How to resize pictures in KB

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Reduce Photo Size Less than 20 KB / 10 kb / 100 KB
Video: How to Reduce Photo Size Less than 20 KB / 10 kb / 100 KB


This wikiHow teaches you how to increase or decrease the size of an image.


Method 1 of 3: Using Paint on Windows

  1. Right click on an image and select Open with ... (Open with...).This action is in the pop-up menu.
  2. Click Paint. Paint will automatically open with the image on most versions of Windows.
  3. Click the tab Home located near the top of the window.
  4. Click Resize (Resize). The "Resize and Skew" dialog box will appear.
  5. Check the box "Maintain aspect ratio" (Maintain relative proportions).
  6. Set a new size for the image. To do this, we:
    • Click an option Percentage (Scale) to set the parameters for the "Vertical" or "Horizontal" data area at a certain scale in order to reduce the image size.
    • Click Pixels (Pixels) to enter a specific parameter into the "Vertical" or "Horizontal" data area.
    • Enlarging an image can cause the image to break and lose quality.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click File (File) on the menu bar, then select Save as ... (Save as…).
  9. Type a name for the file into the data area "File name:"(File name).
  10. Click Save. The image will be saved with the settings you specified.
    • To save the image in a different format, click Save As ..., then, click menu "Save as type:"(Save as ...) drop-down and choose one of the picture formats:
    • GIF - suitable for web graphics. Small file.
    • BMP - suitable for web graphics. Compressed file.
    • JPEG - Match images on website. Compressed file.
    • PNG - suitable for graphics and small web files. Larger file
    • TIFF Suitable for photo editing and archiving. Larger file.

Method 2 of 3: Use Preview on Mac

  1. Open the image in the Preview app. Proceed by double-clicking the Preview icon that looks like a blue photo set, then clicking the item File on the menu bar and select the task Open ... (Open ...) in the drop-down menu. Click the file in the dialog box and click Open.
    • Preview is an Apple-exclusive image viewer that is integrated automatically on most versions of Mac OS.
  2. Click Tools (Tools). This action is in the menu bar at the top of the screen.
  3. Click Adjust Size ... (Resize).
  4. Set a new size for the image. Choose a new parameter or "Custom" from the "Fit into:" menu (parameter options).
    • If you select "Custom", enter the parameters in the "Width:" and "Height:" data areas with / or the number of pixels per inch / cm in the "Resolution: field": "(Resolution).
    • Enlarging an image can cause the image to break and lose quality.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click File menu bar, then select Save (Save). The image will be saved with the settings you specified.
    • To save the image in a different format, click Export As… (Export As ...), then click the menu "Format:"(Format) drop-down and choose a picture format:
    • JPEG - Match images on website. Compressed file.
    • JPEG-2000 - High quality, good compression. Smaller file.
    • OpenEXR - suitable for compressing video files.
    • PNG - suitable for graphics and small web files. Larger file
    • TIFF Suitable for photo editing and archiving. Larger file.

Method 3 of 3: Use Adobe Photoshop

  1. Open the image file in Photoshop. To do so, double-click on the blue application icon, inside it says "Ps, "then, click File in the menu bar and select Open ... in the drop-down menu. Click the file in the dialog box and click Open.
  2. Click Image (Photo) in the menu bar at the top of the screen.
  3. Click Image Size ... (Size photo). A dialog box will appear.
    • Choose Bicubic Sharper (make the image sharper) if you are reducing the image size.
    • Choose Bicubic Smoother (making the image smoother) if you are increasing the image size.
  4. Enter a size for the photo. Enter the parameters in the "Width:" and "Height:" fields (other settings will be adjusted automatically). You can also change the number of pixels per inch / cm in the "Resolution:" area of ​​the "Document Size:" section.
    • Enlarging an image can cause the image to break and lose quality.
    • If you don't want to keep the original aspect ratio of the image, uncheck the line "Constrain Proportions" at the bottom of the dialog box.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click File in the menu bar, then select Save as ....
  7. Enter a name for the image in the data area "Save As:.
  8. Choose a picture format in the menu "Format:" drop down. The default format is specific to Photoshop software. Other formats include:
    • GIF - suitable for web graphics. Small file.
    • BMP - suitable for web graphics. Compressed file.
    • PNG - suitable for graphics and small web files. Larger file
    • JPEG - Match images on website. Compressed file.
    • TIFF Suitable for photo editing and archiving. Larger file.
    • EPS - suitable for the printing industry. Larger file.
  9. Click Save. The image will be saved with the size you specified. advertisement