How to deal with the urge to cheat on your partner

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Avoid Temptation to Cheat on Your Partner
Video: How to Avoid Temptation to Cheat on Your Partner


Did you fall in love with someone at work or do you have feelings for a boyfriend / girlfriend? This can be a big problem if you are in a serious relationship. Relationships are not easy, but things can get even more difficult when outside temptations creep in. Even if you love your partner, a new person can force you to reconsider your commitments. To stay faithful, work to avoid this temptation, as well as manage your desires and focus on strengthening the bond with your partner.


Method 1 of 3: Avoid provocative situations

  1. 1 Avoid embarrassing situations. Avoid situations or places where you tend to be flirtatious. If you know that after a few alcoholic drinks you are prone to rash decisions, do not go to bars without your partner or invite him to join you. Avoid places where you have succumbed to temptation in the past, such as clubs.
  2. 2 Stay in the company of people. Be especially careful not to be alone with someone you have had a romantic or sexual relationship with in the past. If you have a coworker you love to flirt with, don't go out to lunch with him or her alone. Never spend time with him outside the work environment.
    • If this person invites you to dinner, you might say something like, "You know, I have too much work, I'm sorry." You can also invite other colleagues to join you.
    • If you are forced to be alone with this person, leave the door open and meet in neutral territory. Keep your relationship professional.
  3. 3 Talk about your partner. If you find yourself in an awkward position, casually mention your partner in the conversation. This will serve as a reminder to both you and others that you are not free. Don't scream about your relationship, just keep reminding other people about it.
    • For example, if a person brings up a particular show they like, you might say, “My boyfriend likes this show too! But I don't really care. "
  4. 4 Wear your wedding ring. This is a great way to show the world and remind yourself that you have a commitment. If suddenly you start staring at someone, you can look at the ring and rethink everything. If you cannot wear the ring while you work, consider getting a tattoo.
    • If you are not in a formal relationship, wear some kind of symbolic jewelry as a reminder. It can be a bracelet or even just a string.
  5. 5 Spend time with loyal friends. Reduce your interactions with lonely friends while battling temptation. Lonely friends' lifestyles can motivate you to regret things. Better make a choice in favor of the company of married comrades.
    • Don't pull away from lonely friends completely. Just don't go to bars with them, but rather vote for other activities, such as dining together or watching a movie.

Method 2 of 3: Manage Your Desires

  1. 1 Call a friend. When tempted, call a friend. You can tell him about the situation so he can dissuade you, or just use him to distract himself from his desire. After having a conversation like this, you will most likely find the courage to confront these feelings.
    • You can say something like this: “Do you remember I told you about my colleague Alina? So, she just invited me to her place for a drink. I need you to dissuade me. "
    • Or even call your partner to chat with him.
  2. 2 Get to know this person's family. In case of betrayal, you will harm both your own and his family.If this is a colleague or friend of yours, take the opportunity to get to know his family. Use activities such as New Year's co-ops to get to know the wife / husband of your target.
    • If you don't get the chance to meet them, check social media to find out what this person's family looks like.
  3. 3 Trust your friends, but not those who are attracted to you. If you're having relationship problems, don't open up to people you have feelings for. Rely on your partner or close friends to discuss these things. You can also talk to your relatives.
    • You can call your brother or sister and ask for advice, or just blow off some steam.
  4. 4 Set a time frame. When tempted, step back from hot moments and give yourself an hour to think things through. Often, after a while, the fuse goes away, and you no longer want to do stupid things.
  5. 5 Get in touch with your spiritual side. Spirituality or religion can be a great source of strength in times of temptation. Go to a church (or other religious institution) to get help staying faithful and find a spiritual guide there. Pray or meditate before bed. A priest or other spiritual guide who has a strong, successful marriage can also advise you and your wife on how to strengthen your marriage.
    • You can also try to get spiritually closer to your partner. Invite him to a church (or other religious institution) and ask him to pray or meditate with you.
  6. 6 Imagine that your partner found out about everything. If at this stage you are already regularly flirting with the person, imagine your partner's face and feelings if he saw and heard it. Also, try to imagine the opposite situation, where your partner has an inappropriate relationship, and how you feel about that situation.
  7. 7 Get to the bottom of the root cause of your temptation. Analyze your desire to change. Perhaps you want to do this because you are not comfortable with having a sex life with a partner. Or you have been arguing with him often lately. Think about what really drives your desire, and then work on a solution to the problem.
    • For example, if you are not happy with your sex life, suggest something new to your partner to spice up the sex.
    • This can be a chance to identify and fix what's going wrong in your relationship!

Method 3 of 3: Focus on Your Relationship

  1. 1 Go on a date with your partner. Instead of thinking about sexual or romantic things that you could do with someone else, do it with your loved one. Surprise him with a gift or invite him to a picnic. Take him back to where you first met. Plan a mini vacation just for the two of you. If you invest in your own relationships, you are less likely to be drawn to the side.
  2. 2 Communicate effectively. If you have a problem, talk to your partner about it. Listen to his point of view and do not interrupt. Try to keep as few unresolved problems as possible between you.
    • Don't yell at or insult your partner.
  3. 3 Make a list of the things you love about your soul mate. Take time to think about why you fell in love with her in the first place. Write down everything you love about her, from the freckles under her left eye to her kind heart. Honor her for these qualities, do not look for them in others.
    • You might even want to share this list with your spouse.
  4. 4 Rate your relationship. Chances are, your partner often makes you very happy. However, the idea that the grass is greener on the other side can poison even the best relationships. Start keeping a journal describing your days and your relationship with your loved one.
    • Write down any fights you have or situations where your partner has been kind to you.Think about what you will miss if your relationship ends because of infidelity.
    • Make a decision about your current relationship first, and then start developing new ones.
  5. 5 Consider alternative relationships. After all, some people are simply not meant to be monogamous. This does not mean that you should cheat on your partner; on the contrary, you need to be honest. Perhaps your partner shares this point of view - in this case, you could have an open relationship. Or it's time to move on so your partner can find someone whose views on relationships are more in line with his own.
  6. 6 Get help if necessary. If you have always had problems with cheating partners in the past, and you want to start from scratch, seek professional help. It's not fair to keep getting romantically involved with people if you have unresolved issues. With the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist, you can change your worldview and create new models of relationships with people. Find a therapist near you and make an appointment. Being faithful can be tricky, but with the right support, you can keep your commitment!