How to be confident when bald

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 22 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be FULLY CONFIDENT Shaving Your Head BALD
Video: How To Be FULLY CONFIDENT Shaving Your Head BALD


Hair loss can make people feel anxious and guilty. Both men and women can be very upset when faced with impending baldness or going bald. However, it is important to remember that this is normal. There are many reasons for baldness, but that doesn't make it easier to cope. Fortunately, there are ways to increase your confidence as you learn to cope with baldness.


Method 1 of 3: Accept baldness

  1. Determine the cause of your baldness. The first step to accepting baldness is understanding the reasons for hair loss. Everyone loses hair every day (some people lose more hair than others), however it is not severe enough to be truly called alopecia. The exact cause of hair loss is often related to one of four factors: genetics (family history), hormone changes, medical conditions, and medication side effects. If your hair is falling out a lot but you don't know why, then you will definitely want to find the cause. Ask your doctor to help you figure out why, and you'll be better prepared to accept baldness.
    • If you are concerned about hair loss, pay attention to your diet. Poor nutritional habits can be the reason for your hair deficiency. Besides, pay attention to your emotional state. Stress can also be a cause.

  2. Redirect negative comments. Sometimes a few strangers may randomly ask you personal questions. If you are losing confidence because people ask you about your "choose" hairstyle, try finding an effective way to respond to curious people. One solution is to completely ignore them. Pretend you didn't listen to the comment and didn't know about it, even to yourself. You can also confront the person by saying that you don't want to explain anything about your appearance. Whichever option you choose will make you feel more confident than brooding about the humiliation.

  3. Note some of the benefits of a bald head. Baldness is not only beautiful but also has many real benefits! For example, many people see baldness as an indication that men without hair are adults and of high social status. That's a great perception people have for you at work. People also tend to associate baldness with physical strength.
    • Save time. A bald head can significantly reduce the time you spend morning grooming. Instead of drying your hair, brushing and styling, just moisturize and add sunscreen to the outside! You will get extra sleep each morning, which will definitely improve your mood and confidence.
    • Save money. Although you still need to take care of your bald head, the cost will be significantly lower than with hair care. If necessary, ask any women (or men) who pay a decent amount of money to dye their hair and fade in just two months.

  4. Find someone you admire. The world has always had inspirational, energetic, beautiful people - and many of them are bald! If you personally don't know anyone to be seen as bald hero, there are plenty of celebrities for you to learn from. Read about some people and identify the character you admire, both inside and out. There are many powerful people in history who are bald, so you will have many choices. Are you interested in politics? Learn about Cory Booker. If you're a sports lover, just follow Michael Jordan!
  5. Understand the value of health. It will be difficult to cope if your baldness is caused by a medical condition. You've gone through a lot of mental and physical changes, so it's hard to accept one more big change in hair loss. Though it's really hard, you can try to change your perception. Instead of thinking, "This chemotherapy is going to make the hair fall out!" Think, "This chemotherapy obviously works.I can see it when I look in the mirror! ”Positive thinking (and feeling more confident) can really improve how you feel - both mentally and physically.

Method 2 of 3: Building confidence in general

  1. Praise yourself. Focus on a few positive traits. Done well on a large project at the company? Congratulate yourself! Can you see the results from the start to the gym? Please cheer up! Every day, try to think of at least one thing you like about yourself. This will become a habit and will have a big impact on your self-esteem. Soon, you'll feel even more confident about being bald!
  2. Increase mental strength. By stretching your "mental muscles," you can find some new reasons to be proud of yourself. Try learning a new skill or language, doing crosswords, and meditating. All of these activities have been shown to increase mental skills. In general, the more intelligent you feel, the more comfortable you will be with yourself. Understanding is directly related to the level of confidence. When you increase your mental strength, you will also increase your confidence level. You will begin to realize that baldness does not define you — because you have many wonderful qualities.
  3. Avoid the negative. Try to avoid negative thoughts. But don't get mad at yourself if you have a guilty thoughts! Instead, acknowledge it, accept it, and let it go. Finally, you can train yourself to think less and less of your negative thoughts. It also helps if you try to put yourself in positive situations. Stay with friends and family who think you are awesome!
    • Try making positive affirmations as you look in the mirror. Look at yourself - even your bald head - and tell yourself that you look great and feel great.
  4. Act confidently. Be confident and stand upright. When you meet someone new, look them in the eye, smile, and shake hands. These are all ways you can appear confident. There is evidence that when you act with confidence, you will begin to feel really confident as well.
  5. Show yourself your best. Perhaps you are not fully confident in yourself. That takes practice, but for now, highlight the points where you feel strong and confident. Choose your favorite outfit and give it a big smile. If you have confidence in your image, that feeling will spread until you feel your level of complete confidence increase. Soon, you'll confidently show off your bald head along with her positive traits. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Improve appearance

  1. Invest in a quality wig or braid. Hair loss can be a mental and physical loss, especially if baldness is linked to an illness. You can feel better and increase your confidence if you find yourself a great wig. Some wigs look fashionable with interesting styles and colors. Before choosing a wig, take the time to browse fashion magazines to find a style you love. A quality wig is very important as it will look more natural and need less care. Choose a style that you are comfortable using.
    • To find the right wig or wig braids, you need advice. Before you start shopping, ask your friends for advice on where to buy. Another great source of advice is a hairdresser - ask for their opinion!
    • Consider choosing two wigs - one for daily use and one for entertainment. Wear a fun (trendy color) wig when you want to have some fun and get in the mood right away.
  2. Find a few new accessories. If you don't want to wear a wig, there are still a few ways you can temporarily hide your bald head. When you're confident about going bald, you'll probably need fewer accessories. Even if you choose a wig for work, you'll want something more comfortable to use at other times. There are many great options, like hats, shawls, and headscarves. The most important thing is to make sure to find one that fits (fits the head size) and is comfortable. Once you've checked the accessory boxes, feel free to use it and have fun! See buying hats and shawls the same way you buy other clothes - like ways to show off your style and reflect your personality. Pick a few items that make you look great - it's a great confidence boost.
  3. Skin care. You may or may not want to cover your bald head. Either way, a careful skin care routine will help you look and feel better. Most people don't realize that when you are bald, you still need shampoo and conditioner. There are many nearly invisible hairs that need cleaning. You will also need to use plenty of sunscreen every day. Head moisturizing is also very important. Consider the skin on the top of your head as well as your skin. You will look better, healthier, and your attitude will reflect that.
  4. Consider alternative therapy. Hair replacement therapies like hair transplants or hair transplants are a more permanent solution if you really want to give up your bald head. However, this therapy is not for everyone. Alternative therapy is usually for people with genetic baldness and people with hair loss due to an injury (such as a burn). If you think this therapy is right for you, consult with your doctor for more information and understanding of the procedure.
    • Research. You need to find a reputable dermatological surgeon. Need to inquire about methods, recovery time, and potential side effects.
    • Use other methods to gain confidence. Remember that baldness is beautiful.
  5. Use makeup. You can use a variety of cosmetics if you are facing some small spots due to baldness. Powder can be applied on the head to hide the bald head. It also coats the hair strand to make the hair look more like it.
  6. Eliminate thinning hair. Men and women have thinning hair for many reasons. The usual reaction is to keep the remaining thinning hair in place. However, you will feel confident if you dare to make your own decisions and remove thinning hair. Bald baldness is often more charming than other types. In other words, put the comb aside. advertisement


  • Discover the benefits of baldness.
  • Apply the confidence you just found to accept your bald head gracefully.