How to build muscle with push-ups

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Build MORE MUSCLE With Push Ups (4 Key Points)
Video: Build MORE MUSCLE With Push Ups (4 Key Points)


To get the most out of your push-ups (push-ups), first make sure you are in the correct posture. Then do a push-up as much as possible. When you feel comfortable, challenge yourself by increasing the number of push ups. This will help you build muscle. You can challenge yourself even further by bringing in extra weights and changing the push-up type.


Method 1 of 3: Do a push-up exercise

  1. Make sure your posture is correct. When doing the push-up, your lower back should be straight, i.e. not sagging or bent, and your feet should be shoulder-width. The elbows should be kept close to the body, that is, at an angle of 20 to 40 degrees from your abdomen. As you lower yourself, make sure your chest is as close to the floor as possible.
    • Be sure to squeeze your abs, legs, and butt. This will prevent the back from bending and sagging.
    • Try not to let your hips touch the floor. Your hips should be at shoulder level.

  2. Breathe properly. When you're doing push ups, be sure to inhale as you lower yourself. Then exhale as you push yourself up.
    • If you find it difficult to remember breathing, count aloud as you practice doing push-ups. Talking will force you to breathe when you do push-ups.

  3. Let's start with an easy exercise. Start by doing the number of push ups that are comfortable for you. This is called an exercise. Then do two more exercises. Make sure to rest for 60 seconds or more between turns. Practice this exercise three to four times a week, or every day until you feel like you're not exertion.
    • For example, if you can only do seven full push-ups, start by doing three push-ups each day until you feel comfortable.

  4. Increase the number of push ups. When you can easily do your normal number of push ups, add three to five more. Increasing the number of push ups will challenge your muscles, allowing you to build more muscle.
  5. Be consistent with your habits. Make sure to maintain your routine. If you find it difficult to stay in the habit, ask a friend to join you. Alternatively, you can hire a personal trainer to help you maintain the intensity of your workout as you strive for your goals.
    • For example, if you've been doing push-ups three days a week, don't give up that habit by dropping it down to twice a week.
    • Depending on the intensity of your push-ups, you may see results in one to two months.

Method 2 of 3: Add obstructions

  1. Wear a dumbbell shirt. Weightlifting tops are a great way to increase resistance to push-ups and help your muscles grow further. Tighten your dumbbell as you can tolerate it. This way, you can prevent the dumbbell from sagging and interfere with your movement. After that, do your normal push-ups.
    • You can buy weightlifting shirts from a local sporting goods store.
  2. Use a fitness backpack. This is a great way to add resistance, an alternative to wearing dumbbells. Fill the backpack with books, rice bags, or other heavy objects until the weight of the backpack is less than or equal to 20% of your body weight. Then you do normal push ups.
    • For example, if you weigh 60 kg, then your backpack should weigh up to 12 kg.
    • It's important to keep your backpack's weight within 20% of your body weight to avoid overloading your spine, shoulders, and elbows.
  3. Ask a friend to put pressure on your back. While you're doing the normal push-ups, have a friend put your hand on your upper back. Tell them to put pressure on your back as you push up during push-ups.
    • Make sure your friend applies equal force for each push.

Method 3 of 3: Diversify push-ups

  1. Inhale the slope up. This type of pushup involves raising your feet. Start by lifting your feet about 25 to 30 centimeters above the ground. Then perform normal push-ups.
    • Use a stack of books or steps to raise your feet.
    • The more you raise your feet, the harder it will be to push up.
  2. Inhale the ground on one leg. Start with regular push-ups. Make sure your back is straight, your feet shoulder-width apart, and your elbows are pressed against your sides. Then lift one leg up and do the push-ups as usual.
    • Do as many pushes as you feel comfortable with. Then repeat, lift the other leg.
  3. Try diamond push-ups. Place your hands in front of your chest on the floor. Press the thumb and fingers of both hands together to make a diamond shape. Remember to keep your legs and back straight. Then do the usual push-ups.
    • Diamond push-ups are great for triceps development.
  4. Try doing push-ups with one hand. For this move, keep your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Place one hand close to the center of the chest. Place your other hand behind your back. Then lower yourself and push up. Make sure to keep your elbows close to your body when doing the push ups.
    • If you find it difficult to do push-ups with one hand, start exercising your body by doing regular push ups, but your hands are close together like a diamond push. This will help you progress from regular two-handed push-ups to more difficult one-handed push-ups.
  5. Try plyometric push-ups (a method of training for muscle shock). Enter into standard push-up position. Lower yourself onto the floor as usual while doing the push-up. As you push back, push up as fast as you can with as much force as possible until your hands are flying into the air. Then return to the original position and repeat.
    • Challenge yourself by clapping your hands while they are in mid-air in between push-ups.


  • Stay hydrated by drinking water between workouts.
  • Inhale during rest time; For example, when advertising on TV, before you take a shower, or during your lunch break.