How to burn belly fat without exercise or diet

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Home Remedies to Lose Belly Fat Without Exercise
Video: 10 Home Remedies to Lose Belly Fat Without Exercise


Losing weight is a very common health goal: more than half of Americans think this is important for them.Many people view their abdomen as a nuisance, and research shows visceral fat (around the internal organs) is the most dangerous to the health. Although you can't lose a lot of weight without dieting or exercising, there are a few ways you can slim your abdomen without going to the gym or fast.


Method 1 of 3: Fake temporary weight loss

  1. Wear a belly control outfit. There are plenty of options when it comes to undergarments for tightening, toning and shaping mid-body. One mainstream brand is Spanx, which makes various belly-control dresses for all sizes of people.
    • Women's underwear includes corsets, panties, high-waisted shorts, jumpsuits, cami-cami, tank tops made of Lycra, elastic or synthetic material. Most mainstream women's lingerie brands have upper body control, but the most popular are Spanx, Soma and TC Shaping. Buy your size and hope it shrinks.
    • Men are available in a variety of options, including Spanx or Sculptees tank tops with abdominal designs. Basically this is a tight top to slim the middle of the body. The effect is not the same, although the companies claim to reduce the belly area by 7.6-12.7 cm.

  2. Take advantage of the current corset trend. This method requires wearing tight clothing around the abdomen. If done in moderation, a corset outfit can create an attractive waistline without any lifestyle changes.
    • Some famous people strongly believe in the method of brunch as a way to lose weight, and although doctors believe that while it is not possible to lose belly fat, it can help with weight loss because the stomach is constricted when you are eat so you cannot overeat. In addition, fat cells can expand or contract depending on the amount of fat contained in them.
    • Be careful wearing corsets too tight or too often, as they reduce the volume of your stomach so you may vomit after eating, even if the portion size is not large. This outfit also contributes to heartburn and internal organ constipation.
    • Buy a bra at a store with an experienced salesman, as they will help you wear it properly, learn how to tighten it so that it is not too tight.

  3. Consider body wrap. Body wrapping is a method of beauty salons, which is said to be able to detox and slim the abdomen. If you are instructed, you can do it yourself. The procedure may not be the same, but usually involves multiple steps and different types of body products must be applied.
    • Estheticians start by massaging and applying an exfoliating cream to your abdomen, then rinse with a shower. Exfoliating creams contain a variety of herbs and minerals that are believed to clear the skin from dirt and reduce the appearance of fat or fat under the skin.
    • They will then apply body oils that contain emollients or other properties.
    • Next, the abdomen will be tightly wrapped in linen, nylon or heat-resistant material, then use electric blankets to warm the body for 30 minutes, at which time the body will sweat a lot. It is thought that this is the step in removing dirt and reducing the appearance of grease.
    • After removing the electric blanket and the wrapper, they continued to massage their stomachs to increase blood circulation.
    • Although this process does not aid in weight loss, many clients find that the appearance of belly fat and subcutaneous fat has decreased, especially with repeated treatments. Because of heavy sweating (and dehydration), clients often experience a few centimeters of belly loss, even if this is only temporary.

  4. Reduce the volume of water. The body retains water for a variety of reasons, leading to external edema, especially around the waist. Reducing your water volume will temporarily reduce your waist size.
    • Provide enough water. In many cases, the body's main defense against dehydration is when you don't drink enough water every day. This is especially true during hot months. Make sure to drink at least eight glasses of water (250 ml) per day (or 2 liters), to purify the body and reduce edema.
    • Reduce sodium consumption. Excess salt makes the body retain water. Processed foods and foods sold in restaurants are major sources of sodium for Americans. These foods provide about 75% of the sodium in the diet. You should eat no more than 1,500 milligrams of sodium per day, which is just over 1/2 teaspoon of salt.
    • Reduce your consumption of alcohol and coffee. These drinks cause dehydration, leading to fluid retention (as the body tries to retain whatever water it can).

