Ways to Purify the Body

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
A cleanse won’t detox your body -- but here’s what will | Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter
Video: A cleanse won’t detox your body -- but here’s what will | Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter


Purification of the body, also known as detoxification or detox, is the process of removing toxins from the body. For a long time, there have been many people claiming their body was completely detoxified within a few days with certain diets. Although no method has been scientifically proven to be possible removed toxins out of the body, many people report: they feel smarter and healthier during and after detox. Maybe it's thanks to the cessation of processed foods.

Note: This article does not provide information on body cleansing for people being treated for alcoholism or other drugs. The detoxification of alcohol or other substances, especially benzodiazepines, should be done under the supervision of a medical professional.


Part 1 of 2: Detox Short term

  1. Detox with fruit. Detox with fruit is a way to purify the body without worrying about hunger. When you eat enough fruit, your body will get more energy, you will have a more reasonable weight and reduce the risk of stroke. You can detox by eating a combination of different fruits or by eating only one fruit. Don't stick to this fruit diet for longer than 7 days in a row.
    • Eat citrus fruits. Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lemons and green lemons are the most detoxifying. You can eat them individually or combine them with other fruits.
    • Try detox with grapes. Grapes contain antioxidants - substances that have the ability to fight cancer and obesity, and prevent blood clots. They also contain great amounts of Potassium and Vitamin C. Eat grapes (any grape you like) for 3 to 5 days.

  2. Detox with liquid. Drink only fluids (water, tea, juice, vegetable juice, and / or liquid protein) for 2 to 3 days. A liquid detox diet is also one way to start losing weight, as calorie intake is reduced. Many people believe that this method will help the body to release certain toxins, however, there is no official study on this problem.
    • Drink extra juice or vegetable juice during detox to ensure your body is still getting enough nutrients.
    • If you are going to lose weight, you will need to alter your diet once the liquid detox process is over. If not, you will gain weight again as before.

  3. Only eat vegetables and fruits for 7 days. Fruits and vegetables both contain vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients for a healthy body. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables to ensure your body is getting enough nutrients. Follow these guidelines to find out what you should eat during the detox:
    • Fiber Found in green beans (kidney beans), black beans, apples, soybeans, blueberries and artichokes.
    • Potassium Found in carrots, bananas, lima beans, white potatoes, cooked green vegetables and sweet potatoes.
    • Vitamin C Found in kiwi, strawberries, kale, cauliflower, potatoes, oranges, Brussels sprouts, mangoes, and bell peppers.
    • Folate Found in spinach, melons, asparagus, oranges and black-spotted white beans (crab-eyed peas).
    • The beneficial fats Found in avocados, olives and coconuts.

Part 2 of 2: Long Term Detox

  1. Eat organic food. Conventional vegetables are applied with chemical fertilizers and artificial insecticides, while organic vegetables are watered with manure, green manure and natural pesticides. Organic meat contains less antibiotics, growth hormones and harmful drugs than conventional meat.
    • Look carefully at the labels to see if the food is organic or not. Organic foods will be labeled "Certified Organic" in green by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
  2. Drink enough water. Drinking enough water is very important to your health. One of the health benefits of water is: it provides enough water for the kidneys to remove nitrogen from the blood urea.
    • Drink lemon juice. Add orange juice and lemon juice to the amount of water you consume for the day. These fruits contain citric acid, which helps the body digest fat. In addition, adding a little flavor to the water makes drinking 8 glasses of water a day easier.
  3. Abstain from alcohol. Many studies show that alcohol is linked to certain types of cancer, such as breast cancer in women. You don't have to abstain from completely abstaining from it, you can drink at most one beer or wine at night.
  4. Avoid sugar. Regularly consuming too much sugar increases blood sugar, which in the long run increases the risk of heart disease, obesity and some types of cancer. Read food ingredient labels carefully to avoid consuming too much sugar from bread or other sauces.
  5. Limit your exposure to harmful substances in the air. These toxic substances include: Carbon monoxide (CO), Radon gas (a naturally radioactive gas) and asbestos dust (a natural jelly mineral). These three types can all be found in your area.
    • Carbon monoxide is a deadly, colorless, odorless poisonous gas produced from burners, stoves, and car engines. Symptoms of toxicity include: headache, dizziness, and lethargy. It is recommended that you use this gas detector indoors and install proper ventilation.
    • Houses and tall buildings should be tested for radon and asbestos dust.
  6. Meditation. Many religions and philosophical schools believe that: body purification is a method to have a clear mind and a peaceful mind. When cleansing your body, avoid hatred, anger, and other negative emotions. As a substitute for eating or cooking, take the time to think about your goals and your inspiration.
  7. Don't overdo it: Most importantly, you should find a balanced and reasonable purification regime between exercise and healthy diet under the supervision of a professional. Remember, your goal is to form good habits, not exhaust your body with quick, sudden, and inappropriate changes. Avoid parties and drinking when you have just finished cleansing. advertisement


  • Let's detox with a friend. The two of you can help each other through difficult times, embrace success and share detox menus and tips.
  • Eat slowly. During the detox phase, you can prolong the meal by chewing slowly and thoroughly. Eating slowly is also good for digestion.
  • Make time for light exercise. Yoga, Pilates, swimming or brisk walking are all reasonable choices. Don't try to exercise high-strength subjects like jogging or lifting weights during this phase.
  • To go massage. Use a professional service or use your own at-home exfoliating gloves.
  • Rested. You may feel healthier or more tired during the detox phase of your body. Either way, you should get enough sleep. Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night, and nap if necessary.


  • Even if you feel well, you should only do detox for 10 to 14 days. Fasting or not eating for too long will disturb your metabolism.
  • Do not diet to the point of fainting. If you faint or feel that way, the diet you are using is very unlikely. Immediately eat a piece of bread or cookie to raise blood sugar, or drink a drink high in electrolytes. Lie or sit down and keep your head close to your knees if possible. Stop this diet immediately.
  • Do not liquid detox more than 3 days in a row.
  • Do not arbitrarily follow any of the detox guidelines available online. There are many methods out there that are very dangerous. Always consult a nutritionist when performing detox ..
  • Some detox methods can make you tired during the first day or two. Rest and avoid strenuous activities.
  • Most medical experts believe that the liver and kidneys can remove all toxins from the body without any purification regimen. Remember that you probably won't feel any different about your health.