How to bathe a lion dog

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
MASSIVE Undercoat Removal On Lion Dog
Video: MASSIVE Undercoat Removal On Lion Dog


Lion dogs often have a habit of hygiene, but you should still bathe them regularly and bathe more when their body smells bad or accidentally becomes dirty. Your puppy may not know how to clean it well, so you need to learn how to bathe it in the correct order. Just prepare and apply professional hygiene techniques and both you and your dog will have a good time!


Part 1 of 3: Getting ready for a shower

  1. Buy a high-quality, pet-safe shampoo and conditioner. You should bathe the Lion dog every three weeks. However, puppies need to be bathed more often, as they can contaminate their hair when using the toilet. Use a high-quality shampoo and conditioner to give your puppy a soft, healthy coat and skin.
    • The variety of shampoos and conditioners at the pet store will make it difficult to choose the right one. To narrow your search, you can choose a special shampoo for puppies.
    • Hypoallergenic shampoo is also quite suitable for puppies. This type does not contain detergents, scents, and additives that irritate the puppy's skin. High-quality hypoallergenic shampoos include ingredients like butter, coconut oil, or fleece.
    • Conditioner has many good effects. They prevent hair loss, restore split hairs (to avoid dirt), and don't cause dry skin after bathing. Conditioner is especially good for long-haired dogs like lion dogs.
    • The moisturizing spray also helps the puppy's coat become shiny after bathing. In addition, this moisturizer also protects the hair from the effects of sunlight and outside factors, such as wind and dry air.
    • The steamed oil is also very suitable for the lion breed. Conventional conditioner may not be the best conditioner for their coat.
    • If your puppy has a dermatosis, you should consult with your veterinarian to determine the right shampoo and conditioner for your puppy.
    • Human shampoos and conditioners contain pH that can irritate your skin, so don't use your shampoo and conditioner to bathe your puppy.

  2. Prepare a bath. In addition to shampoo and conditioner, prepare the following items: combs, brushes, cotton balls, towels, face towels, and pet dryers. The comb should be made of double-sided stainless steel and be used after the puppy's coat is dry. The bristle brush is used to groom puppies before bathing.
    • You can also use a dog bath brush to aid in bathing your puppy.
    • The pin brush is especially suitable for the long coat of a Lion dog. Hard and nylon bristles are also ideal for this breed.
    • Cotton can help keep water from getting into your ears while you are bathing your dog.
    • You need to prepare a few towels: one to spread on the bottom of the basin or tub to prevent slippery, and the other for drying after bathing.
    • A small towel is used to clean the puppy's face and around the eye sockets.
    • Use a pet dryer as the heat from the human dryer burns the puppy's skin. The dryer is especially useful for long haired dogs.
    • If you are planning to groom your puppy after bathing, be sure to include a nail clipper, hemostatic powder, and an ear cleaning solution.

  3. Get the puppy used to bathing. If this is your first time bathing your puppy, it will take time for the puppy to adjust to the bathing process. This means they need to get used to the sight, sound, and feel of the shower. Puppies only need a few days to adapt, but can also last longer (a week or more) until they are comfortable with the activity.
    • For example, you can expose your puppy to the sound of running water.
    • In order for your dog to get used to the dryer, the first step is to bring the inactive dryer in front of him or her. Once the puppy gets used to it, turn the switch on and turn it away. Slowly move closer to the puppy, but keep the device running until the puppy is no longer afraid or cautious. This may take a few days to complete, depending on how comfortable the puppy is. Reward them with treats while they are getting used to the dryer.
    • Allow your puppy to sniff out all cleaning and grooming items.
    • In addition to normal playtime, take time to stroke your feet, touch your ears, and gently rub your body. The more comfortable your puppies are with you, the less likely they will resist while you are applying shampoo and conditioner on your body.
    • Praise your puppy and give him a treat when he responds positively to the adapting process. Rewarding your dog will help him get ready for a positive experience while bathing.

