Practicing witchcraft

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What I Wish I Knew Before I Began Practicing Witchcraft
Video: What I Wish I Knew Before I Began Practicing Witchcraft


The modern meaning of the word witchcraft is more of a collective term to describe the use of magic. Especially magic that focuses on yourself, the Earth and animistic spirits and has not much to do with demons, angels or other entities. Read this article to learn how to practice witchcraft.

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Part 1 of 3: Preparatory work

  1. Realize that this explanation is not complete. The best-known neopagan way of practicing witchcraft (Wicca) is by no means the only way. There are different types of magical traditions, all of which can come under witchcraft. These different traditions are distinguished by the purpose for which they are used, where they come from and what kind of worldview they derive from. However, because an article dealing with all these different forms would quickly become very complex, this article will focus exclusively on modern Wiccan witchcraft.
  2. Learn about Wicca. Wicca is a modern religion based on ideas emerging from early Western European paganism in which witchcraft is an important part. Wiccan witchcraft is by far the most popular and most practiced form of witchcraft in the Western world. Wiccans can join an organized group such as a ministry or a coven (witch circle), or they can operate independently or in a loose group.
    • The beliefs of Wiccans vary a bit from person to person but all Wiccans believe in the same basic principles: A world system of five elements (earth, air, fire, water and spirit), a clear separation between genders and the roles that go with it, has always been (best depicted by 2 deities, a Moon Goddess and a Horned God) and the use of ritual items representing the four series of a tarrot card game, namely a goblet or chalice, the wand, a knife or sword and the pentagram.
    • Witchcraft is only part of what it is to be Wiccan. Most of the religion is about accepting and embracing nature and its cycles and the differences between people. Seasonal feasts, called Sabbaths, and structured religious rituals are also a big part of Wicca. You don't have to be a Wiccan to practice Wiccan witchcraft, but the two are close together.
  3. Start with Wicca how you want. It depends on who you ask, but becoming a Wiccan is either seen as a personal belief or as a ceremonial admission to a coven. This shows how young the religion is and how many disagreements there are about what exactly it means to be a real Wiccan. But it also shows how important almost all Wiccans consider personal power, responsibility and freedom of choice. Choose what you think is best.
  4. Find out a little more about different types of magic. Witchcraft is basically just the use of magic. Because magic is a very personal thing, there are many different ideas about exactly how it works, where it comes from or what it exactly means. As with all study topics, a beginner should first delve into the different schools of thought about magic.
    • Wiccans generally believe that magic is imposing your will on the world by amplifying and projecting it through the right channels. This may mean asking for the help of strong spirits such as The God and The Goddess or the guardian spirits of the four elements and directions. It can also mean performing rituals to gain or grow power within yourself. Understanding what different concepts and materials stand for is very important in developing the most efficient spell.
    • Aleister Crowley's Wiccan-related magical tradition says that while magic can bring the practitioner into contact with supernatural powers, it is basically just an exercise in discipline and mental control. Deep concentration, focused meditation, and mind control are all important parts in gathering personal strength to cast spells successfully.
    • Many psychologists see magic as a form of self-development that revolves around the power of positive and proactive thinking. The practitioner feels the effects of the magic because through the practice of magic, this person has been trained to see and seize opportunities that he or she would otherwise have missed. This makes it a bit of a one self-fulfilling prophecy. So people who can focus well on their goals and at the same time can remain flexible in the way they work towards those goals receive the most rewards according to this philosophy by using magic.
    • In many varieties of magic, the power of a spell is not directly related to the power of the witch casting the spell. Only the intention of the spell is given by the witch. The real energy of the spell is given by ghosts, elemental forces and other entities. The witch's job in this is to draw in enough energy from the outside to make the spell effective, choose the right kind of outside help, and make sure he or she doesn't draw too much energy into the human world.
    • Chaos magic is a relatively young form yet popular theory of magic that states that all kinds of magic can be effective as long as the practitioner believes in the power of that magic. According to chaos magic theory, practicing magic in a way you believe in it is more important than looking for it. correct or true path.

