How to decline to a party you don't want to go to

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Black Eyed Peas - Don’t Stop The Party (Official Music Video)
Video: The Black Eyed Peas - Don’t Stop The Party (Official Music Video)


When someone invites you to a party, there's a lot of pressure to attend. Sometimes, you just don't feel like it. Maybe you're too busy, or not in the mood to be in public. You can be honest with the host about why you couldn't attend the party, you can also lie. This article will show you how to refuse to go to the party.


Method 1 of 2: Be honest with the landlord

  1. Refuse immediately. Don't put off telling the host that you can't go to the party. Let them know right away that you cannot come, so they don't expect your attendance and feel even more disappointed when you cancel at the last minute.

  2. Refuse directly to the landlord. If the party is important to the host - for example, a birthday party, anniversary party, or a newborn baby party or wedding gift party - it would be rude to just text or email you. cannot attend. Take a time to talk to them face to face and explain why you didn't attend.
    • If you can't speak in person - for example, if the friend lives in another city or if your calendar doesn't match - give them a call.

  3. Please start the announcement properly. People react to news that disappoints them in different ways, so there are no correct answers on how to report your reasons. How you behave depends on the personality of the person you inform.
    • If you think the person will be offended or sad, apologize to them.
    • If you think the person will try to pressure or force you to attend, be firm.

  4. Give a clear reason for missing the party. If you just tell the landlord that you don't “feel” like going, you can hurt them. Giving a specific excuse is best, unless your specific reason is that you don't like the landlord! Some examples of why you might not want to go to a party might include:
    • You have an appointment from in advance at that time
    • Someone you want to avoid will attend the party
    • You have too much work or assignments to do
  5. Don't explain too much about yourself. When you talk too long about why you can't attend a party, you give the host more time to try to convince you that you should. Explain the reason in a short and pleasant way, then move on with the story.
    • You can completely change the theme or show that you still care about the party by asking about the party planning process.
    • Showing interest shows that you want to attend, but you really can't.
  6. Offer to help prepare the party. Even if you are unable to attend, you can still help organize a successful party by offering to lend a hand with planning and preparation. This will prove to the host that you value their friendship and will go to the party if you can.
  7. Promise to compensate them. If you have to miss an event, plan to talk to the host when you have more time. Do it as close to the event time as possible, so you have a chance to show interest in what you've missed out on. This will make the host feel that you appreciate their efforts in organizing the party, and value their friendship.
  8. Attending a flash party. The best honest way to not spend time at a party is to spend as little time as possible there. You try to greet the host so they know you have attended. Try to have a good time while you're there, but let everyone know that you have to leave early. Even if you can't stay, people will appreciate that you did your best to drop by.
    • If you feel uncomfortable announcing your departure, leave without saying goodbye. People may be having a lot of fun, they won't even notice you're back.

Method 2 of 2: Lie to avoid an appointment

  1. Don't be too hard on yourself for lying. Studies show that lying is an essential part of everyday life even for those we consider to be ethical, respected. When people lie to relieve social stress, rather than serving their own purpose, a harmless lie may be a better choice than the truth.
  2. Simply lie. Lie as little as possible, without being elaborate. A well-prepared story about why you can't attend a suspicious party, and it's also harder to remember if someone asks you about it later.
  3. Blame the family. Everyone understands that the obligation of the family comes first. Tell your friends you have to look after your baby, or your parents ask you to eat at your uncle's house that night. One important reason is that you have to be grounded; Everyone will understand that there's no way you can go to a party.
  4. Let's say you have a plan. Only your stubborn friend will try to force you to undo the plans you have made with others to go to their party. But make sure you don't choose the person you will be attending the party as your alibi. Let's say you have a plan with a friend from another school, or even with an imaginary friend.
  5. Pretend you're not feeling well. On the day of the party, text your friend saying you think you ate something wrong, and suffered from food poisoning. Nobody wants someone to vomit at their party. Plus, food poisoning passes very quickly, so no one should doubt you when you feel well the next day.
  6. Pretend you have too much to do. Whether you are a student or a working person, everyone knows and understands that sometimes we fall behind and have to keep up with our work.
    • If the landlord still tries to force you to come, say that your parents or boss are upset with you, and you have to do it to make up for them.
  7. Plan your lie beforehand. If the party is two weeks away, and you know you don't want to be at the party, don't wait until the last second to say no! Plan a lie beforehand to deflect your suspicions. Some things to consider are:
    • Tell the host at the time of the invitation that you had an appointment in advance for that day.
    • Tell the landlord a day or two before the party that you are sick.
  8. Remember your lie. This is the most important thing when lying. Even if it's just an insignificant harmless lie, you don't want to hurt anyone if you get caught. Remember exactly what you say to people, and who you are talking about.
    • If you post lies on social media to increase your credibility, be sure that no one will ever catch you doing anything else that night!
    • If you tell the landlord you feel sick, don't let anyone tag you in a photo elsewhere that evening.