Ways to be confident

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be Confident In Any Situation
Video: How To Be Confident In Any Situation


You may think possessing confidence is the same as having blue eyes; Either you were born there, or you never had. Well, if you have that mindset and lack confidence, you are sure to accept failure. It's time to get rid of that notion and make an effort to change the way you think and act to begin developing the confidence you lack. If you want to know how to be more confident, see step 1 to get started.


Part 1 of 3: Acknowledge the right view

  1. Take pride in your strengths. If you want to develop confidence, the first thing you have to do is think about all of your strengths. You may feel like you are not that great, that you have no valuable qualities, and that everyone around you seems to be more beautiful and outstanding than you. Yes, you need to let those thoughts go if you are determined to change! List all the strengths you have, from being a good listener to your beautiful voice. These advantages to you may be minor, but you have to think about yourself really many things to be proud of.
    • If you are really interested in this idea, you should always keep a list with you. Add in it every time you realize, "Oh, yes, I have this advantage too ..." Every time you feel you are inferior or worthless, reread and you will feel better.
    • Talk to a close friend about this. Ask them what strengths they see in you. Your friend will probably find something you never thought about because it is right in front of your eyes!

  2. Strive to be an optimist. Of course, as optimistic as Rome, you can't build in just one day, but that doesn't mean it's not worth it to start building your foundation with positive thinking and expectation for the best.Optimism and confidence go hand in hand, because people who hope for the future and look forward to the good often think that good luck will happen to them if they step out into the outside world, Or just do my best. Follow your thoughts to see how many of them are negative, and try to counter each of them with at least three positive ones. With your efforts, soon you will be able to see life in a new and more sparkling light.
    • The next time you are with friends, try talking about the interesting things in your life, or the things that you are looking forward to, you will find that people respond better, and you will feel better. I feel happier.

  3. Prepare your mind. Being properly prepared for any situation can also help you gain confidence. If you are going to have a math test, then it's best to spend a lot of time practicing to get a good result. If you give a lecture in front of class, you should practice until you have mastered it. If you are going to a party, find out about the party with as much information as possible, such as who will be there, when the party starts, and other details so you won't worry. with mysterious elements when entering the party room. While it is not possible to perfectly prepare every situation - which also creates the fun and mysteries of life - it certainly helps to learn about the events you participate in.
    • When you do group activities that you know you have something to contribute, you will feel more confident than just sitting there hesitantly and listening to other people's opinions. You don't have to keep talking to build confidence; you only need to say enough to feel that you have a lot of value.
    • You can improve your knowledge by reading interesting articles, watching news, researching current events or issues that you find interesting. Bring up a topic that you've explored and see how far it develops. Knowing the information to support what you say will help you feel more confident in conversations.
    • If you know something or have a special skill - anything from how to make furniture to how to choose shoes for a graduation party - people will turn to you for help. You can significantly build confidence by helping others and realizing that you have something for them to learn.

  4. Stop comparing yourself to others. You need to focus on yourself and on the path to reaching the goals you always wanted instead of glancing at your neighbor's house and wondering why you are not as attractive / smart / confident as them. Treat yourself well, focus on your dreams and goals, and be proud of yourself for your accomplishments.
    • Understanding that idealizing other people's lives from outward appearances is a common phenomenon. In other words, you don't get a full view of the person's life from their normal activities.
    • If you feel like you are starting to compare yourself to someone else, stop and focus on yourself. Find ways to bring success, happiness or improve the situation.
    • People who lack confidence cease to doubt themselves and the world around them. You need to repel doubts by thinking about your ability to perform the task at hand.
  5. Try to eliminate any negative sources if possible. Unfortunately, it may not seem like you can rule out every little thing that discourages you, but it is okay to try to be with the positive people and put yourself in situations that make you feel like you. satisfied with yourself. There are a few things you can consider:
    • If you feel upset about your body, or in general about your appearance from turning to celebrity magazines or watching TV all day long, then you need to be very isolated from those things.
    • If being around a friend, family member or important person often makes you feel worthless, then it's time to revisit the relationship. You can try to bring about change with assertive communication to deal with their impact on your feelings. If the relationship hasn't changed or can't change, you may need to decide to end or limit the time you spend with the person.
    • If you're playing a sport you hate and feel like you've put all your strength into it and still don't get results, then maybe you should find another club better suited to your needs. yourself; This doesn't mean you should give up every time you get stuck, but you should learn to recognize what isn't working for you.

