How beautiful it is to quit

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 15 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Quiet, Quite, Quit. Английский для путешествий
Video: Quiet, Quite, Quit. Английский для путешествий


Who knows: maybe a day will come and your future employer will want to get your testimonial from a previous job, therefore, when quitting, you should do it as beautifully and dignifiedly as possible, even if a conflict with colleagues or management prompted you to quit. If you are confident that you want to quit, preparing for the layoff and the process of dismissal itself will require you to show respect and self-esteem, since this is a sign of professionalism and grace.


Method 1 of 2: Prepare to Quit

  1. 1 Think it over again. Will you then regret your deed? Before announcing your resignation, have a clear plan of action. When you quit, you must give only truthful and verified information.
    • Complete all the work you have started, otherwise it will be difficult for your current employer to arrange a replacement for you.
    • If you still do not put things in order in your affairs, then do not be surprised that you will not be fired with the best recommendations, and therefore your future employer will decide that it was not you, but your management made the decision to fire you.
    • Make sure you actually need to quit. Regardless of the reasons for which you quit when announcing your resignation, you should stick to the plan.
  2. 2 Give early warning of your departure. The corresponding application must be signed at least two weeks before the last working day. Both your current and future employers should know about the date of your last working day.
    • Most often, companies practice a two-week period.
    • However, the situation may require a discussion of the timing (it depends on the specifics of the work and other circumstances).
    • For example, if only you work in the IT department, then, most likely, your employer will take significantly longer than two weeks to find a new employee.
  3. 3 If you need to leave the workplace for some reason, discuss this with your employer. Let your supervisor know which days and at what time you will need to leave.
    • For example, if you leave the country or leave for health reasons, then your employer will most likely meet you halfway and allow you to do your personal business during working hours.
  4. 4 Be prepared for the fact that you have to finalize before the due date. After announcing your dismissal, it will likely be difficult for you to work until the last day. This can be due to various reasons, including because you want to start a new job as soon as possible.
    • If you refuse to work the prescribed days, this can be regarded as a violation of labor discipline.
    • There is no need to spoil your reputation - this may affect you in the future when it becomes necessary to provide recommendations for a new job.
  5. 5 Write a letter of resignation. A letter of resignation has the same structure as a regular letter. Include the following points in your letter of resignation:
    • In the upper right corner, indicate to whom the application is addressed and from whom: position, name of the organization and the name of the head (in the dative case), then - your position and full name (in the genitive case).
    • Below, in the middle of the sheet, indicate the title of the document - Application.
    • Then state the request for dismissal, state the reason.
    • Date and sign at the end of the document.
  6. 6 Make an appointment with your manager or HR manager. First, find out who you should notify of your decision first. Most likely, this person will be your immediate superior.
    • Although, you may need to talk to a HR specialist as well.
    • For example, this may be relevant if you quit because of a conflict with your boss or for another reason known to the HR specialist. As soon as the circle of people needed at the meeting is determined, set a time.
    • If you live near the central office, then it is advisable that this was a personal meeting.
    • Do not exclude a phone call, but only if you work in geographically remote offices.
    • For example, if for the sake of such a meeting you need to drive more than 4 hours by car or fly by plane.
    • When making an appointment, you don't have to give a reason. You can just say, “I need to talk to you. Could you please take a little time for me?

Method 2 of 2: Complete the layoff process

  1. 1 Thank people for taking the time to meet with you. Since you were the initiator of this conversation, its course depends on you. To set the right tone for the conversation, immediately thank everyone in the audience for taking the time to meet you.
    • For example, you might say, "I know you are very busy people, so thank you so much for taking the time to meet me."
  2. 2 Tell the audience about your decision. Just tell them that you have decided to leave the company. It may not be necessary, but you can briefly talk about the reasons for your decision (if this, of course, does not turn the audience against you).
    • For example, you might say, “I decided to leave the company because I had a new opportunity,” or “I am leaving the company for personal reasons.”
    • Then tell me what day you plan to work until. As mentioned above, you will most likely have to work two weeks (but possibly more).
  3. 3 Thank management for the opportunity to learn and grow with the company. Many companies enrich their employees with new knowledge and experience that they may need in their future professional activities.
    • Recognize that the company has given you a lot, and don't forget to express your gratitude to the employer. By doing this, you will leave a very good impression of yourself.
  4. 4 Offer to help find and / or train your successor. If you would like to help your company or your successor, offer your help.
    • If you yourself are looking for and training your successor, it will greatly facilitate the work of people who, of course, will not be able to understand the course of affairs on your site in one day.
    • Perhaps your employer will refuse your help, however, the very attempt to help will be regarded as a manifestation of respect and loyalty to the company.
  5. 5 Ask for a letter of recommendation. If your dismissal is not complicated by a conflict, then you have every chance of getting a good letter of recommendation. Ask for a letter of recommendation even if you don't need one at the moment.
    • You never know how many letters of recommendation your future employer will require.
    • Thus, it is best to ask for a letter of recommendation when your employer still has a good memory of your job.
  6. 6 Ask what you need to do next. Different companies may have different termination procedures, so ask for details.
    • For example, "What do I need to do next?" or "Are there any rules by which I should work the remaining days?" Be sure to find out the following:
      • Is there an exit interview waiting for you? The exit interview is conducted with the aim of obtaining constructive criticism of the company and feedback from the resigning employee in general.
      • What is the procedure for returning company property (phone, laptop, tablet, car, etc.)
      • What documents must be signed.
  7. 7 Submit your resignation letter. Towards the end of the meeting, return your signed letter of resignation. The application must contain the above items. The essence of the application must also be conveyed orally. The statement will be attached to your personal file.
  8. 8 Don't lie. Even when quitting, you need to be honest with other people. If you don't want to share some information, try to get by with vague phrases or just don't say anything.
    • For example, if the reason for your dismissal is an unfavorable emotional background in the team, then you can simply say that you are leaving for personal reasons.
    • It’s better to be a little silent than to think that, for example, you need to care for a sick family member.
  9. 9 You don't need to list all the cons of your job. Your employer doesn't need to know about all the reasons that made you quit. Try to keep this meeting as positive as possible. But if the reason for the dismissal is actually significant, then you, of course, can voice it.
    • At the same time, there is a certain difference between naming one reason and listing a dozen.
  10. 10 Be humble in your conversation, and try not to sound arrogant. There is no need to brag about the upcoming changes due to the transition to a new company. Of course, the desire to share your positive emotions about the upcoming changes is quite natural.
    • Nevertheless, during the meeting with the manager and until the last minute of work in this company, the manifestation of such feelings should be restrained.
    • If you constantly exaggerate all your negative emotions in a conversation with your colleagues and your manager, then people will associate your dismissal with negative emotions - anger and resentment.
  11. 11 Remain human. Regardless of the circumstances, you need to remain a person - polite, benevolent and respectful. Show tact and respect right up to the last minute of your company. Who knows: you may have to interact with these people again after a while.
    • In terms of career and reputation, the importance of professional behavior cannot be overstated, even when it is challenging.