How to Spray Paint on Glass

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to spray paint - GLASS [Tutorial - Areco Italia]
Video: How to spray paint - GLASS [Tutorial - Areco Italia]


Paint spray glass, especially glass in the bathroom, is important in creating privacy for your home. Spraying the window "paint" gives it a slightly dull color. This allows natural light to enter the room and block the view from outside. Paint spray glass is not difficult, but it requires concentration and attention to detail to make sure that the glass has been properly sprayed. Here's how to blur the glass.


Method 1 of 3: Spray Paint on Large Window

  1. Clean windows thoroughly. Wipe off dust and dirt from the glass surface.
    • After wiping and let the glass dry completely. Make sure there are no cloths or paper left on the windowsill or they will affect the look of the glass after spraying.

  2. Stick tape along the inside edge of the window frame. This border will separate the window from the part you don't want to spray paint.
    • Use blue tape. Paint blocking tapes are specially designed to withstand wetting. It has a weak adhesion that allows easy removal.
    • For trellis windows or with barriers (wooden bars between windows), tape the wood over with tape.
    • If the 3 cm paint barrier tape is not wide enough to cover the entire border, apply another piece on the other side. Use a check ruler to make sure the borders are symmetrical; Not immediately glued border will not look good.
    • If your window has no frames, simply paste it along the outside edge until you create the border.

  3. Cover the inner wall at the work area with paper or plastic sheet. Use tape to block the paint.
    • Do not leave any gaps or spaces where the spray can reach.
    • When working indoors, open doors and windows and turn on fans to help vent the air. Wear a mask to protect your nose and mouth. The gas from the aerosol is not good for your health.
    • Open the window if possible. This helps create a healthy working environment and reduces the likelihood of "smearing," and not spreading to other objects.

  4. Shake the spray bottle moderately, usually shake for 1-2 minutes.
    • Aerosols are available at home repair and craft stores.
    • While shaking the can, you will hear the ball inside. Test spray on the cardboard board. If spraying paint, prepare to spray paint your glass panels. If the paint doesn't come out evenly, keep shaking and try again for 1 minute.
  5. Move the sprayer back and forth across a wide area when spraying on windows to evenly coat the surface. Keep the spray bottle at least 30 cm away from the windowsill to prevent the paint from dripping and dripping.
    • Spray on a thin layer first. It will be easy to go back and spray a second or third coat to evenly coat the paint, but it will be difficult to remove runny streaks.
    • Wait 5-10 minutes for the paint on the glass to show up.
  6. Spray a second coat after the first one has completely dried. Move back and forth to create a smooth painted surface.
    • If necessary, apply a third or fourth coat until desired results are obtained. Move the spray in a direction focusing on the waiting time required between coats.
  7. Spray the acrylic primer on the sprayed window after it has completely dried. Spray primer, if you are satisfied with the look of the sprayed paint.
    • Acrylic primers help protect the glass from agents such as moisture and dust. Gloss protective coatings are usually very durable.
    • If you are not satisfied with the painted surface after the primer has completely dried, you will need to scrape it off with a razor.
  8. Carefully remove the paint blocking tape after the paint has dried. Remove slowly to avoid accidentally peeling off the paint.
    • If working indoors, carefully remove the paint blocking tape. This helps to prevent the paint from being removed from the wall.
    • Use white gasoline to remove paint stains from hands or other objects. Are not Use white gasoline to wash paint or finished work, as it can damage the quality.