Part 2 of 3: Practicing witchcraft

  1. Study magic and specialize yourself. While magic is not considered a science in the traditional sense of the word, the practice of magic does mean a lifelong commitment and a passion for knowledge and understanding. Many practitioners discover that they are stronger in some parts of magic than in others and therefore, as they continue to practice and study their craft, become specialists. There are a lot of different fields of study that a witch could study, but below are some of the most common ones that you may be attracted to:
    • Ritual Wiccan magic. The only type of magic practiced by the majority of Wiccans is a very ritualistic, religious magic that uses various tools and geometric shapes (especially the pentagram) that give power and meaning to each step of the spell.
      • Ritual magic is very flexible. A skilled witch can amplify almost any spell by having a deep knowledge of the symbolism of the ritual's elements and then applying them so that he or she can make the best use of them.
      • To be able to perform ritual magic properly, you have to constantly think about the relationship between humanity, nature and the sacred and this in turn can lead to peace, clarity and a very strong personality.
      • The magic of Wicca is often divided into 5 types as the number 5 has a lot of power according to Wiccans. If you ask ten different covens or Wiccan organizations what these five different types of magic are, you will probably get 5 different answers. This explanation by no means covers all the different possible answers, so if you want to know what your local coven thinks about it, you will have to ask them yourself.
    • Plant, soil and earth magic. The so-called green witches know how to extract poisons, medicines and other powerful substances from plants. They also develop a great knowledge of the natural cycles of birth, death, and rebirth. These witches also know a lot about protective magic. They use the nature around them to ward off bad luck.
      • Studying this form of magic can teach you to understand your environment, you can learn how to grow plants properly and you can also learn about other forces that can be good for your home and environment.
    • Shamanic magic. Although shamanism is not really part of Wicca, many witches and many peoples and people around the world still practice shamanism. The tenet of shamanism is that all natural things that exist in our world have minds of their own. This is also called animism. By learning how to get into the spirit world or astral world, a shaman can learn to communicate with these spirits and ask them for help in the ordinary world.
      • Seasoned shamans can experience a strong sense of spiritual guidance, they can learn how to read people and predict their behavior, and they can learn to predict what will happen by building relationships with strong spirits.
      • In witchcraft, shamans are sometimes referred to as augurs (prophets and spiritual guides). People who try to communicate with mystical beings that are not present in our world, such as elves or fairies, can also be called shamans.
    • Other forms of witchcraft. Since witchcraft is often practiced subtly and in secret, there are many witches who don't quite fit into the above categories. All of these approaches require the same dedication of soul and spirit which is also a requirement of each of the more broadly defined approaches. A hunger for knowledge and understanding of the world's systems is of the utmost importance in learning any kind of witchcraft. Some of the less common types of witches are:
      • Family witches, witches who practice a witchcraft tradition that is passed down in families.
      • "Eclectic" witches are witches who study a lot and become generalists rather than specialists.
      • Solitary witches are witches who learn about the craft in their own way and gather that knowledge in their own way. They do not rely on standard practices and rituals.
  2. Perform rituals and ceremonies. No matter how exactly you think magic works or what part of magic you are interested in, the fact remains that things we worship, elevate and separate from the everyday, gain power and become more important. This means that the more you see your witchcraft as something powerful and special, the more it will affect your life.
    • Develop a personal side within the common. Total surrender to a greater idea, as exists in most other major religions, is not a basic rule of Wicca. If you practice witchcraft with a group of other Wiccans, remember that the rituals and spells that come with witchcraft are as much about empowering yourself as they are about connecting with higher powers. Respect the traditions of your group but don't be afraid to bring your own personal way of working into it.
    • Find rituals that suit you. If you are a member of a group, the rituals you perform together will be strengthened by your common faith. However, if you practice witchcraft on your own, you must learn to recognize and collect objects, deeds, or symbols that are important to you personally. Use such important objects or practices to create an environment that is powerful and serious when practicing witchcraft.
  3. Develop a moral code to get better results. How well magic works depends on the willpower and intention of the person performing the magic. The more convinced a witch is of his or her goal, the stronger the effects of a spell will be seen. That is why it is important to develop an ethics or morality that allows you to look at and process all your actions. This way you can fully support your work and thus become stronger.
    • Start understanding yourself. This is a process that will take your entire life, but you will experience the benefits as long as you are doing it. Many people go through life without really following a moral code, or they do this only when it suits them or is easy. You shouldn't be one of those people. You must be one of those rare people who always tries his or her best to act according to his or her principles. Even if it seems that principles are not important.
      • To develop a strong ethical core of your soul, you must first fully understand yourself, not only your strengths but your weaknesses as well. What are you worried about, what are you afraid of? Those are the areas where you are weak. You don't want to get stuck in those parts of yourself too much, but don't think you'll always have the strength to keep them in the background. By acknowledging and accepting these sides of yourself, you can build stronger defenses around them.
    • Continue to look at yourself. As you compensate for your weaknesses and focus on your strengths, you will be able to see your own moral values ​​more strongly. Things that make you uncomfortable are usually things that you object morally to. More often, things that make you feel peaceful and at home are things that better reflect what you think is just and appropriate. Your moral code helps you to have control over your thoughts and behavior, but your personal standards and values ​​help you to see the reasons for it.
    • Be strong and disciplined. The learning process is never finished. Like all solid, strong things, your moral code must be maintained. Check regularly for flaws or flaws in your moral sense. If you find these, compensate or reshape them. Always try to describe your norms and values ​​in such a way that it is not only easy to think about how you are going to act in a certain situation, but also why you are dealing with it in that way. If you do this consistently, you will automatically become a person with principles, someone who does not encounter many difficult decisions in his life, because all possibilities can always be judged according to a clear system that always works.

