How to have sex without letting your parents know

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Indian Parents Play Never Have I Ever With Their Kids | BuzzFeed India
Video: Indian Parents Play Never Have I Ever With Their Kids | BuzzFeed India


Having sex without your parents knowing can be difficult, especially if they make it a habit to monitor what you do. However, you shouldn't be afraid! If this has happened all the time, there's no reason you can't avoid letting your parents find out. You need to be creative, discreet, and well-planned. Read on to learn how to plan and execute this secret activity.


Method 1 of 3: Find place and time

  1. Performed when parents are away. Find out their schedule and plan a time when they're away from home for a minimum of a few hours. Make sure there is a long enough amount of time before you both practice. Listen to your parents talk about dates, weekend events, and movie plans. These events usually leave them absent for 3-5 hours and you can craft your secret action plan. If they're going to get out of town and let you keep your own home, this is a unique opportunity.

  2. If your partner's parents are more open or are more likely to be away from home, go over to your partner's house as much as possible. This is probably the easiest option.
    • If your parents don't let you go to your partner's house, you can still lie to say you go to a normal friend's house or go shopping, but this can leave you in trouble in the long run.

  3. Seize the opportunity. You never know when the perfect opportunity comes up. If you two are too excited about having sex, be ready to take the opportunity when it comes up.
  4. Use a car. It's okay to have sex in the car, but you must park your car in a remote location. This selection is a bit cramped but definitely doable. If you live in the countryside, try pulling over to the side of a deserted road. The industrial zones are quite deserted on weekends and after working hours. You can also hide in places where there are many cars around.
    • Use caution when parking near buildings or businesses. Watch out for security cameras and remember to read the signs that tell you not to go there. You should not get the attention of the police and security guards!
    • Remember, many public places are very closely monitored at night, when people have no reason to pass through. Inquire during the day if you want to avoid the suspicions of the police and security staff.

  5. Talk to your friends about other options. You can organize yourself some private space during a group reunion or at the home of a friend with a more easygoing parent. This is a bit risky, but well worth considering.
  6. Venturing outdoor sex. The natural spaces in remote places like parks and forests are the perfect place for privacy. Pack food and blankets in your backpack and hike together late in the afternoon in search of secluded spots. Remember to choose a safe and private place.
    • If you already know a suitable place, you two are welcome to fall in love there. Perhaps there is a "dating" spot in your area for couples, or you know an abandoned house in the woods or a quiet place no one will visit.
    • Make sure your partner is ready for this kind of relationship as well. Not everyone accepts outdoor relationships, so be sure to state your intentions first.
  7. Find another option for indoor space. Cheap hotel reservations if you have money.Take your loved one to an empty or rarely used room at school or work. Perhaps you have the key to your school or work warehouse, or you know an abandoned corner in the church basement. Try to be creative in your thoughts!
  8. Be aware of the risks. The law prohibits sexual intercourse in many public and outdoor places. It is illegal to have sex with a minor (under the age of 18 in the US), even if you are a minor yourself. If you really like this person and can find a secret place, then the law won't stop you but you should be aware of the possible consequences! If found to violate the law, you may be arrested or fined, and convicted of a sex offender. Worse still is discovered by parents!
    • Find out about the legal age for consensual sex in your country. In the US this age range is 16, 17 or 18, corresponding to the "accepted age gap". If the consensual sex age in your state is 18, it is illegal to have sex with someone younger than 18; you are 18 and your lover is 17, or you are 17 and your lover is 17.
    • Many teen couples have been convicted of sex offenses over the years. This criminal record will follow you through adulthood: you must be registered as a sex offender whenever you move into a new place, and may not be allowed to live within certain radius of a school. Whether the law is fair or blind, you need to be aware of the consequences of your actions!

