
    • Look for a tutor at your school or tutor center.
    • When studying in groups, each person can volunteer to solve a certain topic, and then share learning materials with each other.
    • Find a classroom, prepare snacks, or turn learning into a game to boost your excitement.
    • Start early in case your team members don't meet your goals and make sure you have enough time to complete certain subjects on your own.

Method 2 of 4: Make a study plan

  1. Evaluate which study habits work best for you. Think about what environmental factors and study skills help you remember and complete the test well. Deciding whether you would rather study alone in a quiet place or a public place like a library or a coffee shop will help you concentrate better. Do you remember better when reading notes or reading textbooks and reviewing old assignments? This is the time to find the factors that combine to help you be positive, motivated, and focused to apply in future learning.
    • Recall the times when you have studied so well and the times you did not achieve the desired results, and then evaluate what factors are supporting and holding your progress.
    • If you can build your own learning method, learning will be less stressful.
  2. Focus on your long-term goals and what you will gain from your studies. Studying is hard work, but instead of constantly thinking about the negative, you should focus on the positive by visualizing all the accomplishments that will be achieved as you endeavor to study. Imagine getting good results on the exam, getting complimented by a teacher, or feeling proud of your end-of-term results, and letting these positive emotions influence your correction. About the study.
    • If you want to get into college or get a scholarship, think about moving closer to your dream after each session.
    • Use your long-term goals as self-motivations.
  3. Divide learning into smaller tasks or goals. Set specific goals for each session. Divide large learning goals into small, affordable steps. Identify concrete and practical goals that you can accomplish in turn. This way, you will progress gradually, and the achievement of each goal will bring a sense of success after each session.
    • It is often easy to get exhausted by the mountain of exercises and the long queue of essays. However, instead of worrying "When will I complete this task?", Ask yourself "How many exercises can I complete in 2 hours?"
    • Instead of trying to read the whole book at once, set a goal to read 1 chapter or 50 pages at a time.
    • As you prepare for the exam, you will take a day to review the first week's work, then focus on reviewing the second week of content the next day.
  4. Arrange the exercises from easiest to hardest, or shortest to longest. Depending on the feeling of procrastination you are experiencing, or the difficulty of the subject, you can choose an arrangement that reduces your stress level and gives you more motivation. Try working on assignments that can be done in a short amount of time first, then move on to more time consuming ones, finish easy essays then move on to difficult essays, or start working on difficult exercises. before and gradually decrease the difficulty over time. Or, you can study subjects in order on a schedule.
    • If you choose to follow the right approach, this will help reduce the fatigue of decision-making and make it easier to switch between exercises.
  5. Set a certain time or time limit in your calendar for each job. After you have broken down your learning into affordable goals, it's time to schedule them accordingly. People who prefer tight scheduling can set a start and end time for each task. Individuals who like flexibility will set a time limit for each activity and arrange work by inspiration. No matter which method you choose, set aside a specific time each day for your studies.
    • Telling yourself “I'll have to study this week” will put you off, but saying “I'll study from 6pm to 9pm on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday” will help you get it right. plan.
    • Try to stick to your regular schedule, but don't be afraid to adjust to your usual schedule if that's better for you. For example, get enough sleep and set an alarm at 5 a.m. on Sunday to wake up to school. It's easy to wake up and start things off immediately with planning ahead.
    • The more specific and determined your study plan is, the more successful you will be in learning and managing your time.

Method 3 of 4: Prepare spirit and learning corner

  1. Go for a positive walk or exercise. Pull yourself out of the mood with a few minutes of basic exercise. You can go outside and walk for about 10 minutes to get some fresh air. Relax with a full swing, or bounce around the room while listening to your favorite song.
    • These activities will energize you and make you feel better. In addition, they also make the brain go into a receptive state, helping you to study more effectively.
    • If you can do this, you are setting the stage for a productive class.
  2. Create a sense of freshness and choose to wear comfortable clothing. If you feel tired and lack of motivation, take a cold shower or wash your face to become alert. Choose soft fabrics that are comfortable on your skin and avoid clothes that have itchy labels or are too tight on your back to distract you. You should wear casual and well-fitting clothing. Make sure the clothes are suitable for the weather and pack extra warm clothes if needed. Those with long hair should tie it up so that the hair does not fall in front of them.
    • Make sure the clothes you wear while studying don't feel like pajamas to avoid falling asleep.
  3. Clean up the study corner and have all the tools available. Whether you're studying at a desk in your dorm room or at a coffee shop, clean your desks by clearing the trash first. Remove anything unrelated to your studies from your desk. If needed, you can temporarily set things aside for later cleaning. After cleaning the tabletop, you will put on it all the books, assignments, notebooks, pens, highlighters, notepads and other tools needed for the job.
    • When choosing a learning corner, you need to avoid distractions. Choose a sitting position with your back to the refrigerator or window if it distracts you. Do not sit at the same table with friends to avoid disturbing each other.
    • Turn the learning corner into a warm and engaging place for you to be eager to study here. You can decorate the walls with photos of yourself and your friends, place a small pot of plants on the table and choose a comfortable chair to sit on.
  4. Connect the computer to a power source and turn off all unnecessary cards before starting to learn. If you have to study on the computer, close all windows or tabs that are not related to learning. Next, you will prepare for your studies by logging into your online learning account and opening the necessary PDF documents. Choose to sit near an electrical outlet and connect your computer to a power source before starting to study so that learning will not be interrupted when the computer is running low on battery power.
    • If you get distracted easily but need to use your computer to read documents or do research, consider printing them out so you can concentrate.
    • If you need to use your computer to compose documents or view PDF documents, disconnect from the network or choose to sit in a place with no WiFi network so you won't have the urge to get online.
    • When using the computer is unnecessary for study, you should turn it off and away from the computer.
  5. Turn off your phone or set it to silent to avoid distractions. You don't want to get caught up in your friends' texts or listen to your loved one's phone while studying. If necessary, let others know that you are studying and need to disconnect for a while to concentrate. The next thing is to set the phone to “Do Not Disturb” mode or better yet, power off.
    • Keep the phone out of sight so you won't have the urge to turn on it.
  6. Drink plenty of fluids and prepare snacks. You should drink plenty of water and bring a bottle of water to avoid thirst while studying. Prepare some peanuts, cereal bars or fruits to overcome the feeling of hunger and replenish your energy while studying.
    • Avoid studying immediately after eating a large meal; you will just feel sluggish and want to rest.
    • Do not use your meal as a reward as your stomach will be distracted. Make sure you have snacks on hand to cope with your hunger.
    • Avoid sugary snacks, fast foods and baked goods; These foods will give you a temporary energy source and quickly make you fall asleep.
  7. Listening to music makes learning more comfortable. In order not to lose focus, you should choose music without lyrics or songs with lyrics that you have already memorized to create the feeling that they have been mixed in the tune. Try playing back the same album or choose a radio-style playlist so you won't waste time searching for songs.
    • The right music will relax your mind and increase your ability to focus.
    • Try refreshing classical piano pieces or your favorite guitar or movie soundtrack.
    • Get a sense of excitement with electronic music or relax with a lo-fi tune.
    • Search for learning playlists in your favorite music apps to increase concentration, such as “Music for learning” or “Music without lyrics for learning.”

