How to grow calves

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To FORCE YOUR CALVES To Grow With Smarter Training Methods
Video: How To FORCE YOUR CALVES To Grow With Smarter Training Methods


  • Don't use barbells or dumbbells with this exercise. You need to jump very hard unobstructed, so you can't use barbells or dumbbells.

Advice: Doing this exercise regularly will help the calves develop quickly. This vigorous bounce is what causes muscles to grow rapidly.

  • Practice jumping on the platform. Stand in front of a platform where you can jump easily. The toe of the foot will point toward the platform. Jump up and down so that you land on the platform above your feet. Jump back to the floor and repeat.
    • If you don't have a platform, you can use a box that fastens to the ground so that it won't slip.
    • Do not use dumbbells while jumping as you may need to support your hands when falling.

  • Skipping. Skipping is the fastest and easiest way to develop calves.

    To be effective you must Try to dance continuously for long periods of time (about 5 - 10 minutes).

  • Sitting on tiptoes. This move targets the slipper muscle in the calf. Sit on the treadmill with your toes on the lower floor, and tipto off the floor. Place the lower thighs under the swingarm, and place your hands on the levers to keep the levers in place. Push up on your heels to raise your swing, then slowly lower your heels. Now you will stretch your ankles as high as possible, contract your calf muscles and hold still.
    • Repeat at least 10 - 20 times.
    • Increase the weight to increase the difficulty of the exercise. You can change the way the muscle groups are applied by varying the angle of your feet. Do one exercise with your feet facing each other, then do the next with your feet open at a 45 degree angle.

  • Practice tiptoeing. You can do this exercise with either a machine or calf pad. Stand under the machine or place your feet on the base, starting with your heels about 7cm below the base. Raise yourself as high as you can by pushing the ends of your feet, then squeeze your calves at the highest position. Hold this position and lower your body back to the original position.
  • Squeeze thighs to lift calves. This exercise is also known as "tiptoeing". Sitting on the lap machine, use your toes and the tops of your feet to hold the pedal. Push the pedal by lifting your heel and exhaling. Rotate your ankles for maximum stretch while you stretch your calves. You should always keep your hips and knees steady. Hold this position, then lower your heels while flexing your ankles.
    • It is important to make sure all the weights are in the calves; Remember not to bend your knees or use other muscles to push.
    • You can increase the difficulty of this exercise by increasing the weight.
  • Part 2 of 3: Apply the right training strategy

    1. Use the full range of motion in each beat. Fitness experts believe that not exercising full range of motion will be useless for calf muscles. You have to do the full range of motion for each beat to get the entire muscle group to work. Calves are inherently used a bit every time you go upstairs or walk. But in order for the calf to develop, you need to do exercises that are not practiced every day.

      Most calf exercises require knees to be bent to lower the body and then push the legs up. You remember right Lower as much as possible and get up to maximum height to use up the range of motion of the exercise.

    2. Regularly practice calves during training sessions. You should exercise your calves two to three days per week for maximum benefit. Calf muscles need time to recover like other muscle groups. Make time for your calves to recover and focus on other strength training or full body exercises on days when your calves are not.
    3. Don't worry about exercises that are supposed to work wonders. Persistent calf exercises are the best way to get bigger calves. Standard calf exercises such as sitting and tiptoeing, thigh kicking, and skipping are designed to get the calves moving without injury. You can try other exercises if you are bored with the standard exercises, but you will slow down to get a bigger calf.
    4. Try hard. A calf will not grow unless you force it to exert some effort and pain. Remember that calves are used every day, especially when you do a lot of physical activity, so the calf is already used to a certain pressure. This means you have to do your best and continuously until you feel tired in your calves.
      • Some fitness trainers recommend not worrying about counting beats when doing calf exercises. For each exercise, practice as many reps until you feel too tired to continue.
      • After doing several reps, you can shake your calf to relieve the fatigue and continue.
    5. Exercise with bare feet. Not wearing shoes while exercising will allow your feet, legs, and most importantly calves to participate in a wider range of motion. Without the support of the sole and the elastic force, the calf was forced to work harder. Exercising without shoes and socks also helps your feet to grip the floor better, so it's harder to slip when lifting heavy weights.

      If you go barefoot, Consider exercising on a floor that absorbs impact force. Skipping or high impact movements on hard floors like concrete can cause joint injuries.

    6. Be patient. Bodybuilders that have all the other muscle groups all have a hard time working out with calves. It takes months and sometimes years to develop calves, especially if your legs are already thin. If you keep up with your exercise routine and make sure you get enough calories, you will eventually see the results you want. Don't give up too soon.
      • Note that genetics have a role in calves size as well. You can build muscle with exercise, but keep in mind that genetic factors can determine whether you have large or small calves. The key is health and motor function, size does not matter.

    Part 3 of 3: Gain weight for bigger calves

    1. Eat a balanced diet with healthy foods. To build bigger muscles, no matter what part of the body, you need to get enough energy through a well-balanced diet. Make sure to get the recommended amounts of protein, fat and carbohydrates each day, and eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
      • Avoid calories in the form of saturated fat and sugar. Don't eat a lot of fried foods, junk food, junk food, and pastries. Avoid white flour and sugar. Foods containing these ingredients will make you tired instead of energetic.
    2. Eat plenty of protein. Protein is the key to getting stronger and bigger muscles. Get your body protein by eating beef, chicken, fish, lamb, and other animal protein sources. If you are a vegetarian, eat eggs, legumes, green leafy vegetables and tofu, which are good sources of protein.

      Try to provide approx 1.5 - 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight to help muscles grow.

    3. Supplement with creatine. Creatine is a nitrogen-based acid that is naturally produced by the body and helps provide energy to muscle tissue.Taking creatine supplements is just as effective, and not harmful if you take the recommended dose. Add creatine to your meals for larger calves.
      • Creatine is produced in powder form and dissolved in water before drinking.
      • Read the instructions on the product packaging and do not exceed the recommended dosage of 20 grams per day.


    • Don't just train one muscle group as you can overuse injury. Often times you should change your training schedule or limit the number of sessions.
    • For best results, try to use your body weight.


    • Don't work out too much for any one muscle group as you will get injured.