Part 3 of 3: Using magic

  1. Gather your ritual aids. If you are part of a coven or group, that group usually already has ritual aids and spells for special occasions throughout the year, but of course any witch who only wants to practice magic can do that too. To cast effective spells you need a number of tools. Which exactly varies from witch to witch and coven to coven. Below is a list of the most commonly used tools and their meaning and where they belong if they have them.
    • A athame is a dagger (sometimes a sword) and one of the most important tools in witchcraft. It is connected to the masculine side and thus the God and both masculine Quarters, east (air) and south (fire).
    • A chalice is a ceremonial cup and also one of the most important tools in witchcraft. It is connected with the feminine side and thus the Goddess. The chalice is connected to the western (water) Quarter, one of the feminine Quarters.
    • A magic wand is a smooth and straight piece of wood that tapers on one side and sometimes contains a gemstone or other element to focus with. It is one of the most important parts of witchcraft and a phallic representation of the God.The wand, like the athame, is connected to the Eastern and Southern Quarters and the elements of air and fire.
    • The call is a tool used to send spells to their destination with a pleasant sound. It is connected to the Goddess and can also be sounded to evoke Her presence during rituals.
    • The boiler is an important practical tool in witchcraft and is used, for example, to burn things (such as herbs) while casting spells. It is feminine and is connected with the Goddess.
    • It censer is an item in which you can burn incense and pour out salt during spells and rituals. It is masculine and is connected with the God, the east and the sky.
    • The broom, is a widely used tool in witchcraft. The broom is used to ritually clean the place where magic is to be practiced, and it is used in rituals as a part of protection. He is connected with the Goddess as well as the God and the element of water.
  2. Also collect other instruments. In addition to these very powerful tools, there are a number of other tools that are widely used in witchcraft. Which one you use varies from spell to spell and witch to witch. The main ones are listed below.
    • Candles are used by almost all witches. They are used to absorb your own power and the intention of the spell and then slowly release it. The color of the candle you use is different for different spells, but there is some disagreement among Wiccans about which color works best for which spell. Do your own research and make sure you have candles in all colors (including black and white).
    • A robe is the ritual clothing you wear while casting spells. They are usually loose and breathable and are often worn in different colors for different types of witchcraft. Green for herbal magic, brown for magic with animals or yourself, and so on. Not everyone in witchcraft uses ritual robes.
    • A spellbook is the book in which a witch collects his or her spells. Covens can have their own spell books that show powerful spells for the group, and individual witches can keep their own written collections. It also often contains recipes (for drinks and ointments), notes and ritual instructions. They are intended as a practical collection and not so much for aesthetics.
    • A Book of Shadows is really just a witch's diary. It records which spells were cast when and why. Powerful dreams or visions that a witch has had are also written down here, a witch writes about his or her feelings about witchcraft and anything that he or she finds important or striking. Many witches also use it to store spells that they invent themselves, but you can also use a spellbook for that.
  3. Make an altar. An altar is a sacred place and the physical expression of a witch's workplace. The appearance of the altars varies from witch to witch, but they are usually rectangular or square raised surfaces on which important instruments and other objects for spells lie. Make an altar according to your own ideas and beliefs. An altar is also the place where the altar elements are placed. It is usually fixed in one place, but sometimes temporary altars are also used.
    • When you place your instruments on the altar, those that are connected with the Goddess and the feminine on the left, and those that are connected with the masculine and God on the right. The front of the altar is usually placed so that it faces north, but this is not necessarily necessary.
  4. Learn how to draw a circle. Drawing or throwing a circle is one of the most used and most important parts of witchcraft. It delimits and protects the altar while casting the spell. You do this by inviting the four quarters of the cardinal directions and elements to protect the altar. Usually a circle is drawn before a spell is cast.
    • It varies from witch to witch how long rituals and ceremonies take, but the easiest form of throwing a circle involves lighting a candle (usually white) and then summoning the four Quarters one by one, starting with the north or east and then continue clockwise.
    • After a spell or ritual has been completed, you must close your circle. You do this by doing the throwing ritual backwards. Start at the west, thank and say goodbye to all the Quarters, then blow out your candle.
    • During rituals, people usually speak in a certain way and talk repeatedly. So the sentence you say at every 15 minutes must be the same.
  5. Perform a simple blessing to tune your mind and body. This spell is performed in the light of the moon and is to be done humbly and reverently. First roll a circle. Light a white candle for cleansing and burn a mixture of sandalwood, balm, and pinewood in your cauldron. When the mixture starts to smoke, fill a bowl with pure water and sprinkle some salt over it. Place the bowl in front of you and wet your finger in it to start the spell.
    • Put your finger between your eyes first. Say "bless my eyes so that I can see clearly." After this, wet your finger again and do this again after each touch.
    • Touch your mouth and say "Bless my mouth that I may speak the truth."
    • Touch your ears and say, "Bless my ears that I may hear everything spoken and unspoken."
    • Touch your heart and say "Bless my heart that I may be filled with love."
    • Touch your bare feet (right then left is the normal sequence of rituals) and say "Bless my feet so that I may find and walk my own true way."
    • Blow out the candle to conclude the ritual. After you are done, close the circle.
  6. Make a lucky bag to make your dreams stronger. Lucky bags are small, sealable bags that hold a lot of different things. They are used to provide extra energy and focus your thoughts on a particular task. This bag makes your dreams more powerful so that you get more insight into your problems while sleeping than in normal dreams.
    • Choose a fabric that you like. Blue and white are the colors most associated with healing, cleansing and spirituality.
    • Slowly and deliberately sew two pieces of fabric together on three sides. Concentrate on the purpose of the pouch (making for brighter, stronger and more powerful dreams) as you do this. The longer you do this, the more of your own energy and strength will go into the bag.
      • To extend the time spent on the bag, consider decorating it with beads or drawings after you have sewn the sides together.
    • Open the pouch and add a pinch or two of the following herbs:
      • Peppermint
      • Cinnamon
      • Lemon verbena
      • Verbena (the ordinary)
      • Marigold
      • Hop
    • Sew the remaining two sides together in the moonlight. Cleanse it at the same time and impose your intention on it. From the following night, you can use the pouch by rubbing it on your forehead every night before going to sleep while concentrating on what you are worried about or want to know. Then put the bag under your pillow and go to sleep. You should feel the effects within a few nights.
      • Also put a pen and paper near your bed so that you can immediately write down details and insights from your dreams before you forget them.
  7. Reduce anxiety and worry with an herbal tea. Herbal tea may not sound like a spell, but herbs are powerful magical items. Witches know that only part of the power of an herb can be seen and understood through traditional Western medical science. The rest are awakened by rituals and your intentions.
    • Start your green magic by boiling a kettle of clean water.
    • Pour a cup full and add two teaspoons of valerian root while reciting a short spell to send worry away. End with a sentence that drenches your tea with your willpower.
      • You can make up a spell yourself or you can look one up. In any case, be clear and speak in such a way that you clearly show your intentions and willpower. Your power makes the magic and this should be reflected in your spell.
    • Then drink the whole cup of tea. If you don't like it, you can put honey in it. Do this daily until your fears and worries are gone. Let the tea cool down before you drink it!


