Ways to keep trying

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Keep on Trying | Inspirational Song for Kids | Jack Hartmann Keep On Trying
Video: Keep on Trying | Inspirational Song for Kids | Jack Hartmann Keep On Trying


In truth, life can become overwhelming. The constant pressure to look good, do a good job, and compete for wealth and love can create a great source of stress, and sometimes we have moments when our spirits are down. . Try not to get discouraged - it happens to everyone, though. If you're having trouble maintaining your motivation, whether at work or in life in general, try to refocus your energy, have a vision of everything, and recharge your spirit. You will soon exit the rut.


Method 1 of 3: Maintain focus

  1. Encourage yourself. While the demands of work and everyday life always go on, our will and passions are sometimes not mission-oriented. We get low results. That makes it difficult to complete daily tasks. During times of low productivity, we need to remind ourselves to stay motivated. Find ways to help you focus on what to accomplish and stay focused.
    • Remember your long-term goals. If you are discouraged, take a step back and try to have a vision of the situation. What are you doing? Why? Remind yourself of how hard you've worked, and remember that it's easier to stay on top than going back and then chasing to catch up afterwards.
    • Successful rehearsal before. Recall when you did something important - be it winning an "employee of the year" award or gaining special recognition for volunteering. Remember the good memories.
    • You can also try reminding yourself of your strengths. Write down areas in which you have skills and strengths. An increased sense of self can be a powerful source of encouragement.
    • Record your achievements every day. Take the evening to examine and acknowledge what you have accomplished. Please take a few minutes. Create a list of achievements. You might be surprised by the number of jobs listed.
    • If the cause of your fatigue worsens, consider taking a day off or plan a weekend for yourself. Take a break and focus on renewable energy.

  2. Be flexible. Life events rarely turn out exactly as intended. We face many unexpected problems related to work, finances, or family, and importantly, readiness to adapt. Being flexible requires an open mindset, a willingness to accept change, and occasional painful decisions. Without the flexibility you may find yourself losing opportunities.
    • One way to become flexible is to be prepared for all possibilities. Think about what will happen in the future, and consider different perspectives or visions. In other words, look at the big picture.
    • Be willing to learn a new skill, method, or way to complete a task. For example, instead of wondering why you recently lost the promotion opportunity, find ways to change that will improve efficiency and productivity.
    • Take risks. Success does not come easy. We often have to take risks in order to gain beneficial opportunities. And if we fail, we can still learn from them and apply them in the future.
    • Don't hesitate to express your feelings a little. Push yourself out of situations you are familiar with. This can be frustrating. It is normal to feel that way, and at least privately, you justify yourself to take a breather and rest.

  3. Slow down yourself. In pursuing your goals, in both work and in life, it can be helpful to know when to stop, take breaks, and relax. Adjusting your pace improves your physical and mental health, while giving you a fresh start with energy.
    • Setting the right pace is as easy as letting yourself take breaks at work from time to time, or change tasks regularly to reduce feelings of fatigue and depression.
    • Listen to your mind and body.If you feel tired and depressed repeatedly, take a break. You can't be productive unless you have energy and focus. If possible, take an hour to lunch and walk.
    • Get enough sleep each night to wake up feeling refreshed - usually around 8 hours is enough. The habit of getting enough sleep allows the brain to function at optimal levels, while lack of sleep can make you wince, tired, and mentally heavy.
    • Enjoy life's joy. Out there is a vast world of good music, movies and books, each of which may be at your best. Drink coffee or hang out with friends or loved ones. An active mindset and social life can provide you with a healthy balance.

  4. Control your time wisely. Perfectionists sometimes have problems with prioritizing. For them, every task, big or small, needs to be completed in its entirety, without errors. However, in reality with many challenges, this attitude leads to a lot of stress. Mental health experts suggest asking "What now?" and confirm what is really urgent and what has a lower priority.
    • Pay attention to times when you are not making an effective choice of the time you spend, if any. Adjust yourself properly.
    • You can try writing down quests and then setting them up in a hierarchy. Some of the quests will be "A". These are the things that you need to focus on the most or that are very urgent. Rate tasks of lower importance at B, C, or D.
    • Do the most important task on the list first of the day, probably around 90 minutes. Then, in the evening, spend 10 to 15 minutes meditating on what you want to accomplish the next day. Create an outline if needed.