Method 2 of 3: Spray Paint Glass panel doors

  1. Remove the door from the hinge and lay it on the plastic nylon. Turn the door over so that the door surface you want to spray paint on.
    • The garage is an ideal place to spray paint on glass. It helps prevent inhalation of toxic gases and limits false spray.
  2. Wipe the surface of the window with a towel and window cleaner. Dust clinging to the windows will show up on the paint and not look good.
    • Even if there is no dirt on the window, you should wipe it off to make sure the window is dry. Paint will not adhere well to damp or oily windows.
  3. Place paint-blocking tape around the outside edge of each window. The tape edge must always stick close to the barrier (the wooden bar separating the cells).
    • Since each window pane of a glass panel door is quite small, use 3 cm paint blocking tape. Using too large a border will allow more light in, but also reduce the surface area of ​​the sprayed glass.
  4. Cover door frames and barriers with tape. The only part of the door that was not covered was the glass.
    • Stick the tape over the tape and press it tightly to prevent the paint from getting stuck to the wood.
  5. Shake the spray bottle for 1 - 2 minutes. Although the labels on each can vary, usually sprays only need a few minutes of preparation.
    • Spray paint on a clear object, like plastic, before working on a window. Make sure the nozzle is spraying evenly. This will help the sprayed glass to be smooth and even.
  6. Spray slowly onto the glass. Keep the spray bottle about 30 cm away from the glass to keep the paint thin and even.
    • Pay attention to the pressure on the spray nozzle, as it will affect how much and how quickly the paint will be sprayed. Try to apply enough force to apply the spray evenly, and in a short time. This will help you get a thin coat of paint sprayed onto another, if needed.
    • Let the first coat dry before applying the second one. Do each successive coat with the thinnest amount of paint possible, even if you have to apply a third or fourth coat. Spraying paint slowly will limit the area of ​​thick paint and miss.
  7. Remove the tape from the door frames, railing, and glass. Make sure the paint is dry before removing the bandage, as it may damage the exterior outline.
    • The drying process takes about 5 minutes, but you should wait a few more minutes to be sure. Also, calculate how many coats and how thick you have sprayed, as these factors also affect the drying time of the paint.
    • If you are still not sure if the paint is dry, let it dry for another half an hour when the paint is almost completely dry.
    • Do not touch the spraying area to check if the paint is still wet. This will create smudges on the paint and need more coats to fix.

Method 3 of 3: Paint Spray Glass Design

  1. Cover the window area you want to spray paint with with a large sheet of paper. Seal with removable tape, such as paint blocking tape or tape.
  2. Sketch the image you want with pencil. Note that complex drawings will be difficult to spray paint, although it can be done with a lot of time and patience.
  3. Remove the sketch paper from the window and spread it on a scratch-resistant surface. Use a razor to cut the drawing, make sure the drawing is not cut quickly.
    • When cropping it should be noted that you are creating a large canvas so you will want the opposite of the drawn image.
  4. Wipe the glass thoroughly with ammonia cleaner and a clean cloth. This helps prevent dirt and rust from appearing in your design.
    • If your window has a thin film, wipe it with vinegar first to remove the oil. Paint will not adhere to oily glass.
  5. Stick the frame on the window with removable tape. Make sure it is glued in exactly where you want it to be.
    • Stick the tape around the frame to keep it secure. If the picture slips down while painting on a dry window, the picture will be smudged.
  6. Spray the exposed part of the window below the frame with a spray bottle. The closer you spray to the glass, the thicker and darker the paint will be.
    • If you are using more than one color in your drawing, spray one color at a time and wait for the color to dry before applying the next one.
  7. Wait for the spray paint to dry completely before removing the frame.
    • You can make the paint drier faster by placing the fan directly towards the window, making sure the fan is turned on in low gear so that the frame doesn't move.
  8. Remove the frame when it is completely dry. Slowly remove the tape while holding the frame to prevent the mold from sliding out of the picture. Gently lift the frame off the glass. advertisement


  • When deciding to change the picture on the spray paint window, use the razor's straight edge to scrape it out. Clean windows with soap and warm water.
  • If possible, get the help of a friend who knows how to spray paint on the glass when you're trying it for the first time. This will make you feel less discouraged when learning the details about spraying glass.

Things You Need

  • Wide paper plate
  • Adhesive plaster
  • Razor
  • Ammonia window cleaner
  • Clean towel
  • Vinegar
  • Window sprays