Method 4 of 4: Solve exercises

  1. Push yourself to do exercises for a few minutes to ease your anxiety. If you start to panic because of the amount of exercise that needs to be dealt with, remember that it will be less stressful for you to be in the act of stress. You just need to warm up by focusing on completing the short and super easy exercise first. For example, you could start spending 5 minutes browsing through the vocabulary list. Another way is to try the Pomodoro method by devoting 25 minutes to each exercise. Time will pass quickly and you will feel like you have achieved success.
    • After about 5 minutes, the “miserable” areas of the brain that sound the warning when you are not ready to do the exercise will become quiet.
    • With the Pomodoro method, every 25 minutes is called a Pomodoro, and you can incorporate an additional 5 minutes of quick breaks between each Pomodoro.
    • If 25 minutes seems too short, continue with your work after that time, the goal is to get you to work.
  2. Create outline individual for each subject. This can be helpful when the teacher is not working out the outline or if the current one is not working really well with your method of study. Create an outline that works best for you. You can make flash cards, make a list of main ideas about topics you need to know, or write down all the questions you think will be on the exam. Refer to the textbook to review the questions or turn the title into question.
    • For example, if the title in the book is "The Human Values ​​of Fairy Tales", your review question might be "How do you understand the human value of fairy tales?".
    • Refer to the online outline templates for creative ideas.
  3. Creating images helps you to associate and remember ideas. If you are a visual learning person, create mind maps or Venn diagrams to organize the topics to learn. You will draw a diagram and use colors, arrows, and icons to visualize the theme in the book. Or, link to topics and ideas by highlighting your notes by color.
    • Instead of scrolling through vocabulary in PDF documents or textbooks, you will write words and meanings of words on paper with crayons to increase your ability to memorize words.
  4. Remember using informationtips to remember. Here is how to apply basic word tips to engrave information into memory. You can combine initials to remember word lists or ideas. Write a poem or rap to remember the name and date in the history or storyline of the novel you are reading. Try searching for "how to remember" keywords online for suggestions or create your own memory tip.
    • Try common memory tips such as: "When to sew iron armor, go to the street, ask A Phi u shop" to remember the chemical activity sequence of metals: K, Na, Ca, Mg, Al, Zn, Fe, Ni, Sn, Pb, H, Cu, Hg, Ag, Pt, Au.
    • Use a verse like "Multiplication first, addition subtraction" to remember the order of operations.
  5. Check out a podcast or YouTube video to learn more about the subject. When you encounter a complex and confusing topic, try searching for resources online to further aid your learning. Spend 20 minutes watching a topic analysis video in easy-to-understand terms, or turn on your phone to listen to podcasts on biology topics related to your curriculum. Each presenter will explain the topic differently, so keep going until you find a suitable method.
    • Set time limits for you to complete your study plan and reward yourself by exploring other interesting topics after you have met your goal.
  6. Reward yourself when you achieve your learning goals. Think of a small reward for yourself when you reach your goal. If you are still in class, take a short walk, eat a cereal bar, or listen to your favorite song. If you need to relax longer, watch a YouTube video or an episode of your favorite TV show or spend 20-30 minutes on your hobby. When you're done, feel free to relax by playing a game, going on social media to connect with friends or go somewhere.
    • Although food is a great reward, you should avoid eating sugary foods before class so you won't experience sugar lethargy. Save the sweets until the end of the session as a reward for your efforts.
    • If you want to reward yourself with a break during class, remember that you still need to get back to learning. Set a time limit for breaks and don't hear the voice in your head pleading "just a few more minutes".


  • If you need help, don't hesitate to ask your teacher or professor! Visit their office during office hours or ask if you can meet with them privately to talk about your topic. Don't forget to ask questions during class too. When you ask questions, it shows that you are eager to learn and want to have good results in your studies.
  • Always get enough sleep so you can remember what you have learned well. Aim for at least 8 hours of sleep per night.
  • Try to record all lecture information during class and carefully organize the lesson. This is what helps you to complete future assignments, essays and exams.