Method 2 of 3: Having a vision of things

  1. Focus on what you have control over. It's easy to worry about things going out of control - you miss a promotion, never get a call back from a recruiter, your manager keeps asking you to meet the deadline. rush. Take a little time and breathe. All of this is beyond your control. What's the point of thinking about them? Instead, focus on things that you have an influence on.
    • Stress comes from outside forces and from things you can control. Instead of worrying about a missed callback, think about an interview and identify your weaknesses. Then, try to understand these downsides.
    • Instead of worrying about the management, try to arrange the time more rationally and more effectively so that the deadline does not become difficult or pressure.
    • Have you ever heard the phrase "let's be xic"? Xocic is a group of ancient philosophers who argue that we cannot find happiness in life from external things, no guarantees, but should be concerned with our inner strengths. To be happy, we should focus on what we have control over, namely our mind, our behavior, and our will. When you feel stressed, focus on what you have control over!
  2. Celebrate your victory. Stop to acknowledge your small successes in life and reward yourself. After all, slow and steady progress is better than nothing, right? Affirming these moments, even in a simple way, will give you something to look forward to and remind you of your progress.
    • You don't have to have an eventful party, but just reward yourself somehow after a successful milestone. Give yourself a relaxing evening reading a good book, go out for ice cream, or enjoy a bottle of champagne with your partner.
    • Celebration can magically increase the level of self-esteem and motivation. Even just a pat on your back will help you get up.
  3. Have a broader vision. Try to keep this in mind every day, and every task in your daily routine is only a small part of your life. You may feel down at a particular moment, or feel frustrated, but keep in mind where you are on the road of life and how much effort you put into your position. Didn't you achieve much? Expand your horizons a little bit; This can improve your mood.
    • Think about your past success. Feeling like you're working below average? What about when you won employee of the year award? It can be repeated that stressing through work and fulfilling parental responsibilities will also bring some sense.
    • Maybe you didn't get as much as you wanted, and you don't have your favorite car. What do you have? What are you grateful for? Try counting what you are lucky to have and write them down. Focus on what you are grateful for. You might be surprised by the length of the list.

Method 3 of 3: Boost your mental health

  1. There is a support system. A great way to get over stress is to have someone you can reach out to, whether you're looking for the best help or just a little encouragement. It doesn't have to be an extensive system. In fact, you might find enough support from your family, some friends, or the religious community. It is important that you feel they are here for you.
    • Create a wide network. "Backers" don't have to fulfill all roles. Maybe you have a colleague to chat about about work-related stress, and a best friend to confide in fears and secrets.
    • Seek help if needed. If you are facing a lot of stress in your life, and your own system is not task-oriented, consider finding a support group to meet people with similar difficulties.
    • Become active, active. Spend time with friends and family. Make time to meet and chat with them.
  2. Have a healthy lifestyle. Good physical health is actually strongly linked with healthy mental health. For example, exercise and a healthy diet can significantly improve mental health and lead to reduced stress levels. If you're down, make sure you don't ignore this aspect of your lifestyle.
    • Exercise can be a mood booster, as it reduces muscle tension, increases blood flow, and releases the "feel good" chemical. Aim for at least 15 minutes of moderate exercise a week, such as walking, swimming, or light aerobic exercise.
    • A healthy diet is another way to have a healthy mind and body. Breakfast regularly and fuel yourself with healthy foods like whole grains, vegetables, and fruits that will provide you with a steady stream of energy throughout the day, keeping you at the right level.
    • Be aware of mood-altering substances you absorb in your body and why you eat them. For example, stimulants like caffeine, found in coffee, tea, and energy drinks, give you temporary energy boosts but can leave you feeling anxious, irritable, or restless and restless ..
  3. Practice mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness meditation is a Buddhist method that involves living life "in the present moment". Instead of judging events as good or bad, observe them from your emotional separation point of view. The goal is to overcome sadness not by being inspired to be different, but by focusing on what is right now. The idea is to live in the present and be alert to experience.
    • Some people cultivate mindfulness through meditation. While this is an opportunity, you do not need to meditate to enjoy the benefits of mindfulness.
  4. Talk to a mental health professional. We all have a hard time. However, if you feel "down" or depressed for longer than 2 weeks at any point, you are at risk of mild depression and may need to talk to a mental health professional. Treatment can help you feel more comfortable, motivated, and ready to focus again.
    • Know the signs of depression.Are you tired most of the time? Have you lost interest in a friend or an activity that you normally enjoy? Are you often upset and short-tempered? They are all signs of mild depression.
    • Depression can stem from a range of problems. Sometimes it's for physical reasons. However, in many other cases it is due to genetics, lack of chemical stress in the brain, or stress in everyday life. If you think you have depression, the best thing to do is see a healthcare professional.


  • Remember that everyone experiences times when it seems difficult or impossible to continue striving.
  • If you experience constant discomfort and stress, consider seeing a psychotherapist or a mental health professional for evaluation and / or help with clarifying. the nature of the difficulties you face and ways to overcome them.