How to observe the aura

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How TO See Your Aura .The Color Of Your Body’s Energy. Very EASY Method !
Video: How TO See Your Aura .The Color Of Your Body’s Energy. Very EASY Method !


Seeing the aura of others unleash your infinite potential. At the same time learning to read and protect your aura is also important for your physical health, as well as your mental and spiritual health. You don't need to have the spiritual capacity like a mystic to see the aura. In fact, it is believed that everyone has visual aura (the ability to observe aura) and this ability comes into play easily when a child. Read through the steps below to awaken your aura powers once again.


Method 1 of 3: Understanding aura

  1. Understand the previous definition. Generally speaking, aura is said to be the special atmosphere surrounding a person, but you must be aware that aura is more special than that. They are thought to be generated from pulses - the type of photonic pulses the body produces in response to external stimuli. The aura reflects important information about the nature of the person or thing it surrounds.

  2. Understand scientifically. The halo around a person is partly composed of electromagnetic radiation (EM), which extends from microwave radiation and infrared radiation at the low-frequency end to ultraviolet rays at the high-frequency end. Ultraviolet light is associated with our conscious activities (like thinking, creating, planning, humor, and feeling) and is the part that is visible to the naked eye.
    • The electromagnetic energy of aura surrounds the body in an oval shape like an egg. This "oocyst aura" radiates from the human body about 0.6 - 0.9m from all sides, extending from head to toe.

  3. Learn about aura levels. There are 7 layers of aura (also called aura or aura) and these levels correspond to the 7 chakras in the body. Each layer has its own frequency but is also involved and affects the layers of aura around it. Therefore, when one aura layer is imbalanced, other layers will be imbalanced.
    • Physical floor. On this floor, you require comfort, physical satisfaction, and health.

    • The beats floor. At this level, you need self-acceptance and self-love.

    • The life layer. This is the level at which you want to understand life situations clearly, linearly and logically.

    • The elite floor. On this floor, you pursue loving interactions with friends and family.

    • Low level spirit. On this level, you ask for the connection of divine will with a commitment to speaking and following the truth.

    • High level spirit. At this level, you bring spiritual love and a state of spiritual concentration.

    • The spiritual layer (visual) On this level, you ask for a connection with the divine mind and to understand the universal pattern of things.

  4. Appreciate the benefits from visual aura. Learning to see the aura helps you to understand the person and his / her personality a lot. Also learning how to see your aura helps you change to improve the signals you are radiating.
    • Identify liars. The aura cannot be faked. If someone is not being honest, you can still "hear" it in aura.

    • Get a clue about what a person is. A bright aura shows that he is a kind person with a radical spirit. As for the person with a gray aura, it is not clear how to move. Those who introduce themselves as spiritual teachers, gurus, spiritual teachers or any other spiritual leader must have a golden aura around their heads.

    • Diagnostic. Aura reading ability allows you to identify problems that arise in the body before emitting symptoms clearly.

    • Improve personal development. Observing the aura helps to raise awareness, support your mental development and increase your awareness of the natural world.
  5. Learn about halo colors and what they mean. The aura is present in a wide spectrum of the color spectrum, containing messages about the person or thing they surround. Since there are many variations, each with a different message, these are only the most basic colors.
    • Đỏ. Red is associated with the color of the heart, blood circulation, and the physical body. On the positive side, red represents a healthy self; on the negative side, it has to do with a temper, anxious and hard to forgive.

    • Oranges. Orange is related to reproductive organs and emotions. On the positive side, orange represents energy, stamina, creativity, productivity, adventurous blood, courage and extroverted nature. On the negative side, it shows the orange aura wearer is under stress from addiction and appetite.

    • Yellow. Yellow is related to spleen and life energy. It is the color of awakening, inspiration, wisdom and act of sharing, the nature of creativity, dynamism, optimism and comfort. But the color yellow also shows fear of losing control, prestige, respect or power.

    • Green. The green color refers to the heart and lungs. The green color in aura represents growth and balance, and above all, something that leads to change. It speaks of love for people, animals and nature. But a dull green color represents jealousy, hatred, feeling victimized, insecure and low self-esteem.

    • Blue. Blue is related to the throat and thyroid. The positive relationships of blue are nature of concern, love, intuition, and sensitivity. But dark blue color expresses fear of the future, fear of expressing himself or facing speaking out the truth.

    • Violet. Purple is related to the crown, pineal gland, and nervous system. This is the most sensitive and intelligent aura color. This is the visual color of the halo, displaying the spiritual power of self-contentment.

    • Silver. Silver is the color of both physical and mental richness.

    • Yellow. Yellow is the color of enlightenment and divine protection. The individual with a golden aura proves he is being led by his most beautiful noble spirit.

    • Black. Black draws or draws energy towards it and transforms them. Usually the black color shows the difficulty to forgive for a long time or the suffering of not knowing where to pour it and this affects the health.

    • White. White is the pure state of light, it represents purity and truth. It also means that the angel is with or the woman is about to become pregnant.


