Making a regular girlfriend fall in love with you

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make ANY Girl Fall in Love with You FAST!
Video: How to Make ANY Girl Fall in Love with You FAST!


It's not uncommon to fall in love with a regular girlfriend, but getting that girlfriend to feel that way will get harder. While there is no guarantee that you can change someone else's feelings, there are a few things you can do to increase the likelihood that a friend will reciprocate your feelings. For example, you can give hints about your feelings, be a shoulder to lean on, and know when to step back; this can help your regular girlfriend begin to see you in a more romantic light.

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  1. Try to be the best friend. Don't just be a friend like anyone else, but someone she can't live without, someone who listens to all her problems and always helps her through difficult times. You have to forge a bond like no one else does, something neither of you can live without. If you want to become friends quickly, it all has to do with radiating confidence. If she trusts you, then you're more likely to get a chance when it comes to love.
    • Open yourself up. Tell her more about yourself: your dreams, wishes and sorrows. Love may grow where there was none before, but it will need to see you as a person with real goals, successes, and problems, rather than just a friend. The more she is able to see that part of you that is hidden from others, the more likely you have.
    • Make her feel special. Let her know that she is someone's friend - your friend - and that you appreciate her in a unique way. Show that you appreciate her company and that she was there when you needed her, those times when you were sad and lonely. Show appreciation that your girlfriend makes you feel good and puts a smile on your face. Dream together, develop together and make sure you always cheer and encourage her.
  2. Hint. Before you get too close and say something like "I love you as a friend," or too much like a sibling, you need to somehow make it clear to her that you want to be more than just a friend. Simple, harmless flirtation, comments, something that can make her say that you are nice, but also make her think about the comment whether there might be a deeper meaning behind it.
    • This is very difficult to put into words, because you don't want her to feel like you used the friendship as a stepping stone to start a relationship. In the beginning, stick to flirting with your body. Don't pass up the opportunity to sit shoulder-to-shoulder with her. Look her in the eye and smile a lot. If the two of you get along really well, try tickling her (on her side or under her arms) or let her sit on your knee.
    • Gradually switch to flirting with words. Tell her how much you admire her. Tell her how special she is to you. Tell her that she will make it easier for you to get through the day. But don't forget, a good hint can get you started! If you pour out your heart to her every 20 minutes, she may start to feel uncomfortable with your friendship and distance herself from you.
  3. Be a shoulder to lean on. Be the person she can always turn to for reliable advice. Be there for her in difficult times and guide her through them, and she will look to you as a problem solver and trust you more. It's also important that you are someone she feels safe and comfortable with.
  4. Keep trying. When you notice that she is going to give hints herself, then you know that things are going in the right direction. But if your hints haven't really hit her yet, try harder. It can help to get a little clearer, as some girls are used to flirting with them a lot.
    • Make sure you are alone with her. This is important. If you never see her alone, work toward that goal. The trick is to get it there not Look like a date when you ask her out, but feel like a date when she arrives. Tell her you're studying at Starbucks and want a great girl to distract you from work, instead of "Hey, let's go out for coffee somewhere, just the two of you?"
    • Make a mix tape for her from your favorite music. The music you listen to shows her a whole different side of yourself; it helps her to understand you better. It also gives her a subtle message that you enjoy sharing personal things with her.Make sure to include music that you think she might like. You may be preparing for defeat if she just listens to Beethoven and you give her a CD of Metallica songs. After giving her the mix, ask her to make one for you.
  5. Take your distance. Keeping your distance is important because it lets her know what she's missing when you're not there. This allows her to think about all the ways you can make her life fuller, richer, and more enjoyable. Before you know it, she will crave your presence.
    • When you are sure that things are getting ahead, take a step back. If you see her every day at some point, skip a day or two and avoid contact! Eventually she will start to miss you and really understand how she feels about you. But when she asks, make sure you have a valid reason for not being in touch for a while. You don't want to be caught in a lie, or make it look like you're avoiding her on purpose.
    • If you think it could work, try shifting your attention to another girl for a day just to spark her interest. Girls are attracted to men who get along easily with considerate women. The goal here is not to make her super jealous. The goal is to give her the idea that girls like to interact with you, and that you have many different options when it comes to women.
  6. Only listen to feedback from her. Don't worry about what friends say about her feelings for you because we all know information can be distorted. In that respect it looks like a telephone game. She tells something to her friend, who tells it to a completely different person, who passes the gossip to an acquaintance, and quite quickly the message has completely changed from what it originally was. Filter out any unnecessary noise that isn't directly coming from her.
    • Keep going and do nice things with her. Studies have shown that doing something exciting, challenging, or adventurous together helps release chemicals (norepinephrine) in her and yours, which are associated with romantic feelings. So don't listen to what her friends and your friends are saying and take her to Six Flags, a haunted house, or a thrilling game - anything that can scare her, scream, or shake with excitement.
  7. If you are sure you want to deepen the relationship, tell her. Do not forget to only do this when you can live with the possibility of losing a good friend; it can be very clumsy and uncomfortable when she knows you want a relationship and she doesn't think the same way about you. You risk a friendship for a relationship. Some girls will get angry when you do this. Your friendship may be over if you tell them.
    • If you are sure, tell her. Be honest with her and explain your feelings. You can say something like, "I've really appreciated our friendship over the past few months, and discovered how special you are to me, and that you really make me feel alive. I think our friendship is more important than anything else, but I I like you very much. I can't hide my feelings from you anymore. Would you like to go on a date with me? "
    • Give her a way out. Let her know it's okay if she doesn't feel the same way about you and that you can handle the truth. You want her honest opinion, not a sugar-coated idea of ​​what you want her to say. If you offer her a way out by saying, "I know you might not feel the same way about me, and I respect that," this could save the friendship in the long run, if she doesn't see anything in a relationship. And if she does want a relationship, it will reinforce her sense of how sweet and respectful you are towards her.
    • Don't get too emotional. Whatever you do, don't break. Emotions are powerful and can feel like you are using your emotions to manipulate her, which can cause her to distance herself from the situation. If you get emotional, she will tend to feel sorry for you and return to the friend zone you are just trying to crawl out of. Even if you are cooking inside, stay stoic. Smile at her no matter what she says and act as happily as possible.


  • Never tell her you love her unless you mean it with all your heart.
  • Don't lie to her. A relationship like this can only be sustained when there is trust between you.
  • Look her in the eye when you talk to her; eyes best represent emotions.
  • Never pretend to be someone you are not. Be yourself. Woe different and unique in your own way; that's the one she'll fall in love with.
  • Make sure she knows you care, even if it's just as a regular friend.
  • Interact with her friends more. You don't have to talk about your feelings for her, just hang out with them and she will be impressed by your kindness.
  • You will have to be creative and constructive to hold a girl's attention; always be enthusiastic and enterprising.
  • Don't forget to call her, even when she least expects it.
  • Don't just ask her how her day was. Ask her how she feels. If she's down, tell her that you're there for her and that she'll always find a listening ear with you.
  • Make her laugh when she's sad


  • When you tell her about your feelings for her, tell her in person and not through a text message or a note or anything like that. You have to tell her this face to face to make it as personal as possible.
  • If you are in a romantic relationship, be careful because some things can change; it can become very different from the friendship you are used to.