How to get what you want

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Elise Trouw - How to Get What You Want (Official Music Video)
Video: Elise Trouw - How to Get What You Want (Official Music Video)


Everyone has dreams and aspirations that seem unattainable. They don't have to be in that state forever, though. With a few simple steps and self-control, you can achieve goals that you never thought were possible.


Method 1 of 3: Planning

  1. Make a "To Do" list. Everyone has a "To Do" list, and rarely completes them. The problem with the To-Do list is that it lacks urgency. Instead, your To-Do lists are important things that need to happen so you can move forward.
    • Research shows that people who are always moving toward their goals are more likely to be satisfied with their lives than those who just mull over it.
    • Make short and focused lists. Write down 2 or 3 goals you need to achieve for the day.
    • Keep it handy. Check in throughout the day to make sure you are on the right track to reaching your goal.
    • Make sure those are viable goals.Big goals are good for motivation, but make sure your To-Do list has specific, achievable goals for the day.

  2. Commitment to "Time" and "Timing"."You will be successful on your way to your goal if you can thoroughly visualize when and where you will deal with it.
    • By writing on your To-Do list statements like "I'll do it when I see it," you'll increase your motivation and help fight procrastination.

  3. Constantly affirming their desires. Always keep your ultimate goal in mind, and make adjustments to the changes in your life and situation.
    • Don't mull over what you haven't achieved yet. Instead, focus on the way you reach the goal ahead.

Method 2 of 3: Action

  1. Take small steps. Instead of focusing on the end goal, break the process down into easy-to-handle daily goals.
    • For example, instead of saying, "My goal today is to get a raise in the workplace," approach it from a more viable direction. Start with smaller goals, like going to work early every day, or trying to talk to your boss.
    • The purpose of these small steps is to reach the final goal through each possible and specific step.

  2. Show self-control and discipline. There are a ton of distractions in today's world, and it's easy to get lost. Keep your To-Do list handy and review it whenever you find yourself deviating from the track.
    • Don't let yourself get stuck in time-consuming activities while you have goals that need to be reached. Set aside some leisure time during the day.
    • Resist the temptation of "to let it go." Remind yourself that you need to complete the list today.
  3. Practice until it becomes perfect. Take time to practice skills you are not familiar with. More skills mean more opportunities to come to you.
    • Hone the skills you need to achieve your goal. For example, if you want to raise your salary, practice skills needed for your job during your spare time to increase productivity.
    • Expand your set of skills. Try to learn skills that may not be relevant to your current goal, but will interest you. Not only does this help you stay productive, it also makes you more inclusive and capable.
  4. Never get discouraged. You will encounter obstacles and setbacks. Keep your mind focused on your goal and a positive heart. Celebrate every little glory to uplift your spirits. Take each failure as a lesson; Please shake off the dust and try again.
  5. Confident. Confidence is indispensable for achieving goals and changing your life. It will affect all of your interactions with the people around you, and will increase your motivation. Take pride in your actions and thoughts, as well as your mistakes.
    • Ability to laugh at yourself, but avoid lowering yourself.
    • There is a difference between confidence and pride. Avoid exaggerating ego by combining confidence with a bit of reality. Haughtiness is often seen as a sign of inner turmoil. A truly confident person inspires confidence and trust in others.

Method 3 of 3: Networking and Relationships with People

  1. Spend time with positive people. Positive thinkers are pervasive, and being around positive people will make your way of thinking positive too. Generally, positive thinking is needed in both goal achievement and life satisfaction.
    • Avoid pessimists and dissidents. Don't allow people to lower your goals.
    • Pay attention to the feelings of the people you interact with. They have a powerful effect on your emotions and motivation.
  2. Talk to important people. There are always people above you. Do everything you can to connect with people who are more influential than you.
    • Start by welcoming and participating in the opening stories. As they get used to you, ask for some advice. See what you can do to help them, and it will be easier for them to support you.
    • Avoid imposing or being overly eager. Be persistent, but don't become annoying.
    • Again, confidence will take you far. Influencers respect self-confidence, and reward those willing to take the leap.
  3. Make friends with people of all walks of life. Networking is an indispensable tool towards this goal. Expand your reach by associating with people who are not in your status or industry.
    • The more people you know, the more opportunities there are. You will also expand your support group, because you will meet people who can help you along your way to your goals.
    • Your personal influence also grows with the network. You will find that when you have the ability to influence more people, you increase your ability to make your goals come true.
    • Take advantage of social career networking sites like LinkedIn when setting up your network at the company level.
  4. Polite and respectful. Strong relationships are built on mutual trust and respect. If you want to be able to rely on someone when needed, you need to develop a relationship of trust. This relationship cannot be successful if you build on impolite communication attitudes.
    • People in influential positions expect respect. They will not respond positively to disrespectful people. Please please them, and if you disagree, express your objection without making them angry.
  5. Read body language. When interacting with people face to face, body language is a key indicator of how the person feels about you. There are many ways to read and interpret the signs from one's body language, and here are some key signs:
    • If the person doesn't make eye contact, chances are they aren't interested in what you say, or they feel that you are not worth their time.
    • If they are clearly stretching, making eye contact with you, eyes widening, then they may be interested in you or with what you say.
    • Crossing your arms is often a sign of defense; The person may have the opposite view of your ideas or thoughts.