Ways to Have Healthy Mental Health

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Mental Health Wellness Tips
Video: Mental Health Wellness Tips


Most people are aware of the importance of having a healthy body. However, many people ignore the value of mental health. Possessing healthy mental health helps us enjoy a better life, while also enhancing our physical health and endurance. So you must take good care of your body and mind.


Method 1 of 4: Coping with stress

  1. Exercise your body. When under stress, the brain produces hormones that prepare the body to respond to the threat. Severe stress can damage mental health and cause physical symptoms. One of the most effective ways to reduce stress is exercise.
    • Exercise and physical activity help relax stretched muscles.
    • Exercise also causes the body to produce endorphins. Endorphins are neurotransmitters that help you feel good and inhibit your body's stress response, improving your mood and making you calmer.
    • Try a variety of activities to find the one you like best. You can practice yoga, walking, dancing, and playing sports to help your heart beat better.
    • When you feel stressed, you tend to quit exercising. However, the benefits of exercise are very evident with regular exercise.

  2. Diet. Proper diet and eating habits also help reduce stress. In particular keep the following tips in mind:
    • Limit caffeine and alcohol. Consuming too many of these substances can cause anxiety. Drinking a variety of alcoholic beverages every day will make it harder to manage stress.
    • Eat slowly and relax. No rush to eat.
    • Don't overeat. Don't use food to relieve stress.
    • Many foods contain nutrients that help the body manage stress. Avocado, bananas, in particular, tea, whole grains, fatty fish, carrots, nuts, yogurt and chocolate have all the ability to reduce stress.

  3. Get enough sleep. Sleep is a time for the body to recover and deal with stress after a day. This is the time when the brain is relaxed and the body is relaxed after all day long muscle activity.
    • Sleep acts as a stress reset button. It can help you avoid severe stress reactions like anxiety.
    • It is important to get adequate sleep and quality sleep. For example, you don't want to be woken up at night by noise. To reduce stress, you need 6-8 hours of sleep each night.

  4. Practice mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness meditation is a meditation that requires concentration in the present. Practicing mindfulness meditation helps you focus on reality without doing anything else.
    • You can meditate for 30 minutes a day. Just a short amount of time brings significant changes in brain function and behavior. Mindfulness meditation helps reduce emotional responses, anxiety, and depression.
    • Start looking for a quiet, undisturbed place. Sit comfortably and focus your attention on your thoughts. Let your thoughts go through your mind, to and from your consciousness.
    • Concentrate all your attention in the present moment, concentrate on your breathing. Pay attention to what you see, hear, and feel. Pay attention to the part of your body that is under stress. Acknowledge your thoughts, worries, and feelings and let them go away.
    • If you begin to lose focus or become anxious, refocus on your breathing.

Method 2 of 4: Build confidence

  1. Stop reflecting on yourself. Feeling happy about yourself is important for your mental health. Negative and anxious thoughts can disappoint you and not feel your best. Suspecting yourself causes you pain. The following exercises can help you silence criticism and alleviate your worries:
    • If you feel anxious or have negative thoughts about yourself, ask yourself the following questions. For example: "Is this thought good for me?", "Is this thought correct?", "Can I tell this to someone else?". Answers can help ease your self-doubts.
    • Change your negative thoughts with something more practical and better. For example, you might think, "I haven't done something right." Try to make this thought more real by thinking, “Sometimes I don't do it right, other times I do it well. Of course I can't do everything, but I'm still proud of the things I can do. ”
  2. Focus on your strengths. During tough times, focus on what can help you overcome life's challenges.
    • For example, if you find yourself having the following thoughts: “I don't like not knowing what's going to happen. What if something bad happened? ”. In this case, you can remind yourself of your strengths. You can say to yourself, “I don't like not knowing what's going to happen, but I know I've been through the unforeseen things in the past. I trust my ability to handle all situations. "
    • Acknowledging the points you make about yourself will remind you of your worth, which is important for mentally healthy. Assessing your strengths can remind you of your abilities and authority.
    • It can be helpful to take notes on your strengths, and even start journaling. Here are some helpful suggestion questions to get you started: What makes you feel strong? Is it something you can do or is it a specific environment? Describe your feelings in strong moments. Confident? proud? List 5 of your strengths. What is most important? Why?
  3. Practice self-affirmation. Self-affirmations are exercises that help you remind yourself of your worth by saying or writing down things you like or admire about yourself. Understanding the traits you like about yourself is a big push to build your confidence.
    • Say what you like about yourself in front of the mirror. Whenever you have time, you can do this little exercise. Practicing multiple times will help build confidence.
    • Another example of self-affirmation is: "I am a great friend and I love that, I am proud of the way I treat my friends."
    • Another example: “I love my curly hair because it's different. I'm glad I did my hair today. "
    • Research has shown that self-affirmations help relieve stress and promote creative thinking in stressful situations.