Method 2 of 3: Lifestyle changes

  1. Avoid swallowing air in the abdomen. This may seem like strange advice, but swallowing air is one of the main causes of swelling, contributing to a more rounded abdomen. By reducing the amount of air you swallow during the day, you can reduce your waist size.
    • Avoid carbonated drinks even though they contain no energy, such as carbonated water. Carbonated drinks will cause bloating and give a more rounded appearance.
    • Avoid tobacco. Smokers also have a tendency to swallow smoke into the abdomen and make the stomach open.
    • Avoid chewing gum and talking while eating. Both of these habits cause air to be swallowed.
  2. Maintain suitable posture. Changing the way you walk, stand and sit will not make your belly fat go away, but it will make you look thinner, as body fat is evenly distributed across your body instead of being concentrated in your abdomen. Try to keep your upper body straight, your shoulders pushed back and your head up.
    • When sitting, the buttocks should touch the back of the chair, and the three usual curves of the back should be visible on the back (that is, a small, circular towel can be fitted into place on the buttocks).
    • When standing, push your shoulders back, tuck your stomach in and keep your feet hip-width apart.
    • If you exercise hard, then the muscles of the center and back can help you maintain correct posture more easily, while also toning the muscles around the abdomen. Add gentle crunches and easy back exercises to your workout program to improve your posture.
  3. Get enough sleep. Sleep by itself doesn't burn fat, but it is an important part of your weight loss efforts. This is because lack of sleep makes most aspects of the weight loss program more difficult. When you don't get enough rest, it's hard to get motivated to get up and move. It is also difficult to control cravings: you are easily attracted to junk food when your body has run out of energy.
    • Everyone has different sleep needs, but most adults typically need seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Children and the elderly need more sleep.
  4. Find your health training support network. Relationships with people with healthy lifestyles can help friend live healthier. Going out with healthy people gives you the opportunity to participate in activities that lead to weight loss. Try to spend time with hobbyists that promote healthy lifestyles like walking, playing sports, cycling, cooking at home and so on. Limit time spent with those with unhealthy hobbies such as snacking, drinking a lot of alcohol or watching TV for hours.
    • If you don't have a friend or loved one who enjoys health-promoting activities, don't be afraid to get to know other people. Take part in intramural sports groups or random matches in the park. Take a cooking class or enroll in a local cycling class. There are healthy ways to meet people, it's up to you!
  5. Start tracking your weight. Some nutrition experts claim that being aware of your body weight can promote a healthy lifestyle. Tracking your weight will motivate you to think healthy; If your weight starts to go up, you know it's time to reexamine your habits.
    • A person's weight can range up to 5 kg in a short period of time. For an average value, you should weigh it at the same time of day (as soon as you wake up). By the end of the week, add up the weight numbers and divide by seven. The results received will closely reflect your "real" weight.

