How to make an oral rehydration salt solution (ORS)

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Prepare ORS (Oral Rehydration Salt) As Per WHO Formula For Pharmacy Practical (ENGLISH)
Video: How to Prepare ORS (Oral Rehydration Salt) As Per WHO Formula For Pharmacy Practical (ENGLISH)


Oral rehydration salt (ORS) is a special solution made from sugar, salt and clean water. This solution helps replace the water lost due to diarrhea or vomiting. Studies have shown that ORS is effective in rehydrating intravenous fluids in dehydration treatment. You can purchase pre-packaged ORS solutions such as Pedialyte®, Infalyte®, and Naturalyte®. You can also use clean water, salt and sugar to make this solution at home.


Method 1 of 2: Self-mixing ORS solution

  1. Hand washing. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before preparing the solution. Make sure you have a clean bottle or bottle on hand.

  2. Get the ingredients. To make the ORS solution, you need:
    • Table salt (such as kosher salt, iodized salt or sea salt)
    • Clean water
    • Sand sugar or powdered sugar

  3. Mix the dry ingredients. Place half a teaspoon of table salt and 2 teaspoons of sugar in a clean container. You can use either granulated sugar or powdered sugar.
    • If you don't have a measuring spoon, you can use a handful of sugar and a pinch of salt. However, this is not correct and should not be done.

  4. Add 1 liter of clean drinking water. If you cannot measure a liter, measure 5 cups of water (about 200 mL each). Use only clean water. Water can be bottled or freshly boiled and allowed to cool.
    • Make sure to use only water. Milk, broths, juices or soft drinks cannot be used because it will make the ORS solution ineffective. Don't add sugar.
  5. Stir well and drink. Use a spoon or a whisk to mix ORS powder in water. After about a minute of continuous stirring, the solution will dissolve completely. Now you can drink it.
    • The ORS solution can be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Do not store for longer.

Method 2 of 2: Understanding the ORS Solution

  1. Ask your doctor if you need to take an ORS. If you experience severe diarrhea or vomiting a lot, your body will become dehydrated, leading to dehydration. If you do, you will experience: increased thirst, dry mouth, drowsiness, less urination, dark yellow urine, headache, dry skin and dizziness. If you experience any of these symptoms, call your doctor. You may be asked to use an ORS solution if these symptoms are not severe.
    • Without treatment, dehydration will become severe. Symptoms of severe dehydration include: very dry mouth and skin, darker yellow or browning of urine, loss of skin elasticity, slow pulse, sunken eyes, convulsions, loss of body strength, and even be in a coma. If you or the person you are caring for has such severe dehydration symptoms, call an ambulance right away.
  2. Find out how an ORS solution treats severe dehydration. ORS solution was created to replace lost salt content and improve the body's ability to absorb water. At the onset of dehydration, you should take ORS. The main purpose of this solution is to rehydrate the body. It is easier to prevent premature dehydration by taking ORS than it is time to get treated.
    • Severe dehydration will require hospitalization and IV rehydration. However, if detected early, ORS water can be prepared at home to treat mild dehydration.
  3. Learn how to take the ORS. Take small sips of ORS water throughout the day. You can drink this solution while eating. If you are vomiting, stop taking ORS. Wait 10 minutes and then drink again. If you are nursing a baby or nursing a small baby, you will need to continue breastfeeding during treatment with ORS. You can take ORS until the diarrhea stops. The information below shows the dosage of the ORS solution to be used:
    • Infants and toddlers: 0.5 liter of ORS water in 24 hours
    • Young children (from 2 to 9 years old): 1 liter of ORS water within 24 hours
    • Children (over 10 years old) and adults: 3 liters of ORS water within 24 hours
  4. Know when to see your doctor if you have diarrhea. Symptoms should stop several hours after drinking the ORS water. The more you urinate, the urine will be pale yellow in color and clear. If symptoms do not improve, or if any of the following appear, seek medical help right away:
    • bloody diarrhea or tarry-black stools
    • persistent vomiting
    • high fever
    • severe dehydration (feeling dizzy, lethargic, sunken eyes, not urinating for 12 hours)


  • Diarrhea usually stops after three or four days. The real danger is the lack of water and nutrients in the child's body leading to malnutrition and dehydration.
  • Encourage your child to drink as much as possible.
  • You can buy packaged ORS powder at a pharmacy. Each pack contains 22g of powder for one drink. Follow the instructions on the package to make the solution.
  • A diet that includes bananas, rice, apple juice and toast will help you recover from diarrhea and in some cases limit dehydration, as these foods are easy to digest. .
  • If you have diarrhea, consider adding zinc. You can take 10 mg to 20 mg of zinc daily for 10–14 days after you have diarrhea. This way replenishes the zinc content in the body and prevents the disease from getting worse. Zinc is found in seafood such as oysters and crabs, beef, fortified cereals, and baked beans. These foods may be helpful, but require additional zinc to compensate for the loss from severe diarrhea.


  • Always check if the water used for mixing is clean.
  • If diarrhea does not go away after a week, consult your doctor or a medical professional.
  • Never give pills, antibiotics or other medications to a child with diarrhea unless prescribed by a doctor or healthcare professional.