Ways to Live Simple and Peaceful

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How To Live A Simple And Peaceful Life
Video: How To Live A Simple And Peaceful Life


Living fast takes up a lot of your health and affects your relationships. The pressure to express yourself and pursue an impossible wish makes you want to have a simpler and more peaceful life than ever. By adjusting your schedule, rearranging your priorities for life issues, and changing your physical environment, you will be able to live the way you have always expected.


Method 1 of 3: Adjusting a Schedule

  1. Slow down. There are times when you work so hustle that you don't even realize you've lived so fast.Simply saying "Slow down" will help you to pause for a moment and see things. This step is mentioned first so you can remember it throughout this article and apply it to your life.
    • Avoid taking too many things on yourself. Doing more than one thing is already quite common, if not normal. Research shows that the quality of your work is at risk when you try to focus on too many things at once. Just because everyone is doing that doesn't mean you have to.
    • Find a limit to cut down on the amount of work you can do well. The goal is to do well at work so that you feel comfortable and satisfied with your accomplishments.
    • Do nothing as if do something. Doing nothing can be an art. Many people find it difficult to take the time to stop and put things together. However, take 5 minutes to take a break and relax.

  2. Limit making commitments. If you recently committed to something, keep going until the work or event is over. However, from now on, you should make less of your commitment. It may be difficult at first, but focus your thoughts on simplifying your life that will give you invaluable peace. Let the ultimate goal motivate you and ease your feelings of shame.
    • Limit the number of times saying "Yes" by keeping a check on your schedule. First, decide on the “level of relaxation” so that you can comfortably do about how many events. Next, follow that number! No one can forever be a perfect person by saying "Yes" all the time.
    • When someone invites you to an event, don't respond immediately. Take a few minutes to think about whether the event will help your life. If that doesn't help, it can be said like this "Thanks for inviting me, but unfortunately I can't come."
    • Develop your ability to say no and say "no" by expressing your thoughts. Sometimes, some people will not accept "no" as an answer. Here is a suggestion for you to share a little information with others in order to set a line for yourself. Consider saying the following: “You are kind to remember me, but I am making some changes in my life that are important to myself, my family, and my health too. Unfortunately, I must refuse ". People will usually support your decision.

  3. Avoid unnecessary shopping. The thought of being extravagant and bragging can describe your life. It requires you to spend wastefulness or luxury in an attempt to show your noble social status to others. Living simply will quickly cut down on the number of "unnecessary items" you are used to buying them. The goal is to cut down on extra expenses so that you won't be tied to some financial obligation.
    • Ask yourself if you really need a third-generation tablet, the latest electronic components, or enjoy a take-away coffee twice a day in the car. Just say "no" to yourself, and say "yes" to your wish for a simpler and more peaceful life. Each time you are faced with a decision, you can make an informed decision.
    • Find happiness from the simple things in life by spending time with friends, being in nature, or building something yourself. The real rewards you get will motivate you to live well and be completely satisfied with your life.

  4. Organize the house in order. Humans create the world around them and fill the world with many objects. If you want to simplify your life, take a look at your surroundings and get organized. A tidy house is good for your health. Getting rid of excess items that you no longer use will help you organize your home neat, control your emotions and thoughts. When the world around you is no longer messy, your inner world will also be clear and unambiguous.
    • Set aside at least 10 minutes a day to organize your surroundings.
    • Take weekends or days off to do more important things, like cleaning the toilet, closet, and garage.
    • Divide objects into three categories: Retain; charity donation; and leave. Giving away used light items to charities will give others the opportunity to use those items and create jobs for people handling charity work. For charity, you are helping the community, which will help you increase your self-esteem.