Method 3 of 3: Changing eating habits

  1. Drink a lot of water. If you normally drink soda, sports drinks, coffee with sugar and cream, or other high-energy drinks throughout the day, try to replace them with water. Your water supply doesn't change while you cut calories. Keep striving, and you can lose some weight with no extra effort.
    • The benefits of filtered water have long been recognized. Drinking water helps ensure muscle movement, keeps skin healthy and clean, and maintains an energetic body. On top of that, drinks don't contain calories, so you can drink as much as you like. See tips on incorporating water into your daily schedule for more good ideas.
    • Do not mistakenly think that you can replace soda with fruit juice, because they contain a lot of calories. The pressing separates all the healthy fiber from the fruit and leaves nothing in the way. Always drink filtered water or flavored water that contains no calories to stay hydrated and good for your stomach.
  2. Divide the serving size into several small meals. Instead of eating three large meals a day, try eating several small meals with a few hundred calories at a time. This will restart the hunger signal so you can tell when you are truly hungry from your routine.
    • A convenient way to reduce portion sizes is to use a smaller plate. Small plates can make the weight of the food look more because of the Delboeuf illusion effect. You are basically "fooling" your brain into being satisfied with a small amount of food.
  3. Measure portion sizes. Don't trust your eyes to judge food intake; instead, use your brain. The current commercial culinary trend is aimed at large servings, so many people have a misconception about what a normal diet is. Use the measuring cup and information on the “Nutrition Facts” section of the package to make sure you eat exactly one serving at a time. You should even invest in a food scale.
    • There are many popular foods for which you can easily visualize portion sizes. Some examples are as follows (you can see more here):
      • Vegetables and fruits: about the size of a fist
      • Meat, fish and poultry: about the size of the palm of the hand (fingers excluded)
      • Fatty cheese or butter: about the size of your thumb
      • Carbohydrates (rice, noodles, etc.): about the size of a small scones
  4. Have breakfast. Many Americans skip breakfast and compensate for hunger by eating a lot at lunch and dinner.
    • Make sure breakfast has at least one of the following three food groups: dairy products, fruits, and whole grains.
    • If your diet is high in protein and low in carbohydrates, eggs and cheese can be used. The important thing is that breakfast actually activates metabolism, bringing the body out of fasting state.
    • A breakfast suitable for adults weighing 70kg contains about 300-400 calories.
  5. Choose foods wisely. A healthy diet is always beneficial for the waistline, even if the calories are the same as an unhealthy diet.
    • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables instead of processed foods. Processed foods have preservatives, artificial ingredients, and are often high in carbohydrates, sugars and fats. Fresh foods provide a higher nutrient / calorie ratio than processed foods high in carbohydrates such as chips or cookies. Processed foods also often contain more salt, leading to fluid retention and weight gain around the abdomen.
    • Never eat food removed directly from a paper bag or box. One study found that people given large bags of popcorn ate 44% more food than those given small bags. It is easy to overeat when you have large servings in front of you. Instead, fill a bowl with one serving and close the can.
  6. Control the amount of food when eating out. It is always easier to control food at home when going to a restaurant, where they usually provide the recommended serving size for the whole day, or when you go to a friend's house for a meal, because you can't Control what is included in meals. Fortunately, there are a few ways you can control portion sizes where you don't have complete discretion over your foods:
    • Plan ahead what to call. Many restaurants have websites with nutritional information about their dishes, so you can make a selection before you leave.
    • When you arrive at the restaurant, you should ask the server to take the food wrap when they bring the food out. Measure one serving and store the rest in a container. You won't accidentally overeat while chatting with friends.
    • When dining at someone else's home, don't be afraid to ask for small portions. This way, your plate will be clean and slippery instead of leaving behind food and potentially offending the owner.
    • When shopping for food, choose personal foods instead of foods packaged in large cans. For example, instead of buying a whole box of ice cream, choose a bag that contains lots of ice cream or separate ice cream cakes.
  7. Switch to foods that make you feel full for longer. When it comes to losing belly size, it is not quite the portion size that matters, but what you eat matters. Some foods provide short-term energy and satiety, then you will go hungry before your next meal. You can choose alternative foods that will feel fuller for longer.
    • Foods that help stay full for longer include whole grain breads, rice, pasta, oats, nuts, water, lean meats and fish, eggs, greens, beans and legumes.
    • Foods that do not feel full for long include soda, processed snacks, "white" bread, rice and pasta, candies and starchy foods.
  8. Eat slowly. When you eat fast, you can swallow large amounts of food before you realize you are full. Conversely, when you eat slowly, you will have time to feel full and stop eating before consuming more calories than you need. There is even evidence that this diet promotes the release of the hormone responsible for feelings of fullness in the brain.
    • Spend time chewing your food. Focus on chewing each bite 10-20 times and drinking some water between meals. Place the fork in the middle of each pick-up. If possible, eat with other people so that you can stop chatting during the meal.
    • Try setting the alarm clock for 20-30 minutes at the start of the meal. Extend the time you eat so you don't have the last bite before the time is up.
    • When you finish eating, you should rest even though you still feel a bit hungry. Give your body the opportunity to confirm it is full, sometimes taking time. Only eat more if you still feel hungry after half an hour.
  9. Eat in a quiet place. Research shows that people eat less in relaxing spaces. Conversely, noisy, bustling and chaotic places will cause you to overeat. It is not clear what is the cause, maybe because the situation creates psychological excitement, distracts you and forgets the feeling of fullness.
    • A common cause of eating in a hurry is being late for school or work. You must adjust the timetable to solve this problem. Consider waking up early to have some time to enjoy your breakfast before you leave home.
  10. Record what you eat. You will be amazed when you watch what you eat. Surprisingly, you often eat more than you think. Try writing down your meals and snacks in a notebook that you always carry with you. Be sure to include the number of servings you eat per day, as well as the number of calories per serving.
    • There are also many free websites and apps that allow you to easily keep track of your food choices for the day. Myfitnesspal and are two popular and easy-to-use options.


  • There is evidence that certain teas (especially green teas) can increase the body's ability to burn fat. Tea is a calorie-free beverage without added sugar or milk, but don't drink it before bed unless you're drinking decaffeinated tea.
  • Alcohol can contain a lot of calories (alcoholic beverages usually have more calories than similar mass servings of carbohydrates or proteins). You should only drink alcohol on special occasions. When you have to drink alcohol, then you should drink a glass of water.