Part 2 of 3: Getting into action

  1. Receive the unknown. If you lack confidence, doing something completely new and different may not really excite you. Well then, now is the time to be brave and take the risk of doing something you never thought about. Maybe it's introducing yourself to a group of strangers at a party, signing up for a dance class even though your feet are clumsy, or applying for a job that sounds great but too stunning. overwhelmed. The more you practice the habit of trying new things, the more reassuring you will be, because through it you will feel that you are able to cope with all possible uncertainties. Here are a few other great ways to take the unknown:
    • Start small. Start a conversation with someone you've met many times but never talked to, like the guy sitting next to you in math class or a neighbor next door.
    • Organize a trip to a new destination, even if it's just a city less than 100 kilometers from where you live. Make it a habit to go to unfamiliar places and explore new things.
    • Try your best with learning a foreign language. Doing something completely new is fun and can build self-confidence.
  2. Take more risks. Taking risk (being reasonable) is also accepting the unknown and asserting yourself as an independent individual. If you want to become more confident, not only do you have to try something new, but also be willing to do things that are a little scared or uncertain. Not every adventure will lead to miracles, but it will lead you into the habit of going out into the world to see what happens. Taking risks will make you feel less attached to the familiar little things, and you have the ability to do anything.
    • Step out of your comfort zone at least once a day. This might just mean talking to your dream lover - even inviting her (him) out, if you gather up your courage!
    • If you are dissatisfied at work but don't dare to leave, try applying for a job. Even if it doesn't work out, you will find that the risk isn't terrifying actually.
    • Coping with your fear. You don't have to play bungee jumping if you're afraid of heights, but you can take the elevator up to the ten-story building and look out the window. You will find that you can really overcome anything that blocks your footsteps.
  3. Spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself. Job maintain Positive effects can be more helpful in building confidence than cutting off negative influences. If you often stay with supportive people and give you support without creating pressure or stress, you will feel more confident in yourself and handle your emotions effectively. more fruit. Make it a habit to spend as much time as possible with people who are nice to you.
    • Communicating with confident people can also be of great benefit. Instead of being jealous of those people, get to know them and ask yourself, "How do they act differently from me, and how do I create that kind of attitude?" You will find that confident people are not necessarily "better" than you at anything - other than having a positive outlook on themselves.
  4. Cultivate a hobby. It's even better that you're good at something - or even better, passionate - will make you feel more fulfilled and happy. This can help boost your confidence. A hobby can stimulate creativity, and pass it on to other activities like work or social interactions. In addition, hobbies can also help you cultivate social support, bringing you mental happiness.
    • Organize a time for a hobby or a favorite activity. For those who are busy with work or carry a lot of family duties, this can be quite difficult, but this is also an important thing.
  5. Show confidence through body language. Stand up straight; a great posture can give you the look and feel of confidence. If you are slouching all the time, it is a sign that you are dissatisfied with who you are and that you want to shrink your body. Instead, keep your back straight, your shoulders back, and chest stretch forward.
    • Do not fold your arms across your chest. Put your hands on your side or use your hands to gesture. This will help you look closer and feel more open.
    • Make natural eye contact when talking to people. Making eye contact with the other person is a signal that you are comfortable speaking to them equally, and that you are open-minded about new ideas.
    • Making eye contact with others can also help keep your head up. Keeping your eyes on the ground or at your feet all the time can make you appear less confident and feel the same way.
    • You should also walk with strong, confident steps instead of shifting or dragging your legs. This will also help you look and feel confident.
  6. Spend time looking after your appearance. If you take the time to look at yourself, you will find that you start to have a more positive outlook on yourself. If you want to be more confident, you need to keep clean, shower every day, brush your hair, and wear clean and wrinkle-free clothes. Failure to take care of your body proves that you don't feel you are worth the time to take care of yourself.
    • If you look in the mirror and see a decent figure in it, you will value yourself more.
    • Wear clothes that make you feel good about yourself. This means clothes should fit (with your current size) and flatter a look that matches your personality.
    • However, this does not mean that you should wear elaborate makeup or clothes that make you a different person. You should always be yourself - just a clean, clean version of yourself.

Part 3 of 3: Continued development

  1. Learn from your failures. A person who is confident is not someone who does anything with great success. People confidently accept their failures and learn from their mistakes instead of giving up when things don't go as they should. Next time you don't do well on a math test, don't get hired after an interview, or are denied a date, don't let that failure discourage you by asking yourself what it was. wrong and what do you learn from that. Of course, sometimes you are just the victim of a lack of luck, but it is important that you feel in control of every situation as much as you can so that next time you can do better.
    • The mantra "Everything is a difficult beginning ..." is indeed true. Think about how boring life would be if you kept on touching something and you would do well right away. Instead, see failure as an opportunity to improve yourself next time.
    • It is important to know where you went wrong, and to accept when something unfortunate happens.
  2. Exercise more. While exercising doesn't make you feel great as a star, creating a routine of exercising for at least 30 minutes a day or just a few times a week makes you feel better physically. and spirit. Being active produces endorphins, making you feel more satisfied with yourself and the world around you, and also providing many valuable health benefits. This works both ways, and setting a fitness goal that fits you can help you feel more confident.
    • You can also see exercise as an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. You may still be hesitant to learn yoga or Zumba, but once you join it, you will find it not as scary as it seems.

  3. Smile more. It has been shown that not only does smiling make you happier, but it also makes those around you react better. Smiling, even if you don't want it at all, can make you more confident in interacting with people and in everyday activities. Smiles also encourage people to get closer to you, and you can invite a new friend, a new opportunity, to you just by smiling. There's no reason not to smile more, no matter how upset you are!

  4. Don't hesitate to ask for help. Having confidence does not mean that you are multi-talented and talented in every little thing, but it is about acknowledging when you cannot manage it on your own. Pride and confidence come from acknowledging when you are confused, and asking for help when needed not only helps you get more done, but also gives you a sense of pride in yourself for made every effort to reach out to people for guidance.
    • If you ask for help from others, chances are they'll come back to you at some point, and you will find yourself truly a useful person.

  5. Learn to live in the present moment. If you lack confidence, you may find that you are indulging in the actions of the past or worrying about the results of the future. Living in the present can help calm you down from what's happening. This can make you feel happier and more relaxed, although it is a difficult habit to establish.
    • Learning how to worry less about the future and accept what has happened in the past can help you live in the present.
    • Practice yoga or mindfulness meditation. This method can also help you live in the present moment.


  • Forget worrying about not being able to complete a task. Remember that no one is perfect. So don't be afraid to make mistakes.
  • You just need to be yourself. Don't let anyone steer and force you to be someone else - that's the only way to really gain confidence.
  • Take care of your inner potentials. Always do your best by finding out what goals you want to achieve. Success is the key to confidence.
  • Walk with head-held posture, keep your shoulders up and look straight ahead.
  • Tell me positive things every night before going to bed.
  • Maintain good relationships with others. Avoid offending others, as they may turn their noses at you and make you lose confidence. Don't be rude.
  • Try to make a good impression on people you don't know and who haven't met you before.