Method 2 of 3: Aura purification

  1. Know when to purge. We often get infected with the energy of others without even knowing it. When those energies are negative, they also negatively affect our aura. You might experience something like this: you're in a good mood and plan to spend time with a friend. You enjoy that afternoon, but then sometimes you find yourself uncomfortable and anxious. When you go home, your mood deteriorates completely. Such a state determines you need to be purified. While your aura may not be out of balance, you should still periodically cleanse to shake off negative energy.
  2. Aura purification. Focus on the base of the chakras cylindrical at the base of the spine and attached to the red color. Visualize the base anchored to the ground by a line of red light extending below. Picture yourself bathed in the brilliant golden light that radiates from the sun. Let light pass through your body and your aura. Keep this image in mind for a while. The scene depicts a purple light extending from the soles of the feet to the top of the head. Just look and feel that light like a warm protective blanket and believe it has the ability to heal all loopholes in your aura. At this time, the cleansing and healing process is underway, if done right you will feel stronger yourself, release all the negative energy and feel at peace. Meditate for a while with this feeling. When you feel comfortable, imagine a white glow around your purified aura for added protection.
  3. Protect the aura. There are a few more steps you can take to protect and enhance your aura; These steps include massaging, creating shields, severing bonds, and praying to god.
    • Massage heals with the Reiki method. This gentle hand healing therapy enhances the flow of energy, eliminating stagnant or blocked "qi". The practitioner of Reiki acts as a means of acquiring divine energy and directing it towards his or her own energy field, where the sacred energy will push through the block of air, preventing the risk of psychosis, emotional, physical and mental.

    • Create a shield. Imagine a white bubble or shell covering you into a shell of love. This protective shield can repel any negative thoughts, feelings or psychic attacks aimed at you, and at the same time prevent energy-hungry vampires from absorbing everything from you.

    • Cut links. There are invisible energies that originate from you, and connect with the people, places, objects or situations you encounter. While the positive strands of love should not be damaged, the streaks with the basis of fear should be cut to avoid exhaustion. Call Archangel Michael now, using his mirror to cut the negative strands or imagine a gem you like to emit lasers cut through them.
    • Ask for help. Call for the angels to help; Because they are always there to support you and you must always invite them before allowing the angel to interfere with the purification process. Thanks to Archangel Michael cutting the negative wire, Archangel Raphael fills the energy gaps with healing blue light, while Archangel Metatron purifies the chakras.

Method 3 of 3: Learn to observe aura

  1. Start with feeling. A good way to start observing the aura is to practice sensing them. It means focusing on how you feel about someone else's presence. Take a deep breath, exhale, and then focus on the physical senses inside your body and your instinctive responses. Ask yourself how being around the person makes you feel — serene? Or restless? Confused? Think about the colors you want to assign to this person. As your abilities increase, it becomes easier to sense and observe the aura.
  2. Develop peripheral vision. Our peripheral vision is less vulnerable than the central retina and has stronger photoreceptors. At the same time, over the years humans have used central vision to serve fixed purposes, so it is difficult to force it to take on new tasks such as halo observation. One simple exercise you can do is to focus on one point for 30-60 seconds. This will help you increase your perception of light.
  3. Color adjustment. Practicing with basic bright colors helps you develop your ability to see aura. Wrap a book in a blue or red cover and stand it upright on a table more than a meter away from you. Make sure the wall behind the book is white or neutral and the lighting in the room is gentle but not blind. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, relax and then open your eyes, look at the book. Don't focus on the book but instead look out the edge a bit and glance at it. After a while, you will see a narrow, pale aura emanating from the book, which will turn bright yellow or green as your state of focus subsides.
    • When you are more comfortable with looking at one book, try wrapping other books with different colored paper. Once you have seen the colors better, then you come to see the trees, the animals and then the people.

    • Blinking during exercise is normal. The aura may disappear for a few seconds but reappear if you relax and focus again.

    • Continue practicing so your eyes get used to that steady, but not too focused, work intensity. Don't strain your eyes or forehead.
  4. Learn to observe. Have a friend stand 5.5 meters away from you, in front of a white wall in the room that isn't too bright. Look at the wall behind the person and the gaze a few inches from their body. Don't look at the person or you will lose your aura visualization. Instead look away from where they stand, trying to notice the area around them where the white wall may look brighter than the other area. Try to see color; Ask yourself what color the area could be described.
    • Once you have identified the color, you can have your friend shake it from side to side. Their energy field will move with them.

    • If you see that the person's aura has many colors in different areas, it's not because your eyes are deceiving you, because the aura can have many different colors depending on what's going on in each department. human body.

    • Only practice for a few minutes on your eyes, don't try to pressure yourself. Each person develops this skill at a different pace.

    • A person's aura brightness has a lot to do with how they feel. If they are happy and full of life, their aura is also stronger, bigger and brighter. Try playing a song that your friend likes to help energize their aura, making it easier to observe.

  5. Practice alone. Sit in a dimly lit room and relax. Take a few deep breaths. Sow in the target's mind see the aura and focus on it. This is an important move to help you believe that this is something you can achieve. Tap your index fingers, brush and push your fingers together. The aura is "sticky" and once the fingers stick together, energy will also "float" between the fingers. Now, focus on the area between the two fingers while still rubbing them together. Then, separate the two fingers about 3 cm apart. Focus on the distance and see if there is haze, or colored smoke, between your fingers.
    • The more you practice, the clearer and more visible your aura will be. Then practice with your whole hand, rub your hands together and then separate to observe the aura in the middle.


  • Don't try to strain your eyes.
  • Relax, take a deep breath, and focus.
  • Be careful not to explicitly observe the other person's aura. They will think you are glaring at them.
  • Read books by Vincent Van Praagh. He is a very famous theologian.