How to prepare for the day you put on the braces

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Getting Braces ?! 5 Things to Know
Video: Getting Braces ?! 5 Things to Know


As soon as you put the braces on, during the first few days or even up to a week, it can be painful and uncomfortable. You probably want to make this procedure more comfortable and avoid all these troubles. In this article, you will find some practical tips on how to do this.


  1. 1 Eat. For the first few days, you won't be able to do this without discomfort, so eat hard foods or something to chew on before putting on the braces. After that, for the next few days, you can only eat mashed potatoes and ice cream.
  2. 2 Think positively. Don't feel sorry that you will have another day with braces. Think that this day brings you closer to your goal. Imagine how happy you will be when you finally have straight teeth. If you have a positive attitude, then life in braces, like everything else, will become much easier.
  3. 3 Be patient. Always remember to be patient. It will take some time to put on the staples. Bring music, a book, or other entertainment with you to keep you busy and while away the time.
  4. 4 Brush your teeth. If there is no dirt between your teeth, it will ease the work of the orthodontist and speed up the process. In addition, you will not feel uncomfortable with the orthodontist having to brush your teeth. This is the dentist's job. Be sure to also peel off the white tape from your tongue.
  5. 5 Make a plan. Later, the teeth will really hurt. So make a plan for how you can deal with the pain. Try reading How To Relieve Pain With Orthodontic Braces.


  • While your mouth hurts, use chapstick as well as wax so the braces / wires don't hurt you!
  • Apply lipstick a few days before and on the day you put on the staples. It will protect your lips from chapping.
  • Wherever you go, always carry wax with you in case your tooth starts to bother you.
  • After that, try to get more sleep. Chances are you won't feel pain while you sleep.
  • Place dental wax over the braces to relieve pain, but be sure to tell your dentist if anything scratches your lips or tongue.
  • Your orthodontist will give you tooth wax. Be sure to use it if staples cut you.
  • Follow your orthodontist's advice. Eat only what he recommends, and wear elastic bands as needed.
  • Do not touch the braces if they hurt - it will only make it worse.

What do you need

  • Confidence. You may have to worry about the braces, but once you put them on at the orthodontist, you won't be in pain.
  • Smile! Try to keep your face glowing, then the doctors / hygienists will immediately see that you are a real fighter! Smile, because you want to be remembered as smiling!