  • It takes training and dedication to become a successful witch, just like all other highly specialized skills take. You can't become a mighty witch all at once by reading a book or doing some rituals, just as you can't become a chef by reading a cookbook and baking some cakes. Give yourself time.
  • Continue to research. Witchcraft is fascinating and there is a lot to be found about it. No article can explain everything. Start on your way to becoming a successful witch by satisfying your curiosity and increasing your knowledge. Talk to Wiccans and other witches, read books, and explore as much as you can.
  • Most of what people think of as magic is illusions and fools. Such as things like Ouija boards (which are moved by the users themselves without them noticing, all of this goes through uncontrollable movements) and also card tricks and magicians. Some witches therefore call their magic "magick" or (less commonly) "magik", indicating the difference between real magic and the magic for entertainment.


  • Be aware that, as a witch, you will be feared by some people and understood by few people. You can also be mocked or made fun of. And it sometimes even happens that there is a threat of violence or that you are actually exposed to violence. Always be careful in new situations to lower the risk and always call the police immediately if you are threatened or harassed.
  • Witchcraft empowers you and increases the effects of your mind on the world around you. If you practice it out of anger, frustration, or grief, it will only make you worse off and your environment will be negatively affected. Always try to keep your spells positive and always try to make positive changes and continuous improvements in your life.