Method 2 of 3: Keep it a secret

  1. Talk to your partner. You are both ready to have sex and accept the consequences. Make sure you both have the same wishes. At first this is a bit shy to say, but you have to discuss to arrange the best way to avoid detection. If you want your parents not to know, you must talk to your partner carefully.
    • Find a private place to talk. If your parents often read your texts, don't discuss the plan over text. If you go to the same school, you can talk there. Consider agreeing to a "code" to allude to sexual matters so that you can plan them more publicly.
  2. Be mentally prepared. Lying to your parents may seem easier than telling the truth, but if you want to successfully lie, you need sharp thinking and mental strength. To get rid of well, you need a plan, alibi, code and camouflage. Some people are better able to think of this than others. There is no room for error if you want to lie to your parents. If not then you can tell them everything now!
  3. Agree on an alibi for each meeting. Do this even if you don't think you need it. When your parents leave home for dinner and movies, tell them that you plan to do homework and watch TV at night. If you plan to hang out with a group of friends that your parents don't support, think of a more productive activity you think you can do that night: for example, study in a group or sleeping at a best friend's house. Use your imagination but always be ready to prove your words.
    • Be careful with what you say. Your parents may know more than you think, and you should not give them any reason to suspect. Know that your parents often talk to other parents.
    • So make sure your story matches the stories of those around you. If you say you're going to stay in a friend's house, make sure either A) your parents won't ask the friend's parents about it, or B) the friend's parents will lie to you.
  4. Keep secret. Secrets are best kept on a basis need to know to speakThat means only telling those who need to know. That also means you have to hide your traces to avoid being discovered. Do not reveal your diary, partner gifts, condoms, or any other evidence.
  5. Noise restriction. You can't expect this to only go quietly under the blanket if the two of you are too clumsy. Explain to your partner why to keep quiet. Once you've mastered the practice, you can even have sex when the house is full of people without anyone knowing.
  6. Consider non-sexual sexual activities. Masturbation to each other, oral sex and non-sexual acts are often easier to conceal. You will discover many unexpected opportunities for quick satisfaction together, but you cannot go to z together.

Method 3 of 3: Practice safety

  1. Understand the risks. Unprotected sex (sometimes with protection) can lead to unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections, general health problems, and psychological effects. Sex is great, but it also has a great responsibility: to your body, to your partner, to your family and to the future. Find materials online about having safe sex to make sure everything is done.
    • DO NOT have unprotected sex to avoid the risk of being discovered by a parent. An unwanted pregnancy or a sexually transmitted disease is much more difficult to explain than a condom box or birth control pill.
  2. Make sure you are ready. Make sure you are both mentally and physically ready to have sex. Sex is a fundamental part of being human, it can change the way you see the world around you. You should do this for good reasons. Are you truly ready to enjoy and take responsibility for sex, or are you under pressure from friends and outsiders? You should consider it from within.
  3. Use protection. It is best to combine measures if you want to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Condoms can be found in most drugstores and stores that specialize in condoms. For girls: ask your doctor about birth control pills and long-term birth control options if you plan to have sex. You might be afraid to talk about it at first but everyone does, and it's better to be safe than to regret it later!
    • Free condoms are provided in some hospitals, clinics and schools, you can go to the school nurse's office to find out. Keep condoms in a closet or a private place to avoid prying eyes. Always carry more condoms with you than you need, but do not use expired items on the package.
    • "External ejaculation" is not a sure way to prevent pregnancy. Even wearing a condom is not 100% sure, but much safer than other ways.
    • Sexually transmitted diseases can pose dangerous risks, and will haunt you for life. Consider who you will be relating to and whom that person has ever had. It is the responsibility of having sex to tell your partner about your sexual history.
  4. Get a gynecological exam. All women who have sex should have a gynecological check-up at least once a year for cancer screening, sexually transmitted diseases and birth control. Most young girls have no reason to go to the gynecological clinic before having sex, so it is difficult to get parental consent without losing the cover. But this is an important part of safe sex, and it's worth taking the time to see a doctor.
  5. Talk to adults. If you can't talk to your parents about sex, think about other adults who are comfortable with sensitive questions. Try talking to your doctor, teacher, trusted family member (brother, sister, aunt, uncle ...) or counselor. If you can't think of anyone, you should visit a clinic and ask to see a doctor. Sex has a great responsibility that you can not take on by yourself, so you should seek advice from someone who is experienced.
    • You or you are very easy to talk to, and will depend on your relationship with them. They have experience with sex and also understand where you come from. Consider their advice before moving forward.
  6. Consider letting your parents know. Your parents are more helpful and understanding you than you might think. Sneaking into having sex without letting your parents know will always put you at risk of being discovered.Think about whether you want to take the risk.
    • Speak with your parents confidently and mature about your decision. If you can explain why you are ready to have sex, they may set aside some space for you to decide for yourself.
    • Find out if a sexual partner's parents can cope with this news. If possible, talk to them. Things like that usually go much better if the parents understand it.


  • If your partner doesn't want to have sex, don't force it. It's their body so they have the right to decide. Besides, some people are not really ready.