Part 2 of 3: Bathing the lion dog

  1. Prepare a bath. Lion Dogs are small in size, so you can bathe them in a washbasin (if available) or a bath. Wherever you bathe, put a towel or non-slip pad on the bottom so that the puppy won't slip over in the shower.
    • Also, keep the puppy warm. Small heater works to warm the room temperature.
    • Set up your tools in the bathroom. This step will help you to prepare all the necessary items for your puppy to use.
    • Put a puppy toy in a tub or tub. Your puppy will be able to enjoy it in the bath and this will give them a lot of fun. You can use plastic and hidden toys for your puppy to play with in the bath.
    • Consider diluting shampoo (1 part shampoo and 10 parts water) and conditioner (1 part conditioner and 8 parts water) Diluting shampoo and conditioner is especially important for puppies with sensitive skin. .
    • You can prepare treats to feed your puppy while bathing.
  2. Take the puppy into the bathroom. Instead of calling them closer, approach, pick up the puppy, and pick it up in the tub or bath. If the puppies are too young, they will not know how to respond quickly when someone calls out their name. This is why you should take the initiative to reach out instead of calling them.
    • Slowly approach the puppy and speak in a gentle soothing voice to reassure him before bathing. The first bath can be a difficult experience for your puppy, so make it as comfortable as possible.
    • You can give your puppy treats while holding them in your arms.
  3. Groom your puppy. Use a bristle brush to brush and untangle (the ruffled area) before bathing your dog. If the bristles are wet, it will be difficult to brush the tangled part, so the puppy's coat should be brushed well before bathing.
    • The Lion Dog has long hair so it is difficult to groom.
    • A disassembling spray is available to assist you with hair removal. This product is for sale at your local pet store.
    • Spray the puppy with water while grooming to make it easier to untangle.
    • Brush from top to bottom of the puppy's back.
  4. Wet your dog's fur. Check the water temperature before bathing your puppy. Water temperature should only be lukewarm. If you take a bath in the tub, use a handheld showerhead to moisten the puppy's fur. If they are frightened, you can use a cup of water to gently flush your dog.
    • Gently tilt the puppy's head up so her face and eyes don't get wet.
    • Put cotton balls in your ears before you bathe your puppy.
  5. Apply shampoo to the puppy's fur. Follow the instructions on the bottle to determine the appropriate amount of shampoo. Apply shampoo from head to tail, rub it on hair and skin with your hands. As mentioned above, you can use a dog bath brush to bathe your dog instead of using your hands.
    • Notice the abdomen and groin between the hind legs. These are very dirty areas, so you should bathe thoroughly so as not to miss out.
    • Gently raise your puppy's head while applying shampoo so it doesn't get into his or her eyes, ears, and mouth.
  6. Rinse off the shampoo. Any residue left over from the shampoo can cause the puppy's skin to become irritated and irritated, so rinse the hair off to rinse the shampoo off. Since dog hair is usually thicker than human hair, you will need to rinse it several times for the soap to wash off.
    • When the soap bubbles are no longer on the bristles or in the water in the bottom of the basin or tub, the soap is completely gone.
  7. Apply conditioner to the puppy's fur. Use conditioner like shampoo. This is an important step in moisturizing your puppy's coat, replenishing skin's natural oils, preventing breakage, and restoring split hairs. Follow the instructions on the bottle to determine how much conditioner to use and how long it will take to coat the bristles before rinsing.
  8. Wash your puppy's face. Soak a towel in the water and gently wipe the puppy's face. You need to wipe the eye sockets, and around the eyes to remove stains and sebum. Take care to clean the sides of the mouth.
    • Lion Dogs have shallow eye sockets, so they can easily shed tears and get reddish-brown spots.
    • You can place a small amount of hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball or a small towel and wipe off the gel from the puppy's eyes.
  9. Dry the puppy. First, use a towel to dry the hair and skin. This is an indispensable step because rubbing can cause split ends. After blotting, use the dryer to dry completely. One hand handles the dryer and the other hand turns the hairs. This step helps to completely dry the coat from the inside out.
    • To avoid heat damage, you should set the dryer on its lowest temperature setting and not dry in one place for too long.
    • Keep the dryer head at least 5 to 8 cm from the pet's coat.
    • Note that the puppies will shake themselves as soon as you wash off the conditioner.
    • Don't forget to take the cotton ball out of your dog's ears after drying it.

Part 3 of 3: Complete cleaning procedures

  1. Groom your puppy. After the coat is completely dry, use a double-sided stainless steel comb to brush and untangle it. After the coat is tidy, you can apply moisturizer to make the coat more shiny.
  2. Clean the puppy's ears. Cleaning your dog's ears is just as important as bathing the body. Follow the instructions on the sanitizer bottle, pour a little amount of the sanitizer into the puppy's ears a little at a time, and then gently massage the ears. Use a cotton ball to clean the earwax.
    • If possible, use tweezers to remove any hair remaining in the ear canal. In case you don't know how to do this, you can take the puppy to your vet or local pet care professional instead.
  3. Cut your dog's nails. Use together to cut the nail on the meat cushion. This part contains blood vessels and is half the length of the claw. You can clearly see the filler if the nail is light or transparent.
    • Pads gather many nerve endings. If you cut the meat pad, the nail will bleed and the puppy will feel pain.
    • If the claw is light or transparent in color, you should see the meat cushion when viewed from the side of the claw. In this case, you should only trim your nails until you see the meat cushion showing, then stop.
    • If the nail is dark in color, cut a little bit and watch the edges of the nail. Stop cutting when the gray or pink oval meat cushion is protruding.
    • If you accidentally cut off the meat pad and the nail begins to bleed, you will need to place a little bit of styptic powder on the nail so that the bleeding won't continue. The bleeding will stop immediately after using the powder.
    • If you are not familiar with cutting your puppy's nails, you can take it to your veterinarian or local pet care professional for this procedure.


  • Since puppies tend to soiled themselves, trim the hair growing around the anus so that the area is always clean.
  • Your puppy may not be ready for a bath. If this is the case, take your dog to see your local pet groomer to bathe him or her.


  • Regular bathing can take away the natural oils needed for dog skin.