Method 3 of 4: Control your negative emotions

  1. Make time for yourself. Coping with strong emotions can be difficult, but it is part of life. Essential for healthy mental health is the ability to regulate emotions and alleviate pain. Part of that is taking time each day to do what makes you happy.
    • What makes each person happy is not the same. You must have done your own thing to deal with these feelings.
    • Some good examples are talking with friends, going for a walk, listening to music, doing a relaxing activity like a bath.
  2. Practice personal awareness. Focus on your emotional response to external events. Take time to think about your responses in difficult times.
    • Instead of reacting immediately to a negative event, try getting rid of your mind to focus on the emotional response. Many people think this is very effective, for example, take a deep breath or count to 10 before reacting.
    • Think about your feelings without judgment. This action gives you space to react in a deep, non-impulsive way.
    • Awareness of your emotions is especially helpful in negative communication and relationships.
  3. Write diary. Journaling helps you organize your thoughts and feelings. This increases awareness of emotional responses and provides both physical and mental benefits, such as boosting the immune system and releasing stress. Here are a few helpful tips for journaling:
    • What do my feelings have to do with the event? Or is there no link?
    • What does this feeling tell me about myself and my needs?
    • Am I judging my own emotional response? How do I conclude based on this assessment?
    • Try to set aside 20 minutes a day to journal.

Method 4 of 4: Maintain a healthy relationship

  1. Recognize the characteristics of healthy relationships. The support from people during difficult times is extremely important. Friends, family, and co-workers can support you emotionally and help you get through stressful moments in your life. Everyone's support is the support that helps you feel accepted and secure. Look for the following traits in your relationship:
    • Trust. Trust is essential to building strong and healthy relationships. It allows you to be weak when it comes to revealing your private things.
    • To respect. Respect in relationships means that you accept the opinions, needs, and boundaries of others. Respect is to avoid comments that are offensive, nicknames, or despise.
    • Listen. Listening is a clear show of respect and concern for others. Practice active listening by spending plenty of time with others. Pay attention to what they say and how they talk. Find more others and do the same thing.
    • Free. Freedom in relationships means letting the other person have time for themselves. You also allow them to develop other relationships in life. That is, allowing both parties to express needs without consequences.
  2. Recognize characteristics of an unhealthy relationship. Unfortunately, many relationships are unhealthy and even abusive. Relationship abuse is often about controlling the person physically or mentally. Here are some behaviors that identify an abuser:
    • Deliberately making you lose face
    • Excessive criticism
    • Ignore or disregard you
    • Often moody and unpredictable
    • Control where you go and limit who you see
    • Use the sentence “If you / you don't _____ I'll _____.”
    • Use money to control you
    • Check your cell phone and email without asking for permission
    • Love to own
    • Tantrum or outrageous jealousy
    • Pressure, guilt or force you to have sex
  3. Evaluate your relationship. After you understand what makes for a healthy or unhealthy relationship, take some time to consider your social relationships. Think about which relationships support you the most, and which might be abusive.
    • If you have been in an abusive relationship, consider telling the person about their behavior clearly. You should keep your employers away from your social networks, especially if they are not receptive to your concerns. These people are harming your mental health.
    • Likewise, you may want to spend a lot of time with the people who support you the most.
  4. Practice healthy relationships. Not only does maintaining a positive relationship depend on your partner's behavior, but you are also the deciding factor. Here are a few tips to help you maintain a healthy relationship:
    • Find out what both sides want in your personal and relationship roles.
    • Express your own needs and be receptive to the needs of your partner.
    • Realize that you cannot find full happiness in a relationship.
    • Is the person who is willing to compromise and negotiate the best solution for both parties.
    • Accept and love the difference between you and your partner.
    • Train empathy by working to understand the other's perceptions and opinions. When a serious situation arises, try to negotiate honestly and kindly.


  • Use a journal to deal with unpleasant emotions such as grief, emptiness, or abandoned feelings. This is a useful exercise before bedtime.
  • Make a habit of thinking positive to stay motivated and inspired.


  • If you have serious concerns about your mental health seek the care of a counselor or specialist. If you have thoughts of hurting yourself or those around you, see a doctor right away.