How to meditate to relieve stress

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to reduce stress with the 2:1 breathing technique
Video: How to reduce stress with the 2:1 breathing technique


Feeling frustrated, tired, stressed or frustrated? Meditation has long been a good mind-body technique for promoting relaxation and happiness. Research shows that meditation has a number of health benefits that help relieve psychological stress and physical problems such as low blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia, and depression. In addition, meditation has been shown to reduce the frequency of flu or colds as well as the duration and severity of symptoms. You might think that it will be difficult or time-consuming to learn meditation effectively. However, you really only need a few minutes a day to practice these simple exercises and feel alert.


Method 1 of 3: Learn the basic meditation method

  1. Find a quiet place. The world is a noisy place with many distracting things and finding a quiet place is not easy. However, a quiet place where you can meditate undisturbed is an important requirement when learning to meditate to reduce stress. As you become more proficient in meditation, the external distractions will be less and less annoying.
    • At first, many problems will distract you. You will hear cars moving, birds singing, and people talking. It is best to turn off all electronic devices like phones and televisions to minimize factors that could distract you from meditation.
    • A room with a door that can be closed usually works, but if needed you can also use earplugs.
    • As you further develop your meditation skills, you will find you can meditate anywhere — even in extremely stressful situations, like traffic on the road, work or a busy store.

  2. Choose a comfortable location. You can meditate while lying, walking, sitting or in any position. It is important that you feel comfortable to avoid thinking of your discomfort.
    • Some people may feel more connected in a traditional cross legged pose.But this approach makes beginners feel uncomfortable, so consider lining a pillow below, sitting on a chair or leaning back against the wall.

  3. Control your breathing. All meditation methods use controlled breathing. Deep breathing relaxes your body and mind. In fact, focusing on your breath alone is also an effective meditation practice.
    • Breathe in and out through your nose. You will need to comfortably close your mouth while breathing. Listen to the sounds of your breath.
    • Use your diaphragm to relax your lungs. Put your hands on your stomach. The abdomen should swell as you inhale and go down when you exhale. Breathe in and out regularly.
    • Breathing control allows you to slow the rate of respiration and fill the lungs with oxygen with each breath.
    • Deep breathing calms the muscles of your upper body, such as the muscles in the shoulders, neck, and chest. Breathing deeply in the diaphragm is more effective than short breaths in the upper chest area.

  4. Focus on something. Paying attention to something or not even paying attention is an important element of effective meditation. The aim is to free the mind from stressful distractions so that the body and mind can rest. Some people choose to focus on one object, image, mantra or breath. You can also focus on a blank screen or something else.
    • The mind can wander through the meditation. This is normal and expected — even for those who meditate for a long time. When it happens, just rethink what you were focusing on at the beginning of meditation, whether it was an object, breath, or sensation.
  5. Pray. Prayer is a form of meditation practiced worldwide in a variety of religious and non-religious contexts. Adjust your prayers to meet your personal needs, beliefs, and meditation goals.
    • You can pray out loud, in silence or write down your prayers. It could be your own word or that of others.
    • The one who prays can be devout or ordinary. Decide what suits you best, your belief system, and what you want to pray for. You can pray to God, the universe, yourself or nothing specific. That's up to you.
  6. Know that there is no "right way" to meditate. If you are stressed about the way you are breathing, what you are thinking (or not thinking) or whether you are meditating right, then you are only creating more problem. Meditation can be adapted to suit your lifestyle and the situation. Meditation is about taking a few moments to relax your way through a busy and stressful world.
    • It helps to add meditation to your daily routine so that you can practice it regularly. For example, you might choose to meditate for a few minutes at the beginning or the end of each day.
    • You can try a variety of meditation techniques. Experience different ways. Soon, you will find an effective meditation practice that you really enjoy.
    • Maybe your area has many meditation centers and classes. If you find that you meditate better in a group with a well-trained instructor, consider taking a meditation class at one of those places. You can often get more information by searching the Internet about meditation and your location, looking for news articles or going to a meditation center or temple.
  7. Be comfortable. Meditation has many short- and long-term benefits, and it's also an enjoyable experience. Struggling to keep our minds awake and relaxed is normal when we get used to under a lot of stress. Don't force yourself to meditate in a way you don't like.
    • It is important to find peace in the present. Don't pass up opportunities to meditate while doing your usual activities. Boring work like washing dishes, folding clothes, or fixing a truck offers many opportunities to meditate with relaxation techniques like deep breathing.
    • Don't forget that creative, relaxing activities are also ideal for meditation. Listen to music, draw pictures, read a book, garden, write in a journal or watch a fire in the fireplace. These activities can focus on thinking, relieve stress, and change brain waves into a meditative state.

