How to show alert when drunk

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
New Show Alert! Behind the Drink
Video: New Show Alert! Behind the Drink


It's easy or difficult to stay awake when you're drunk depends on how drunk you are and what you're doing. It is crucial that you know your limits. If you drank too much, at some point you won't be able to hide that you are drunk, no matter how skilled you are. But if you are conscious, you can convince those around you that you are not drunk. The trick here is to know what symptoms a drunk person is most likely to find out. Learn to avoid emitting false signals, and you'll seem alert enough to fool most, if not all, people.


Method 1 of 4: Conceal common symptoms of drunkenness

  1. Keep your eyes clear and open. People who are under the influence of alcohol often have drooping eyes or look sleepy. Keep your eyes open and try not to let them fall. Blink quickly and often. People can easily get irritated when they get drunk. You can use eye drops to reduce the redness.

  2. Find a seat and stay there. If you keep walking around, you will draw attention and run the risk of missing a step or falling over. People won't realize how drunk you are if you hide your poor coordination. When you need to walk, step quickly to where you need it. The forward inertia will prevent you from wobbling. Armrest against a sturdy object (railing, table, chair back) while moving is also a way to help the brain compensate for lack of balance.

  3. Pay attention to your surroundings. A drunk person often shows a slow lethargy. They are lost in their own thoughts and neglected in their surroundings. Pay attention to your surroundings, listen to people talking, watch what's going on in the room, and respond when someone tries to draw your attention.
  4. Limit your conversation. Chirping, slurred, repetitive, and improper statements are signs of denunciation of a drunk person. Alcohol often destroys judgment so you don't know how drunk your voice sounds. Don't let crazy words denounce you. Limit the conversation to short responses.

  5. Stick to simple topics. Complicated thoughts are difficult to express when you are drunk, and the more you try to explain them, the more you will show that you have overcooked. Resist the urge to express these "wonderful thoughts" in your mind: a new business idea, a desire to immediately marry the girl you met fifteen minutes earlier, and so on. may sound "groundbreaking" at the moment, but it likely isn't.
  6. Claiming sick or tired. Natural fatigue is often akin to being drunk. If someone asks you if you are drunk, provide a reasonable explanation for your behavior. Maybe everyone will believe you.

  7. Eat foods with a strong smell. Oranges, chips, peanut butter, curry, garlic, onions, and mint will drown alcohol (and tobacco) in your breath. These scents are quite strong and may not be very pleasant but usually enough that people will not suspect you are trying to hide the smell of alcohol.
  8. Apply perfume or use a scented deodorant. When you are drunk, your whole body often smells of alcohol, not just in your breath. Before the liver completes its alcohol metabolism, your body will emit a sweet smell that people will recognize as the smell of the intoxicated person. You can use a fragrance or a strong scent deodorant like Old Spice to drown out the scent.

  9. Brush teeth. Alcohol dries out the mouth and allows bacteria to grow. An unpleasant smell in the mouth often reminds people of the smell of alcohol. If you can't drown alcohol with foods with a strong smell, clean your mouth. Brush your teeth, use mouthwash and drink plenty of fluids to rehydrate. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Know how to behave when drinking alcohol

  1. Notice your natural instincts when the restraint is gone. One of the biggest effects of alcohol is that it reduces your restraint. If you are often anxious about what other people think of you, alcohol can help you relax and ease your anxiety. This also means that you can show some of your natural instincts. If you normally suppress your anger, it may explode out of control during a hangover. If you know you have such problems, you need to practice self-control, in addition to trying to change your natural tendencies.
    • If you are the type of person who gets angry when you get drunk, you will find you get angry easily the whole day. If that's what makes you feel alert, you might consider taking anger management classes. There are a number of techniques to help you avoid getting angry in the first place.

  2. Ask your friends how they feel when they are drunk. When your judgment has been impaired by alcohol, sober friends may know your condition from outside manifestations. Ask them to report the changes in your behavior and give specific examples. Please keep in mind these changes. You will have to work hard to hide these behaviors in order to appear alert.
    • You can ask your friends what kind of intoxicating person they see you as to learn your behavior at the time. Even without mentioning your unusual behavior, they can still describe your general feelings about you. People who are happily drunk often feel elated when they drink. Conversely, people who get angry when drunk often appear irritable and spontaneous. There are many other types of drunk people, but in general there are two of them.
  3. Record yourself when you are drunk. You probably already know what your daily behavior is like. If you film yourself while drunk, you'll see more clearly than your friends do. The captured images also allow you to confirm your friends' observations if you cannot believe you are. Plus, there will be clear evidence of your odd behavior to help you recognize your symptoms.
    • You don't have to do this on your own, even if only most of the time. You can ask your friends to use their phones to film them when you don't know. You can even record audio on your phone to listen again when awake.
  4. Record your expressions. If you want people not to know that you are drunk, you have to stop acting unnaturally. Drunk people are often found out about their weird behavior. You will gather information by asking your friends or by viewing / listening to the recorded picture or sound. The goal here is to identify your expressions and write them down. Here will be a list of the things you need to handle.
  5. Check the limits on how well you can fix the symptoms of being drunk. Some of the symptoms can be avoided with practice, but you have to maintain some alertness. Once you have a list of things to fix, try getting drunk and try to act as normal as you can. You will have to look at the list and avoid the odd behaviors listed in it. If you find it too difficult, you may be too drunk. Lower the level of intoxication until you can act alertly in a less intoxicating state.
    • Do not forget that the more drunk you are, the more difficult you will be to hide your clues. If you keep drinking, you won't be able to cover it up after all.
    • Not all signs of drunkenness can be hidden. You should avoid giving them the opportunity to observe. For example, if you know you breathe the smell of alcohol, don't go near anyone.

