How to change water for a siamese aquarium

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How to Water Change Multiple Betta Tanks Quickly | 10 Bettas in 1 tank
Video: How to Water Change Multiple Betta Tanks Quickly | 10 Bettas in 1 tank


One of the most important things you need to know when keeping a Siamese fighting fish is how to change the tank water properly. Dirty aquariums are not good for fish and can cause illness, but improper water changes can also harm fish. There are two ways to change water for a siamese aquarium: partial water change and total water change. Partial water changes are often preferred, as a complete new water change can shock the fish.

Choose your method

  1. Partial water changes: Change the water at least once a week. Small tanks or aquariums that do not have a filter will need frequent water changes.
  2. Complete water changes: Required only when tank is too dirty, or if ammonia concentration remains high after several partial water changes.


Method 1 of 2: Partial water change

  1. Prepare new water. Fill a large clean tank with clean water. For now, leave the tank in place. Use a water softener (available at pet stores) to remove chlorine and harmful substances from the aquarium.
    • Follow the instructions on the packaging, and use the exact dosage allowed depending on the size of the aquarium.

  2. Let the water warm. Putting Siamese fighting fish into water with a different temperature immediately can harm the fish. Leave the treated water at room temperature for one hour to keep the water safe and comfortable for the fish.
    • Alternatively, you can mix hot water with cold tap water until the water is at the same temperature as your current aquarium water. If you do this, use a thermometer to make sure the water in both tanks is at the same temperature, then add the water softener as directed.

  3. Remove some of the water from the current aquarium. For partial water changes, you will have to empty your existing aquarium and replace it with clean treated water. Using a clean mug or something similar, scoop about 25% to 50% of the current aquarium water. Leave the fish in the tank when you draw the water out.
    • For accuracy, you can measure the water intake when scooping out. For example, if you have a 75 liter aquarium, you should empty about 40 liters of measuring water with a bottle or other measuring device.
    • You can also use a straw to carry water from the aquarium to the bucket or tub. When the water starts to flow, insert the straw into the gravel layer at the bottom of the tank to absorb fish waste, uneaten food, and other contaminants.
  4. Fill the tank with more water. Slowly pour freshly prepared treated water into the aquarium until it is equal to the original amount of water in the tank. If the bucket is too heavy to lift and fill, you can use a clean mug (or similar object) or a plunger to fill it with water. You may not need to remove the siamese fighting fish from the tank when you add fresh water, but you will need to pour the water slowly so as not to affect the fish.
  5. Continue to change the water regularly. Most experts recommend changing the water at least once a week. But if your tank gets too dirty, you can change the water more often. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Complete water change

  1. Prepare new water. Fill a large clean tank with clean water. At this time still keep normal siamese fighting tank. Use water softeners (available at pet stores) to remove chlorine and harmful substances from the water.
    • Follow the instructions on the packaging, and use the exact dosage allowed depending on the size of the aquarium.
  2. Let the water warm. Putting Siamese fighting fish into water with a different temperature immediately can harm the fish. Leave the treated water at room temperature for one hour to keep the water safe and comfortable for the fish.
    • Alternatively, you can mix hot and cold water from the tap until the water is at the same temperature as the water in your current aquarium. If you do this, use a thermometer to make sure the water in both tanks is at the same temperature, and add the water softener as described above.
  3. Change the water in the aquarium. Use a racket to remove the fish, take the fish out of the tank into a clean basin. Take the fish very lightly because the scales are very vulnerable.
  4. Clean the aquarium. Empty the old water out of the tank. Gently clean the tank, using only clean water and a clean soft cloth or sponge; Soaps and other products can harm your fish. Be sure to wash off the gravel in the tank to remove waste, uneaten food, etc.
  5. Start adding water to the aquarium. Take some clean water from the fish tank and pour it into the tank. Pour just enough so the fish can swim comfortably inside.
  6. Return the fish to the tank. Use a racket to return the fish from the tank to the old tank, now slowly add clean water. Before that, gently transfer the fish to the tank.
  7. Fill the aquarium with remaining water. Slowly pour the water in the tank into the siamese aquarium. If the tank is too heavy to lift and fill, you can use a clean shift (or similar object) or a water pump. It is important that you pour the water slowly so that it does not disturb the fish.
  8. Complete water changes as needed. Usually only a partial water change is needed for the aquarium. However, change the water completely if the tank becomes too dirty. advertisement


  • Contact your veterinarian or aquarium equipment store if you have problems changing the water, or if you think fish is sick or not adapted to clean water.