How to compose an authorization letter (in English)

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Authorization/Authority Letter for the collection of documents
Video: Authorization/Authority Letter for the collection of documents


In this article, WikiHow will guide you to write your authorization letter in English.


Part 1 of 4: Prepare to write a letter of authorization

  1. Understand the purpose of the authorization letter. A power of attorney gives others the power to act on your behalf in specific situations. It is mainly used in situations where the letter writer is unable to represent himself. Some examples of situations that require writing a letter of authorization include:
    • Parents or guardians can give the caregiver the right to make basic urgent medical decisions regarding the children in their care.
    • You should write power of attorney letters to minors when they are accompanied by an adult who is not a parent or guardian. This will protect your child from child trafficking and custody issues.
    • If you deposit money at a bank where you cannot easily do the transaction, you can write a letter of authorization to allow someone else to solve problems with the account or financial institution.
    • A letter of authorization can authorize the release of your personal information, such as medical records.
    • You can also use a power of attorney to authorize another entity to process an expedited special financial transaction on your behalf. Sometimes there are business contracts that cannot be delayed; If you cannot resolve it temporarily, you can write a power of attorney and grant interim decision-making authority to a trusted colleague.

  2. Identify the parties involved in the authorization letter. There are three parties involved in a delegation letter. The first party is the primary holder of authority, such as the child's parents or the owner of a bank account. Second party is an organization or person with whom the first party is conducting transactions, for example a financial institution or hospital. A third party is a person chosen by the first party to authorize in their absence. Mail is sent to a second party.
    • The letter will analyze the rights granted to the agent who will act on your behalf.
    • If the second party doesn't know it yet (especially for potential emergencies) simply write down "To whom it may concern".

  3. You should type your authorization letter instead of handwriting. A handwritten letter can be difficult to read and feel unprofessional compared to typed letter. A power of attorney is an important document that allows someone else to act for you to exercise your legal or financial power. The letter must be carefully drafted. If there is a dispute over ownership of a letter, this document can be used as evidence in court. advertisement

Part 2 of 4: Write the letterhead

  1. Place your name and address in the upper left corner of the page. Follow standard commercial correspondence format. Your name should be on the first line, the second line contains your whereabouts, and the third line includes the city, state, and area code (if you live abroad). All lines (including the details below) should be single-spaced.
  2. Write the date. After writing the name and address, remove one line and add the current date to the next. Full presentation (eg May 2, 2017). Do not write off date.
  3. Next type in the recipient's name and address. Add a blank line between the date and the header where the recipient's name and address are. The recipient's information and your information should be in the same format.
    • Note that the recipient is not an authorized person. You are giving the right to a third party (an attorney) to act on your behalf, and this letter is being sent to a second party (the party you and your representatives will deal with).
    • You may have to leave this section blank if you don't know which side to trade with. For example, if you grant your child's emergency medical authority to a babysitter in case you cannot make it in time, you will not know which hospital will accept the emergency.

Part 3 of 4: Write the main body of the letter

  1. Write greetings. Use of appropriate titles, such as "Dr.," "Ms.," "Mrs.," or "Mr.," should not be informal. Greetings can start with "Dear" or more formal, should not just use "To".
    • Use the full name and title of the person to whom the letter was sent.
    • If you don't know the specific name of the party your trustee is dealing with, write "To whom it may concern."
  2. Write short and accurate authorization letter. The longer the letter will contain more information that could be misinterpreted in one way or another. A brief authorization letter that addresses the issue and does not ramble is less likely to lead to misinterpretations.
  3. Describe the tasks that you delegate to your agent. Make sure your authorization letter is short and accurate. You need to provide specifics about the rights you are giving. For example, your agent may authorize medical procedures, sign legal documents, or withdraw money from your account in your absence. Here's how to start an authorization message:
    • I, (insert your full name), hereby authorize (insert your attorney's full name) to release to (insert your personal medical records), the following medical information from my personal medical records: (list of medical information).
    • Provide specific information about the trust. If the letter relates to your medical information, please provide the health insurance number and claim information. If you need help with a legal issue, provide the case number. For financial matters, you need to list relevant account information.
  4. Determine the time of the trust. Specify when the trust goes into effect. Specify start and end dates. For example, you may write, “The proxy has authorization to make medical decisions for my child while staying at (your home address) from May 1, 2017 to May 15, 2017.”
    • In some cases you may not know the exact time, for example if you are authorizing in an emergency. For this type of trust, specify the length of time. For example, "In the event of an emergency, the proxy has authorization to act on my behalf for 30 days."
  5. Give the reason for the trust. Explain why you need a representative to act for you.It could be that you are ill, far away, or unable to be present for a while.
  6. Clearly explain the limitations of an authorization. You can define a limit on the trustee's rights. For example, you may state that the trustee is not authorized to use your health information for any purpose other than mentioned in the letter. Or, you can say that the principal does not have the authority to make certain financial decisions for you without prior written approval.
  7. Closing letter. Complete the letter with ending words like "Sincerely." Leave about 4 blank lines for later signature and then type in your full name. advertisement

Part 4 of 4: Ending the letter

  1. Valid mail format. Power of attorney is a form of business correspondence, so it should be formal in appearance and content. Standard business correspondence is all left-aligned elements. The content should be single line spaced with no indents. Insert a space between the greeting and the first paragraph and between the paragraphs.
  2. Find a witness or notary. The witness is the person who will observe you signing the authorization letter. This ensures that you sign the letter voluntarily and that you are indeed the licensor. In some cases, the authorization letter should be notarized. This is the person who is authorized by the local to certify legal documents.
    • This person may not be related to the parties named in the letter.
  3. Sign. Print out the letter and sign it with a blue or black ink pen. You can add a date next to your signature. That is the date you signed the letter.
    • The witness must also sign and date the letter, otherwise you can have the letter notarized.
  4. Give the original to the representative. In most cases, the attorney will keep the letter so that they have documentation of authority granted. This person may be required to present this form to an immigration officer, for example if he takes your child on international travel.
  5. Keep a copy of the letter. You must keep a copy of the letter for your records. You will have to show it if you have any questions regarding your authorization of your agent. advertisement


  • If you need to make any changes (additions or deletions) to the authorization letter, you should compose a new authorization letter and ask for a notary or a witness.