Method 2 of 3: Soothe stress with different forms of meditation

  1. Seek guidance for meditation. The meditation guide will be helpful for beginners as someone guides you in an effort to help you relax and enter a state of meditation. They are usually narrated through tutorials, stories, pictures or music and can be accessed through an audio file (mp3, CD / DVD, and others) on computers, phones. , tablet or by video.
    • Guiding meditation using the senses. You use scents, pictures, sounds, and textures to visualize different relaxation techniques. You usually do this when the instructor gives instructions on how to breathe, soothe muscle groups, and create a sense of inner peace.
  2. Listen to brain waves. There are many other audio, CD / DVD and other forms of meditation available today that use sonic music to facilitate quick deep meditation. These rhythms synchronize with the brain waves so that the frequencies change and help the mind reach various states of consciousness.
  3. Concentrate on mind meditation. Mind meditation involves focusing your attention on a positive image, object, sound, or mantra. You can think of a peaceful beach, delicious apples or soothing words or phrases. The idea is that you choose to focus on things that block distracting thoughts.
    • For the mantra, repeat a word or phrase that helps calm you down. You can choose something like "I feel at peace" or "I love myself", anything that makes you feel better will work. You can say it out loud or in a whisper, whatever you like.
    • It can be helpful to put your hand on your stomach so you can feel the breath while practicing breathing control, visualizing or repeating the mantra.
    • Consider Japa meditation. It applies the repeating of a beautiful Sanskrit word with a necklace of beads for meditation. You may also want to try chanting meditation that uses some of the spiritual or inspirational passages to focus and attain the state of meditation.
  4. Practice mindfulness meditation. This meditation will focus your attention on the present. You are conscious of what is happening right now and experiencing mindfulness during meditation, like your breathing. You recognize feelings, thoughts, and what's going through your surroundings without trying hard to change it.
    • While meditating, watch your thoughts arise and what you feel but don't judge or try to stop them. Let your thoughts and feelings continue.
    • Mindfulness meditation works because you can forget the past and the future. Stress is caused by thinking too much about what was out of control — what happened and what could happen. With this kind of meditation, you can stop worrying about everything.
    • You can bring your thoughts and feelings back to the state of mindfulness meditation by focusing on the present. Pay attention to the body. Is your breathing deep and slow? Are your fingers touching? You don't stop having wandering thoughts or feelings - just think about what's going on right now.
    • Try meditating on love and kindness. This is a deep desire for personal prosperity and happiness. Focus on your present feelings of love and happiness. Then you extend that feeling to everyone else in the world.
  5. Practice movement meditation. Yoga and tai chi are famous meditations that help relieve stress by applying movement and breathing to promote feelings of happiness. Research has shown that they are an effective way to meditate and stay healthy.
    • Yoga applies different movements and a range of poses along with a number of breathing exercises to reduce stress and help you relax. The postures require balance and concentration so you are less likely to think about stress.
    • Tai chi is a Chinese martial art that applies a variety of gentle postures and movements to meditate.Some movements can be learned by themselves and performed slowly in a gentle manner with control of your breathing.
    • Walk and meditate. Slow down and focus on your feet and feet. Watch how you feel as you move and move your feet and feet to the ground. Notice every sensation that comes up. If that works, you can try silently repeating action words while walking - "lift", "move", "put your foot down", etc.

Method 3 of 3: Practicing meditation

  1. Find a quiet, relaxing space. It could be anywhere. Under a tree outdoors, in the bedroom turn off the lights, or even in the living room. Wherever you feel comfortable is ideal. Make sure that the place you choose has no distractions, and that there will be no distractions in the future. You need to be in the present moment.
  2. Find a comfortable location. It is up to you to decide whether to sit, lie down, or stand. Make sure you are comfortable in that position. Once you've chosen the right posture, close your eyes.
    • If you are sitting, you will need a good position to be able to breathe more comfortably. Keep your back straight, chest slightly raised, and push your shoulders back. Lift your chin up slightly, but don't stretch your neck. The wrists should be placed lightly on the knees, palms open and facing up.
  3. Deep breath. While in a comfortable position with your eyes closed, take slow, deep breaths. While breathing, relax yourself. Stretch your shoulders and neck, wiggling your toes and fingers. Breathe in slowly, and as you exhale, imagine all the tension and anxiety leaving your body with the breath.
  4. Try to relax your mind and avoid distractions, if possible. Pause all the work that can be waited until after you are done meditating. While you are breathing, forget all your worries. Stop stressing or thinking about commitments, appointments, and responsibilities. Think about them later. Instead, become self-conscious. Pay attention to breathing and relaxation. Live in the moment and realize the benefits of it.
    • If the phone rings, or you need to do any important work, of course you can handle them. You can always go back to meditation after that.
  5. Imagine yourself in a happy place. It could be a vacation from a few years ago, when you were young, in an imaginary place or simply sitting alone in a park. It is important that you feel comfortable there.
    • Another option is to practice mindfulness meditation. Just focus on your present experiences. Focus on your breath, what you hear or smell now. Pay attention to the breath as often as possible.
  6. Relax your body. Close your eyes, continue to breathe deeply, and imagine your body slowing down. Heart rate, blood flow, all the way to the legs — all organs should begin to feel relaxed and sluggish. Continue to visualize yourself in a happy place while breathing slowly for a few minutes.
    • Do a body scan to find areas that are feeling stressed by the stress. Start with your toes and move all the way up the scalp. Imagine each deep breath flowing into your body like heat or light. Practice this for 1 to 2 minutes and repeat for each stretched area.
  7. Don't be in a hurry. Don't worry about how long you should meditate. Continue to meditate until you feel comfortable and alert. If a time frame is needed, many studies suggest that 5-15 minutes is fine. When you feel you've finished meditating, open your eyes and feel the effect. advertisement


  • If you decide to use the guidebook or the instructor on meditation, check out the training and experiences of those you are considering.
  • Dress comfortably when meditating. You can wear anything because there are no restrictions.
  • Let others know when you are meditating, especially if you are meditating openly. That way people don't have to worry that something is wrong with you.
  • Don't feel pressured to complete each exercise. Start at your own pace, stop when needed and start over or finish when you want.


  • Meditation takes time to master. Don't get discouraged if you are unable to meditate for an extended period of time or if the health benefits don't occur immediately.
  • Meditation is not a substitute for medical care. See your doctor if you are sick.
  • Meditation can help you relax enough to the point of falling asleep. Know that this is possible and practice only in a safe place where you can fall asleep.
  • If finding time to meditate is too stressful for you, simply don't meditate.
  • Meditation is a fairly safe technique for healthy people. However, if you have physical health limitations, certain movement meditation exercises may not be suitable. Always talk to your doctor before participating in meditation.

What you need

  • Comfortable clothes
  • Meditation space
  • Patient