How to Reach a Girl In Public

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Talk To a Girl in Public Without It Being AWKWARD
Video: How To Talk To a Girl in Public Without It Being AWKWARD


  • If you can repeat eye contact with the person, this is a sign they want you to approach. When the person looks at you three times, they start to care about you.
  • Eye contact activates the reward center in the brain, making it an effective means of engaging others.
  • Smile! Showing her a friendly smile is a way to show her care for her. If she responds with a smile too, that's a sign that she cares about you as well. When the two of you have exchanged a few eyes and smiles, you should try to greet her and ask what she is doing: "Hi, I have noticed you for a while but now dare to get acquainted. What are you doing / reading / researching? "

  • Note positive body language. While reading someone else's body language isn't an authentic science, there are a few gestures that can signal your crush's desire to talk to you. If she turns around or leans towards you, it means that she is comfortable with you approaching.
    • If she looks and smiles at you, that might be a sign she wants you to get acquainted!
  • Pay attention to negative body language. If she doesn't want you to approach her, she will often show signs of rejection. Some common signs include turning your body away, crossing your arms, listening to music, reading a book, frowning or deliberately turning your face away to avoid you. While not exactly a sign, such expression and body language usually mean that you should leave her alone. Be respectful and withdraw when she doesn't respond with a warm gesture. advertisement
  • Part 2 of 3: Start a conversation with her

    1. Actively talk. There are many ways to initiate a conversation. For example, ask if she makes her own earrings / dresses herself / makes something unique herself. You can also say, "I think this dress matches your eye color. It was really pretty." Don't be afraid to make comments about what interests you and / or looks different, but avoid making fun of or making jokes the first time you talk.
      • If you're at a bookstore or comic book store, ask her what book she likes or what books she's reading. You can also make a comment about the overall ambience of the place: "Isn't this a great place?" or "I can't believe they painted the orange walls" to close the gap.
      • Stop when she doesn't want to talk to you. There are many ways to see it, such as: she doesn't look you in the eye, answers curtly, looks around while talking.
      • If she's interested, she will show it through her eyes, smile, and sometimes lean over to get closer to you.

    2. Listen when she talks. If she wants to say something, you will have to pay attention and actively listen. Avoid looking at your phone or distracting yourself from other things. This way, she will know that you enjoy what she is saying and that you get to know her better, have a chance to take the conversation further, and show that you care about her.
      • The way to listen to you is to keep eye contact, nod, smile, and show approval by saying "Yes" or "Um".
    3. Don't overthink. When you approach a girl, don't act like you're trying too hard. Be natural but friendly. Try saying some subtle jokes to shorten the distance. You act like you talk to a friend or acquaintance. If you are nervous, remember the phrase "pretend until you can do it" to pretend you are confident and not worried.
    4. Practice saying what you want to say. Think ahead to what you want to say before you approach her so you don't stumble and get too nervous when you start talking. Practice saying what you want to say in your mind a few times, or say it out loud in a private place before talking to her.
      • You can practice saying what you want in mind. If you are alone or in a place where you feel comfortable speaking out, do so; go to the restroom to try verbally in a normal voice to get used to the words, tone, and attachment you want to use.
      • If you are uncomfortable with verbal practice, try speaking it in your head or writing it down several times until you feel comfortable with it.
    5. Approach even if she's with a group of friends. If she's with friends, start talking to the group instead of just her. You could also say, “I think my group seems to be talking about a very interesting topic, probably talking about the guy over there…” or something silly and / or funny.
      • Don't be afraid to approach a group of girls. If you are confident, you will be admired for your confidence and courage.

    Part 3 of 3: Relationship Building

    1. Exchange of contact information. If the two of you seem interested in each other, you should plan to meet again in the future. Give her your phone number or email. That way, she will feel like she's in control of the situation. You will know his interest if he or she takes the initiative in contacting you. If she refuses, retreat. She never did anything wrong with you, even if she refused to get acquainted with you.
      • You can also ask her for her phone number or give her your number. When you give your phone number, you will say definitively and fluently like “Let me give you my phone number” and then write it down or enter on her phone (if allowed). If you have a business card, you can give it to her instead of writing the information, but it feels more formal.

    2. See you soon. If it's before 5:00 pm, you can ask her to have coffee by saying, "Let's go coffee!". If it's after 5 p.m. or later, you will ask her to dinner. You can say, "Would you like to find somewhere to eat or drink?". If she doesn't have time, you'll ask about her weekend plans: “Do you have any plans for this weekend? We meet offline?"
      • Always choose to meet in a crowded place; You need to make her feel good. Have a place in mind when you want to ask her to go somewhere; Or ask her if she knows any.
      • If you find out that she has something in common or has similar interests to you during a conversation, you can naturally suggest that you both do something about that hobby together.For example, you could say “I and a few friends who like to take the camera to photograph the horizon at the riverbank on Saturday noon, would you like to join us from time to time?” Inviting her to an event or activity in a public place and having more people will make her feel more comfortable and will also reduce the pressure on you.

    3. Show respect. This is the most important part of reaching out to a girl in public or in any situation. Show respect by talking politely to her. Avoid profanity, tease her, make rude comments about her body, and make jokes with dark intentions. Showing respect shows that you are a good and trustworthy person. You can prove trustworthy by being respectful of those around you, your loved ones, and your friends and hers. If she doesn't care about you, politely accept and withdraw. advertisement


    • Personal hygiene is very important. Take a shower, brush your teeth, pick your ears, cut nails, and more.
    • Don't get discouraged if things don't go as planned. Because this is the reality of life. However, that doesn't mean you did anything wrong.
    • Avoid going into the conversation about strange interests, unless it's a mutual interest you two have. For example, if you both enjoy sports, talking about teams and watching a match can make a great appointment.
    • Do not sign up. When all goes well, you will proactively pay for water, dinner, and the cost of a taxi to get her home. If she insists on paying herself, you can say "I'll pay it this time, you'll pay it next time". However, if she seems genuinely interested in paying for herself, you press too. Just say that next time you will pay. Recomendations: This is a great way to create the opportunity for a second date.
    • Always be honest, especially in the first meeting.
    • Seek advice from a sister, aunt or a friend of the opposite sex. Since they are women, they can give you advice.
    • Make sure you are both engaged in the conversation. There is nothing worse than having only one person in the conversation. Ask her for her opinion and listen to what she says. This shows that you care about her thoughts and are really focused.
    • Girls love being asked questions - here's how to make her feel more comfortable and secure with you. For example, you would say "How are your affairs today?", "What are your hobbies?", "Do you have a lot of close friends?", Or "Do you spend a lot of time with family? family? " Girls often like boys who show a good relationship with their families.
    • Important Note: Don't act weird because you think she will - treat her like you would at a luxury party, don't use tricks or jokes until you become friends. or more closely.


    • If you're rejected in a crowd, don't react negatively, just smile at her and retreat.
    • Don't be an idiot to infer what she says. If she says she's not interested in you, she really doesn't care and isn't playing the elusive game.
    • Don't approach the girls at the gym. They go there to practice and are not excited about being approached.
    • Show respect. Treat her properly, don't show disrespect, and flirt openly.
    • If she is in a group of friends, be prepared to impress the group even if you only want to reach out to her.
    • Don't tell her to smile. Some girls have to listen to these words often and feel uncomfortable.