Method 3 of 4: Show alertness

  1. Practice overcoming symptoms of intoxication while drinking. You can push your limits. If you find yourself getting too drunk to hide the signs of your intoxication, you will need to fix them. You can ask a sane friend to judge. Practice being awake while you are drunk until you've been successful in your friend's eyes.
  2. Remember your situation when trying to be alert. You can't always pretend you're not drunk. Displaying alertness at a bar is different from when you are being checked by a police officer or when confronted with an angry parent. If you push back on your limits, you may not be able to show the same level of alertness in all situations. When you know that you may have to switch to another situation, wait for less of your drunkenness before trying to appear alert.
  3. Take sobriety tests in place. If you are stopped by the police while driving, they can use several tests to check your alertness along with measuring the alcohol in your breath. Many tests are designed so that the difficulty level increases as you get more drunk. The change of circumstances means that if you don't practice, you will feel so nervous you won't be able to appear alert.
    • Make sure the person you are assessing is alert and encourage them to study behaviors that law enforcement officers will observe. That way, your friend can say exactly what you did wrong to their abilities.
  4. Avoid situations where you cannot pretend to be alert. Certain physical behaviors will denounce you because they are something you cannot avoid. Even if you learn to control yourself to make yourself seem not drunk, your body may not be as you want it to be. A breath alcohol tester will show that your body is not metabolizing alcohol as quickly as it should. Your vocal cords, eye and leg muscles will not behave like a sane person. Whenever your body is more than capable of concealing intoxication, then you must avoid situations that may expose you.
    • If you are stopped by a traffic police, obey their request. There is no benefit if you refuse to take the local alertness test or refuse to blow into the alcohol gauge. You have tacit consent to this when you get a driver's license. You may have to appear in court if you refuse to cooperate with law enforcement.

Method 4 of 4: Managing intoxication

  1. Eat before drinking. Food covers the stomach, preventing alcohol from being absorbed into the bloodstream too quickly, a factor that can cause intoxication to skyrocket. This can temporarily lose your ability to act alert. The goal here is to avoid hitting that threshold. Being alert is all about maintaining a level of intoxication that you can still control.
  2. Keep a close watch on the amount of alcohol you drink. This is an objective way to avoid drinking too much to make it impossible to appear alert. You need to know your limits. Remember when you started drinking, then count how many glasses of wine you've been drinking since that point. When you know you can't seem awake any more, remember how much alcohol you have been drinking to try to stay lower next time.
    • The way your body processes alcohol will vary depending on the amount of alcohol consumed, the length of time it is taken, the drinker's weight and biological sex.Our bodies continuously metabolize alcohol, but only at a certain rate. If you continue to drink for a while, you can calculate the concentration of alcohol in your blood, from which you will determine how much alcohol concentration in the blood increases, you can no longer appear alert. Keep below that.
    • Alcohol consumption is calculated by standard sizes. One can of beer will contain the same amount of alcohol as a glass of wine and a small glass of brandy. If you're at a beer party, keep the corks or beer corks to count the amount you drank. If you are at a bar, ask the bartender how many glasses you have been drinking.
  3. Drink alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks in between. This will not only help you avoid drinking too much, but will also reduce the discomfort associated with a hangover. The aim here is to dilute the concentration of alcohol in the blood by constantly replenishing water for the body. Alcohol dehydrates your body, and this will prevent dehydration.
  4. Take with a sober friend. You may find that an accompanying driver will help you avoid some drunken behaviors, such as getting lost when you get back in the car. Some applications on your phone can help in these situations. But a sober friend can even tell you when you've been drinking too much and when you can't hide that you're drunk. Ask them to keep an eye on you and remind you of your limits. This way, you can maintain your alcohol intake at a level where you can appear alert.
  5. Increase your alcohol intake in a healthy way. Our bodies develop alcohol tolerance over time. If you don't drink for a long time, you will find yourself drinking less and still getting as drunk as before. You can increase alcohol intake by drinking alcohol regularly; This will allow you to drink more while still making people believe you're awake.
    • Of course, you shouldn't drink alcohol just to increase alcohol intake. Doctors recommend a daily limit of 2 drinks for men and 1 drink for women.


  • Do not drive while drinking, no matter how well you feel you appear alert. Do not operate machinery or engage in activities that could endanger the safety of you and those of others.
  • Call an ambulance if someone has no reaction to alcohol. Alcohol poisoning often leads to death.
  • Consuming too much alcohol can cause brain damage, liver damage, and fainting.