How to prune the honeysuckle

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pruning honeysuckle
Video: Pruning honeysuckle


The honeysuckle tree, also known as the pigtail tree, is considered a plant that brings positive energy to the space and wealth for the grower. Honeysuckle is popular because it requires little care. The tree has a thick trunk, often plaited into braids, large green leaves, and the tree can grow up to 3 meters tall. Pruning will ensure that the plant does not grow too large and keeps its shape. Start by deciding when to prune, then use garden scissors to prune. You should prune the buds and prune the honeysuckle regularly to make the plant grow fresh and beautiful.


Part 1 of 3: Deciding when to prune

  1. Prune when the tree is too big. The honeysuckle tree needs to be pruned when the branches begin to grow too tall or too wide for the pot. You may find that branches or leaves are growing high up or sticking out the side of the pot, making the shape of the plant skew. That means it is time to prune the tree to correct its shape and stimulate healthy buds.

  2. Use garden scissors to trim brown and wilted leaves. If the leaves are dry, wilted, or turn brown, you can remove them with pruning scissors. Dry, brown leaves may be a sign that the air around the plant is too dry or too cold, but it could also be that the plant isn't getting enough natural light.
  3. Prune regularly in the spring. The honeysuckle retains its best shape if pruned at least once a year in the spring. Be sure to prune at least once between March and May for good growth for the rest of the year. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Pruning the tree

  1. Use sharp garden scissors to prune plants. Buy pruning shears at gardening stores or online. The pruning scissors should be clean and sharp so that you can prune exactly what you want.
    • Do not use scissors to prune other plants that have pests, as they can spread to the honeysuckle. You can use scissors to clean the scissors or use another pair of scissors that are specifically designed to prune honeysuckles.

  2. Find two branches that make a V-shape from the trunk. Find two twigs that extend out from the trunk in a V-shape. Use your finger to measure above the V-shape to mark the cut.
    • Prune at a V-shaped position to ensure that the tree maintains its shape and growth.
  3. Cut the stem about 1.3 cm above the V-shaped branches. Hold the pruning scissors at a 45 degree angle when cutting the trunk. Make a neat cut to remove the branches and leaves.
  4. Cut the branches from the tops and sides of the tree. Prune gradually around the tree, cutting the branches on the tops and sides that are too long. Be sure to cut the stem about 1.3 cm above the V-shaped branches.
  5. Prune all branches that have dry leaves or turn brown. If you see that the plant has dry or brown leaves, cut off the branches at a 45 degree diagonal angle. Be sure to leave at least one piece of the branch at least 1.3 cm so it can grow back more lustrous and healthy.
  6. Prune no more than half the size of the plant. You should choose a safe solution and prune little by little. Cut off a few overgrown branches and all brown leaves. Step back and look at the tree. If the tree is still in irregular shape, continue pruning until it looks more even.
    • Don't remove too many twigs, as this can lead to stunting. Prune little by little each time micrecture changes at a time.

Part 3 of 3: Plant maintenance

  1. Click and prune the tree regularly to keep it from growing too big. If there are young shoots growing on the branches, use your hands to gently remove the tips to make them grow stronger. You can also use pruning scissors to trim branches that are too long to maintain the plant's size and stimulate the plant to grow buds.
  2. Water the roots when the soil is dry. Use a watering can or pitcher with a long hose to irrigate the roots, as watering the stem or leaves can cause rot and attract pests. Only water the roots when you feel the soil dry to the touch to prevent it from waterlogging.
    • Water less during the winter months to avoid root rot.
  3. Repot the plant every 2-3 years. When the roots of the plant are fully potted, you will need to repot the plant. The time to repot is in the middle of summer. Remove the plants and soil from the pot. Use clean garden scissors to prune of the roots, then place the plant in a new pot with drainage holes or gravel and fresh soil.
    • Water the honeysuckle tree with water after repotting to stimulate the plant to grow. You can submerge the pot in a pot of water or use a watering bottle to water the roots.