Method 2 of 3: Reorder Life Issues

  1. Identify values ​​that are important to yourself. Think about the important things that can affect how you act and ultimately who you are. This is the value you value. They are the power that drives you to make decisions. Determining your values ​​that are important to yourself can be challenging, but it's worth the effort.
    • To determine what values ​​are most important to you, think about the times when you felt most happiest, proud, fullest, and most satisfied in life. Make a list of those times and show what you value. Maybe you value creativity, adventurousness, loyalty and the ability to work hard at each moment. Maybe for you, family is the most important thing. They are the power that drives you to do everything.
    • If you want to live a simple and peaceful life, then you should value peace, hard work, stability, and health.
  2. Associate every activity with values ​​that you value. Participate in activities that match the values ​​you value and desire to live a simple life. You will learn whether the activities match the values ​​you value through your feelings. You will feel satisfied and satisfied. If the activity contradicts the value, then the opposite happens. You will feel that something is not right and you will not be happy.
    • Decline an invitation to an event that you feel is not suited to your peaceful life goals.
    • Make a life decision based on the values ​​you value. This will require principle and concentration, improved by practicing yoga or applying physical exercises.
  3. Make a clear plan and commitment to implementation. Following the problem-solving guidelines will give you a structure to change. You have identified your desire to live a simple and peaceful life and now you have to decide on clear goals, implement them, make adjustments if necessary, and monitor progress.
    • Decide your goals clearly. Maybe you set a goal of creating a schedule and keeping a history of every effort you make to rearrange things. Self-monitoring will bring real change.
    • Pick a date to start the plan and get it going. Don't put off the sure thing that happens. Get started as soon as possible.
    • Recognize progress and reward yourself. If you successfully meet all your daily, weekly, or monthly goals, celebrate your achievement. You can go to a movie, attend a sporting event, or plant a tree in memory of someone you admire. Positive reinforcement will motivate you to keep following your plan.
    • If a strategy doesn't work for you, stop. Find another strategy and add it to your plan. This should not be seen as a failure; rather see it as an adjustment in the process of achieving your goal.
    • A new way of life will form over time and naturally become a habit. As you get used to them, you may become less dependent on the plan and still maintain positive results.
  4. Practice living for the present. Don't think too much about the past or the future. Rambling thoughts will make you unhappy. Simple thinking by keeping your mind at ease, and focusing on what you are doing.
    • Use an exercise that imagines you living in a simple, peaceful, and stress-free environment. This will help calm your mind.
    • Join in chat or exercise. These are two of the most effective ways to live in the moment.
  5. Write a gratitude diary. The benefits of a gratitude journal include improved sleep, increased health, and enhanced happiness - all of which are essential for a peaceful life. Here's what you need to take care of to get the most out of it:
    • Start with a determination to become happier and more grateful.
    • Include details of the things you are grateful for instead of just saying a few simple sentences.
    • Show gratitude to people instead of for things.
    • Consider how life will change by removing some of the things you care about. This will inspire you to think about some other side of gratitude.
    • Remember to watch out for some unexpected surprises.
    • Don't lose the inspiration to write by forcing yourself to write every day. You may enjoy the habit of writing once or twice a week.
  6. Train compassion and compassion to feel at peace. The ability to appreciate someone's hard work is an important skill for you to develop. This may be easy for some people, but not for others. You know how you want to be treated, so use that desire as a guide when you try to forgive someone.
    • If you want to train empathy and compassion, start by reaching out to a family member or friend and actively helping them in some way. You can run errands, or be willing to do something simple for them such as loading and unloading goods, or watering plants. The purpose of this exercise is to let others know what feelings and actions you value highly when someone else is doing the same thing for you.
  7. Switch from feeling frustrated to feeling grateful to improve your relationships. Most of one's internal and external anxiety arises from conflict with another. As the saying goes, suppressing resentment towards someone is like drinking poison and expecting that person to be poisoned. Thinking about gratitude can help improve your mood and in turn reduce your frustration and resentment. When you feel frustrated, stop yourself and ask yourself the following questions:
    • Am I comfortable thinking about that person?
    • Are negative feelings helpful or harmful to me?
    • Is my thinking of revenge on that person really having an impact on another person?
    • The obvious answer to these questions is always no. Next, respond with gratitude statements such as: I feel comfortable letting go of my resentment towards the person; Focusing on giving up on everything I used to live helps me feel better; I want to wholeheartedly improve my life instead of ruining the lives of others.

Method 3 of 3: Habitat Change

  1. Relocation. If you live in a densely populated area, this place can put you under undue stress. Changing your landscape to a quiet and peaceful place can be an effort to lead a simple life. Your home is your own church.
    • If you have to be near where you have lived recently, research promising properties to rent or buy them. You should seek out a real estate management professional.
    • If you want to make a big change, research the remote area to suit your needs. You can feel better and more active when you are near the ocean, in the mountains, or on the rooftop of a beautiful high-rise building.
  2. Think of buying a "little house". This little home edition has everything you want. They are specially designed for people who advocate for maximum simplicity, who enjoy the comfort of their home in a very small space. The small house can be part of the property, has water and drainage systems so you can consider it the ideal home.
    • You can prepay a large loan to create an eco-friendly home with a peaceful, creative design.
  3. Use simple transportation. Many people own a high-end car at the same cost as the rent. Here is an example when you can transfer unnecessary expenses for an expensive car to another use to help yourself get rid of some financial obligations.
    • The small eco-friendly car will get you where you want to go and reduce the smoke from where you already go. Reducing environmental pollution means a simpler and cleaner life.
    • Prepare a bike and cycle to work. This is great exercise and you will always have a good parking place.
  4. Change job. There is nothing as tragic as having to do something you hate every day. If every attempt to make the job more interesting has been unsuccessful, then it's better to change job and / or career. If you are spending 80 hours a week busy with sales stressing and exhausting yourself, then it's time to make a change for a simpler life.
    • As you follow your plan, you will realize that you don't need to make a lot of money to support your new lifestyle. Living simply gives you the freedom to explore a variety of options that might suit your life goals, values, and interests.
    • Contact a career advisor, or train yourself to explore the range of options and find work that you truly enjoy.
  5. Accept and practice healthy living habits. Prioritizing yourself and your health is essential to enjoying a simple and peaceful life. Develop a lifestyle for yourself to follow. Use schedules and routines to maintain a healthy balance between work, play, and play.
    • A simple lifestyle includes a healthy eating program that will fuel your body and give you the vitality to maintain a regular exercise regimen. You may need to change your outlook on exercise, and you will get a lot of significant benefits.
    • Practice meditation and regain youthfulness so you can enjoy life in a more meaningful way.
  6. Responsible for your own happiness. Be a self-reliant man. Happiness is your inner joy and it is your responsibility to create it. You know what makes you happy, so participate in many activities that give you a source of positive emotions. It is easier to deal with a difficult situation when you are in a good mood. The happier and happier you are, the better you can improve your situation and help you in your relationships for the better. advertisement


  • It is never too late if you are willing to turn to an expert to fix your problems.
  • It's not easy to change, but you can if you are willing to put in the effort and find ways to cope with all problems.
  • Be patient with yourself and the progress you make.
  • Friends and family are your source of support and inspiration as you strive to improve your life. Let them help you.


  • If you are suffering from stress, depression or anxiety due to problems related to your chaotic lifestyle, consult a specialist.